
Reputation: 233

What data structure using O(n) storage with O(log n) query time should I use for Range Minimum Queries?

I'm stumped by the following homework question for an algorithms class:

Suppose that we are given a sequence of n values x1, x2 ... xn, and seek to quickly answer repeated queries of the form: given i and j, find the smallest value in xi... xj

Design a data structure that uses O(n) space and answers queries in O(log n) time.

Firstly, I'm uncertain whether a sequence refers to a sorted set, or an unsorted set - but since it doesn't say otherwise I'll assume sequence means unsorted.

So, I realize this obviously must involve a binary tree, if we're talking about O(log N) lookup time. So basically, I figure, you have a set S, and you insert each element in S into a binary tree. The problem is, the question basically wants me to come up with a way to answer queries where I'm given a range of indices into an unsorted set - and then determine the lowest value in that range in O(log N) time. How is that possible? Even if each number of the set is inserted into the tree, the best I can do is lookup any particular number in O(log N) time. This doesn't allow me to find the lowest value in an unsorted range of numbers in S.

Any suggestions?

Upvotes: 22

Views: 9900

Answers (6)

jatin mittal
jatin mittal

Reputation: 11

You can use 'Segment Tree'. In segment tress both update and query time is O(logn). Here are the links if you want to understand how it works.


Upvotes: 1

Jonas Kölker
Jonas Kölker

Reputation: 7837

Some prodding:

Suppose you stored, somehow, the minimum of all well-aligned* subarrays of length 1, 2, 4, 8, ...? How few of these minima can you get away with looking at to return the correct answer? How can you store them so that you can retrieve them efficiently?

(* e.g. store min(x0...3) and min(x4...x7), but not min(x1...x4))

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 11662

If the set were sorted, you would not need a tree. The smallest element in the range [i,j] would have index i.

So suppose the elements of your sequence were stored in order of their indices at the leaves of a tree. Can you store any additional information (ahem, perhaps some kind of min and max) at each interior node to facilitate your query?

If so, then if the tree is balanced, and if you can answer your query by looking only at the two paths from the root to the two elements at {i,j}, then you will achieve your O(log N) lookup cost. Since a balanced binary tree with N leaves contains (2N-1) total nodes, you will also satisfy your O(N) storage limit.

MORE DETAIL: Consider computing the minimum value in the range [i,j].

At each interior node A of the tree, keep the minimum value for all the leaves beneath it. This can be computed bottom up when the tree is first built.

Now start at leaf i. Walk up the tree, keeping as your candidate minimum value the value at i or anything known to be both right of i and left of j. Stop one node below the mutual ancestor of i and j.

Start again at leaf j. Walk up the tree, once again keeping as your candidate minimum the value at j or anything known to be both left of j and right of i.

Your minimum for [i,j] is then the minimum of the two values you've computed. Computing the maximum is analogous. Total storage requirement is 2 value per interior node plus two pointers per interior node plus one value per leaf, which is N + 4(N-1) for a full tree.

The path you travel up the tree from leaf i, is the same path you would travel down the tree if you were searching for leaf i.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace RangeSearch
    public class RangeSearch
        int[] tree;
        int N;

        int LeafLocation(int leafNumber) { return leafNumber + N - 1; }
        int LeafValue(int leafNumber) { return tree[ LeafLocation(leafNumber)]; }
        int LeftChild(int x) { return 2*x + 1; }
        int RightChild(int x) { return 2*x + 2; }
        int Parent(int x) { return (x-1)/2; }
        bool IsPowerOf2(int x) { while (x > 0) { if (x == 1) return true; if ((x & 1) == 1 ) return false; x = x >> 1; } return false; }
        bool IsAncestorOf( int x, int y ) { if( x>y ) return false;  return x==y || IsAncestorOf(LeftChild(x), y) || IsAncestorOf(RightChild(x),y); } // note: violating time bound for legibility, can fix by storing min/max descendant index at each node

        public RangeSearch(params int[] vals)
            if (!IsPowerOf2(vals.Length))
                throw new ArgumentException("this implementation restricted to N being power of 2");
            N = vals.Length;
            tree = new int[2 * N - 1];
            // the right half of the array contains the leaves
            vals.CopyTo(tree, N - 1);
            // the left half of the array contains the interior nodes, each of which holds the minimum of all its children
            for (int i = N - 2; i >= 0; i--)
                tree[i] = Math.Min(tree[LeftChild(i)], tree[RightChild(i)]);           

        public int FindMin(int a, int b)
            if( a>b )
                throw new ArgumentException( "FindMin expects a range [a,b] with a<=b" );
            int x = Walk( a, true, b);
            int y = Walk( b, false, a);
            return Math.Min(x, y);

        int Walk( int leafNumber, bool leftSide, int otherLeafNumber )
            int minSoFar =  LeafValue(leafNumber);
            int leafLocation = LeafLocation(leafNumber);
            int otherLeafLocation = LeafLocation(otherLeafNumber);
            int parent = Parent(leafLocation);
            bool cameFromLeft = (leafLocation == LeftChild(parent));
            return Walk2(minSoFar, parent, cameFromLeft, leftSide, otherLeafLocation);
        int Walk2(int minSoFar, int node, bool cameFromLeft, bool leftSide, int otherLeafLocation)
            if (IsAncestorOf(node, otherLeafLocation))
                return minSoFar;
            if (leftSide)
                minSoFar = !cameFromLeft ? minSoFar : Math.Min(minSoFar, tree[RightChild(node)]);
                minSoFar = cameFromLeft ? minSoFar : Math.Min(minSoFar, tree[LeftChild(node)]);
            return Walk2(minSoFar, Parent(node), node == LeftChild(Parent(node)), leftSide, otherLeafLocation);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace RangeSearch
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            RangeSearch rngA = new RangeSearch(9, 3, 7, 1);
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(3 == rngA.FindMin(0, 2) );
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(1 == rngA.FindMin(0, 3));
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(1 == rngA.FindMin(1, 3));

            RangeSearch rngB = new RangeSearch(1, 7, 3, 9);
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(3 == rngB.FindMin(1, 3));
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(1 == rngB.FindMin(0, 3));
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(1 == rngB.FindMin(0, 2));

            RangeSearch rngC = new RangeSearch(17, 21, 77, 70, 58, 79, 79, 89);
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(21 == rngC.FindMin(1, 7));

            RangeSearch rngD = new RangeSearch(94, 78, 88, 72, 95, 97, 89, 83);
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(72 == rngD.FindMin(1, 6));

            RangeSearch rngE = new RangeSearch(0, 66, 6, 43, 34, 34, 63, 49);
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(34 == rngE.FindMin(3, 4));

            Random rnd = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
                int[] tmp = new int[64];
                for (int j = 0; j < tmp.Length; j++)
                    tmp[j] = rnd.Next(0, 100);
                int a = rnd.Next(0, tmp.Length);
                int b = rnd.Next(a, tmp.Length);
                RangeSearch rng = new RangeSearch(tmp);
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(Min(tmp, a, b) == rng.FindMin(a, b));

        static int Min(int[] ar, int a, int b)
            int x = ar[a];
            for (int i = a + 1; i <= b; i++)
                x = Math.Min(x, ar[i]);
            return x;


Upvotes: 13


Reputation: 4465

Have you considered an Interval Tree?

Looking at the wikipedia entry, it seems to closely match what you are asking for.


Yes, it appears that interval trees are unsuitable for this scenario...

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 29301

The definition of sequence is an ordered set (not sorted).

Knowing that the set is ordered allows you to use a Cartesian Tree which is an ideal data structure for Range minimum queries.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 60458

OK, I think I have a good start for you, and I learned something new in the process.

I would take a look at the Wikipedia entry on Cartesian trees. I'm not going to tell you more than that for fear of doing your homework for you, but you seem like a smart guy so I figure you can work it out.

Thanks for helping me learn a new data structure, by the way!

Upvotes: 8

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