
Reputation: 10825

fosRestBundle : Send Array into Http Request Header

Aim : Send an Http request as an array (i'm looking to the uri syntax if it's possible to send an array by the header of the Http)

Server Side

ProfilHandler.php My Profil Handler

     * Get a list of News.
     * @param int $limit  the limit of the result
     * @param int $offset starting from the offset
     * @param array $sector get profils by sectors
     * @return array
    public function all($limit = 5, $offset = 0,$sector)
        return $this->repository->findBy(array(), null, $limit, $offset, $sector);

ProfilController.php My Profil Controller

     * List all profiles.
     * @ApiDoc(
     *   resource = true,
     *   statusCodes = {
     *     200 = "Returned when successful"
     *   }
     * )
     * @Annotations\QueryParam(name="offset", requirements="\d+", nullable=true, description="Offset from which to start listing profiles.")
     * @Annotations\QueryParam(name="limit", requirements="\d+", default="10", description="How many pages to return.")
     * @Annotations\QueryParam(name="sector", requirements="\d+", default="IT", description="How many pages to return.")
     * @Annotations\View(
     *  templateVar="profiles"
     * )
     * @param Request               $request      the request object
     * @param ParamFetcherInterface $paramFetcher param fetcher service
     * @return array
    // ....
    public function getProfilsAction(Request $request, ParamFetcherInterface $paramFetcher)
        $offset = $paramFetcher->get('offset');
        $offset = null == $offset ? 0 : $offset;
        $limit = $paramFetcher->get('limit');
        $secteur = $paramFetcher->get('sector');

        return $this->container->get('genius_profile.profil.handler')->all($limit, $offset,$sector);

Upvotes: 2

Views: 4116

Answers (1)


Reputation: 2379

Yes, it is possible. For example:

Construct url like this: url ->[city]=1231&options[county]=3432

then in controller for some/route action you can get

$arr = $request->get('options', array());

And then $arr should conatin:

    [city] => 1231
    [county] => 3432


Maybe try this:

Remove requirements for sector (or set it to match comma separeted list requirements="[\w,]+":

* @Annotations\QueryParam(name="sector", default="IT", description="How many pages to return.")

Then construct url with sector as an comma separated list, for example


And inside controller retrive it like this:

$secteur = explode(',', $paramFetcher->get('sector'));


public function all($limit = 5, $offset = 0,$secteur)     {
    if (sizeof($secteur)>=1){
        return $this->repository->findBy(array('secteur' => $secteur), array('secteur' => 'ASC'));
    return $this->repository->findBy(array(), null, $limit);

Upvotes: 3

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