Reputation: 345
Following the thread "Add values to a reactive table in Shiny" by alexwhan:
Is there a way to avoid printing the first empty line?
I tried modifying values$df
to values$df(-(1:1),)
but that would print the first line in the table with index "2".
Thank you!
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Views: 879
Reputation: 16056
The solution for me was to not create that first row, but instead to make a data.frame with empty rows. As an aside it also seems to be better to use indexing rather than rbind()
ui=pageWithSidebar(headerPanel("Adding entries to table"),
sidebarPanel(textInput("text1", "Column 1"),
textInput("text2", "Column 2"),
actionButton("update", "Update Table")),
server=function(input, output, session) {
values <- reactiveValues()
#Create 0 row data.frame
values$df <- data.frame(Column1 = numeric(0), Column2 = numeric(0))
newEntry <- observe({
if(input$update > 0) {
isolate(values$df[nrow(values$df) + 1,] <- c(input$text1, input$text2))
output$table1 <- renderTable({values$df})
Upvotes: 1