Reputation: 742
I am reading On Lisp and cannot make out why the code below has use a quote. Here is the excerpt from the text:
Another character combination reserved for the user is #[. Figure 17.3 gives an example of how this character might be defined as a more elaborate kind of left parenthesis. It defines an expression of the form #[x y] to read as a list of all the integers between x and y, inclusive:
#[2 7] (2 3 4 5 6 7)
Figure 17.3: A read-macro defining delimiters.
(set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\))) (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\[ #'(lambda (stream char1 char2) (let ((accum nil) (pair (read-delimited-list #\] stream t))) (do ((i (ceiling (car pair)) (1+ i))) ((> i (floor (cadr pair))) (list 'quote (nreverse accum))) (push i accum))))) Figure 17.3: A read-macro defining delimiters.
I do not understand why the line in the result form for the do**is **(list 'quote (nreverse accum))) rather than (nreverse accum). Because we can run the code which does not using quote below without problem, right?
(let ((acc nil))
(do ((i 2 (1+ i)))
((> i 7)
(nreverse acc))
(push i acc)))
Does any one know the trick here?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 154
Reputation: 139401
If you enter the new syntax at a Lisp listener, the reader would return a list of numbers. Evaluating this list of numbers would be an error, since Lisp expects a function or macro as the head of a list. Lists are not evaluating to themselves, as vectors, numbers, hash tables, ... are.
Thus you have two choices:
Here we see choice 2.
CL-USER 7 > (read-from-string "#[5 10]")
(QUOTE (5 6 7 8 9 10))
CL-USER 8 > (eval (read-from-string "#[5 10]"))
(5 6 7 8 9 10)
CL-USER 9 > (let ((e #[5 10]))
(describe e))
(5 6 7 8 9 10) is a LIST
0 5
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
If the reader macro would not return a quote list form, we would have to write:
CL-USER 10 > (let ((e '#[5 10])) ; notice the QUOTE
(describe e))
(5 6 7 8 9 10) is a LIST
0 5
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
Hmm, I would personally actually prefer the latter, having to write the quote explicitly.
I get:
CL-USER 17 > '(#[5 10] #[20 25])
((QUOTE (5 6 7 8 9 10)) (QUOTE (20 21 22 23 24 25)))
But I would have preferred:
CL-USER 18 > '(#[5 10] #[20 25])
((5 6 7 8 9 10) (20 21 22 23 24 25))
Upvotes: 2