Reputation: 1808
I am writing a program that will evaluate the statement below, but I have to do it with a stack organized computer. This means that only pop and push can access memory.
How would I do this while using this program as a sample for my program?:
Load A
Store Stack0
JnS Push
Load B
Store Stack0
JnS Push
JnS PopS
Load C
Store Stack0
JnS Push
Load D
Store Stack0
JnS Push
Load E
Store Stack0
JnS Push
JnS PopM
Load F
Store Stack0
JnS Push
JnS PopS
JnS PopM
JnS PopA
Load G
Store Stack0
JnS Push
Load H
Store Stack0
JnS Push
Load K
Store Stack0
JnS Push
JnS PopM
JnS PopA
JnS PopD
JnS Pop
Push, Hex 0
Load Stack4
Store Stack5
Load Stack3
Store Stack4
Load Stack2
Store Stack3
Load Stack1
Store Stack2
Load Stack0
Store Stack1
JumpI Push
Pop, Hex 0
Load Stack1
Store Stack0
Load Stack2
Store Stack1
Load Stack3
Store Stack2
Load Stack4
Store Stack3
Load Stack5
Store Stack4
Load Zero
Store Stack5
Load Stack0
JumpI Pop
PopA, Hex 0
JnS Pop
Add Stack1
Store Stack1
JumpI PopA
PopS, Hex 0
JnS Pop
Load Stack1
Subt Stack0
Store Stack1
JumpI PopS
PopM, Hex 0
JnS Pop
Store Calc1
Store Calc3
JnS Pop
Subt One
Store Calc2
Skipcond 400
JnS Mult
Store Stack0
JnS Push
JumpI PopM
Mult, Hex 0
LoopM, Load Calc3
Add Calc1
Store Calc3
Load Calc2
Subt One
Store Calc2
Skipcond 400
Jump LoopM
Load Calc3
JumpI Mult
PopD, Hex 0
JnS Pop
Store Calc2
Load Zero
Store Calc3
JnS Pop
Store Calc1
Load Calc2
Skipcond 400
JnS Divs
Store Stack0
Jns Push
JumpI PopD
Divs, Hex 0
LoopD, Load Calc1
Subt Calc2
Store Calc1
Load Calc3
Add One
Store Calc3
Load Calc1
Skipcond 800
Jump EndD
Jump LoopD
EndD, Load Calc3
JumpI Divs
One, Dec 1
Zero, Dec 0
Calc1, Dec 0
Calc2, Dec 0
Calc3, Dec 0
A, Dec 9
B, Dec 8
C, Dec 7
D, Dec 6
E, Dec 5
F, Dec 4
G, Dec 3
H, Dec 2
K, Dec 1
Stack0, Dec 0
Stack1, Dec 0
Stack2, Dec 0
Stack3, Dec 0
Stack4, Dec 0
Stack5, Dec 0
Any help would be appreciated. I am new to MARIE, and have received next to no help so far whatsoever. Thank you! =)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2379
Reputation: 350310
This is not possible with MARIE. Although MARIE offers indirect addressing, this is not enough to perform arithmetic with just Push and Pop subroutines.
Neither Push nor Pop functions perform the arithmetic you need, so whatever stack manipulations you do, to perform an addition in MARIE you need somewhere to do:
Add <memory address>
AddI <memory address>
...and this accesses memory outside of a Push/Pop function, so you'll violate the constraints.
Note that your sample program violates the rules you have stipulated, as it accesses lots of memory locations outside of the push and pop functions, such as Stack0
, Stack1
, ... Calc1
, Calc2
, ...etc.
We could agree to relax the constraints as follows:
Some other basic stack functions beside Push/Pop can be implemented which also access stack memory, including:
: to reset the stack to an empty stack. This is needed when the program is restarted without reassembling the code: in that case the stack could be in any state, so resetting is needed.Peek
: to get the top of the stack without popping it. A shortcut to calling Pop
and then Push
: to replace the top of the stack with a given value, instead of first saving that value somewhere, then performing a Pop
, reading that value, and finally performing a Push
: to increase the stack pointer to include a value that was left outside the stack after a recent call to Pop
. This allows to navigate through the stack much like a Turing Machine's head.Two more functions are allowed to access the stack directly so to work around the limitation explained above (i.e. Add
and Subt
need a target memory address):
: to take a value from the stack, and add it to the value that is now at the top of the stack.
: to toggle the sign of the value that is on the top of the stack.
Increasing and decreasing can be done with access to a constant One
(which also counts as a memory access), and could be used in two functions that either increase or decrease the value on the top of the stack.
If we allow for that, we can think of this data model for the stack:
/ Constants
One, Dec 1
StackBase, Adr Stack
/ Variables
StackValue, Dec 0 / Copy of the value on top of stack
StackTop, Adr StackPtr / Address of value on top of stack
StackPtr, Adr Stack / Target of next Push call
Stack, Dec 0 / Start of stack area
/ Nothing should be put below this point as it is used by the stack
There is some redundancy here, but it is necessary to make it work if we aim to not use any other (temporary) variables.
We can then aim for a main program that would look like this:
JnS StackInit / Stack: empty
JnS PushInput / Stack: A
JnS PushInput / Stack: A, B
JnS Subtract / Stack: A-B
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B, C
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B, C, D
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B, C, D, E
JnS Multiply / Stack: A-B, C, D*E
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B, C, D*E, F
JnS Subtract / Stack: A-B, C, D*E-F
JnS Multiply / Stack: A-B, C*(D*E-F)
JnS Sumup / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F)
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G, H
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G, H, K
JnS Multiply / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G, H*K
JnS Sumup / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G+H*K
JnS Divide / Stack: (A-B+C*(D*E-F))/(G+H*K)
It accesses no memory itself, but relies completely on stack-aware functions. Each of these subroutines leaves the result value both on the stack and in the accumulator, so that an intermediate result can always be Output
Here is the complete program:
JnS StackInit / Stack: empty
JnS PushInput / Stack: A
JnS PushInput / Stack: A, B
JnS Subtract / Stack: A-B
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B, C
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B, C, D
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B, C, D, E
JnS Multiply / Stack: A-B, C, D*E
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B, C, D*E, F
JnS Subtract / Stack: A-B, C, D*E-F
JnS Multiply / Stack: A-B, C*(D*E-F)
JnS Sumup / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F)
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G, H
JnS PushInput / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G, H, K
JnS Multiply / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G, H*K
JnS Sumup / Stack: A-B+C*(D*E-F), G+H*K
JnS Divide / Stack: (A-B+C*(D*E-F))/(G+H*K)
JnS Pop
/ PushInput() /
/ Get Input and push it on the stack /
/ In: -- /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ the pushed value /
/ Out: AC = the pushed value /
PushInput, Hex 0
JnS Push
JumpI PushInput
/ Subtract(a, b) /
/ The two values (on the stack) to take the difference /
/ from /
/ In (via stack): /
/ a: the first operand of the subtraction /
/ b: the second operand of the subtraction /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ the value of a - b /
/ Out: AC = a - b /
Subtract, Hex 0
JnS Negate
JnS Sumup
JumpI Subtract
/ Multiply(factor, multiplier) /
/ The factor times the multiplier /
/ In (via stack): /
/ factor: the value to mulitply /
/ multiplier: the times to multiply it by /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ the value of factor * multiplier /
/ Out: AC = factor * multiplier /
Multiply, Hex 0
JnS Shift / Move Multiplier
JnS Shift / Move Factor
JnS Push / Insert Product (= 0)
JnS UnPop / Restore Factor
JnS UnPop / Restore Multipler
SkipCond 000 / Multiplier < 0?
Jump EntryMul2 / No: PositiveMul
/ Yes: negate both Factor and Multiplier
JnS Negate / Negate Multiplier
JnS Pop
JnS Negate / Negate Factor
Jump EntryMul1
LoopMul, JnS Pop / Put Factor on top
JnS Sumup / Adapt Product by repeated addition
JnS UnPop / Put Factor on top again
EntryMul1, JnS UnPop / Put Multiplier on top
EntryMul2, JnS Decrease / Decrement Multiplier
SkipCond 000 / Multiplier < 0 ?
Jump LoopMul / No: repeat
JnS Pop / Discard Multiplier (0)
JnS Pop / Discard Factor
JnS Peek() / Get Product
JumpI Multiply
/ Divide(dividend, divisor) /
/ The dividend is divided by the divisor /
/ In (via stack): /
/ dividend: the value to divide /
/ divisor: the value to divide by /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ the value of dividend / divisor /
/ Out: AC = dividend / divisor /
Divide, Hex 0
JnS Pop / Pop Divisor
JnS Peek / Read Dividend
SkipCond 000 / Dividend < 0?
Jump PositiveDiv / No: PositiveDiv
/ Yes: negate both Dividend and Divisor
JnS Negate / Negate Dividend
JnS UnPop / Restore Divisor
JnS Negate / Negate Divisor
Jump ShiftDiv
PositiveDiv,JnS UnPop / Get Divisor
ShiftDiv, JnS Push / Duplicate Divisor as Sign (for sign check at end)
JnS Shift / Shift Sign
SkipCond 000 / Divisor < 0?
JnS Negate / No: Make Divisor negative (as we want to subtract)
/ Now dividend is positive (or 0) and divisor is negative (or 0)
JnS Shift / Shift Divisor
JnS Shift / Shift Dividend
Clear / Initialise Result
JnS Push / And stack it (below the parameters)
LoopDiv, JnS UnPop / Restore Dividend
JnS UnPop / Restore Divisor
JnS Sumup / Add the negative divisor
Skipcond 000 / Dividend is negative?
Jump StepDiv / No: continue
/ Yes: we're done: find sign, push quotient and return
JnS UnPop / Restore Divisor
JnS UnPop / Restore Sign
JnS Pop / Pop it (to get it in AC)
Skipcond 000 / Sign is minus?
Jump DoneDiv / No: just return the quotient
JnS Pop / Pop Divisor
JnS Pop / Pop Dividend
JnS Negate / Make Quotient negative
JumpI Divide / ...and return
DoneDiv, JnS Pop / Pop Divisor
JnS Pop / Pop Dividend
JnS Peek / Get Quotient
JumpI Divide / ...and return
StepDiv, JnS Pop / Pop Dividend
JnS Increase / Increment Quotient
Jump LoopDiv
/ Shift(value) /
/ The value (on the stack) is pushed again on the /
/ stack, and then the stack pointer is decremented /
/ twice so the given value is outside the stack /
/ In (via stack): /
/ value: the value to duplicate /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ Nothing. The given value is popped, but future /
/ UnPop() calls could restore these values /
/ Out: AC = value /
Shift, Hex 0
JnS Peek
JnS Push
JnS Pop
JnS Pop
JumpI Shift
/ Increase(value) /
/ The value (on the stack) is increased by 1 /
/ In (via stack): /
/ value: the value to increase /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ the increased value /
/ Out: AC = value + 1 /
Increase, Hex 0
JnS Peek
Add One
JnS StackRepl
JumpI Increase
/ Decrease(value) /
/ The value (on the stack) is decreased by 1 /
/ In (via stack): /
/ value: the value to decrease /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ the decreased value /
/ Out: AC = value - 1 /
Decrease, Hex 0
JnS Peek
Subt One
JnS StackRepl
JumpI Decrease
/ Sumup(a, b) /
/ The two values (on the stack) are added together /
/ In (via stack): /
/ a: the first operand of the addition /
/ b: the second operand of the addition /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ the value of a + b /
/ Out: AC = a + b /
Sumup, Hex 0
JnS Pop
AddI StackTop / Access to memory managed by the stack. Could be Alternative
JnS StackRepl
JumpI Sumup
/ Negate(value) /
/ The value (on the stack) is negated /
/ In (via stack): /
/ value: the value to negate /
/ Return (via stack): /
/ the negate value /
/ Out: AC = negated value /
Negate, Hex 0
Subt StackValue
JnS StackRepl
JumpI Negate
/ Push() /
/ Pushes a value on the stack /
/ In: AC = the value to push /
/ Out: AC = same /
Push, Hex 0
StoreI StackPtr
JnS UnPop
JumpI Push
/ Pop() /
/ Pops a value from the stack /
/ In: -- /
/ Out: AC is the popped value /
Pop, Hex 0
Load StackPtr
Subt One
Jns StackSync
LoadI StackPtr
JumpI Pop
/ UnPop() /
/ Moves the stack pointer to include a stored value /
/ In: -- /
/ Out: AC is the new value at the top of the stack /
UnPop, Hex 0
Load StackPtr
Add One
JnS StackSync
JumpI UnPop
/ StackRepl() /
/ Replace the top of the stack without moving the /
/ stack pointer /
/ In: AC is the value to replace /
/ Out: AC = same /
StackRepl, Hex 0
Store StackValue
StoreI StackTop
JumpI StackRepl
/ Peek() /
/ Get the value at the top of the stack without moving /
/ the stack pointer /
/ In: -- /
/ Out: AC = the retrieved value /
Peek, Hex 0
Load StackValue // Could be Pop + Push
JumpI Peek
/ StackInit() /
/ Reset the stack to an empty stack /
/ In: -- /
/ Out: AC = address of the stack /
StackInit, Hex 0
Load StackBase
JnS StackSync
JumpI StackInit
/ StackSync() /
/ Helper function to adapt the stack pointer and /
/ stack variables dependent on it /
/ In: AC = the new value of the stack pointer /
/ Out: AC = the value on top of the stack /
StackSync, Hex 0
Store StackPtr
Subt One
Store StackTop
LoadI StackTop
Store StackValue
JumpI StackSync
/ Constants
One, Dec 1
StackBase, Adr Stack
/ Variables
StackValue, Dec 0 / Copy of the value on top of stack
StackTop, Adr StackPtr / Address of value on top of stack
StackPtr, Adr Stack / Target of next Push call
Stack, Dec 0 / Start of stack area
/ Nothing should be put below this point as it is used by the stack
You can copy this program to, assemble and run it. Example input could be (for A
, K
Which outputs 2.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
A stack and the subroutines to leverage a stack can be implemented in MARIE with the indirection instructions.
| ONE, HEX 1
In the MARIE Simulator, once you run the program above and scroll all the way down in the memory window to the very last row, you can see 0001 in the very rightmost position on the lowest row, memory position FFF (since MARIE has 4k 16-bit words, the last word position is 0x1000 - 1 = FFF). With this it is clear any arbitrary memory location can be written to.
Now all a programmer has to do is create and manage an OFFSET, and combine OFFSET with STACKBASE to effectively create a STACKPOINTER.
MARIE's JNS/JUMPI instructions allow us to implement subroutines, so we can make PUSH and POP subroutines that decrement/increment OFFSET and STOREI or LOADI at STACKPOINTER.
Upvotes: 1