Reputation: 77
I have a distance calculation in Postgres on a site that I did not build.
I programmed the script that inserts new locations in php because I know php better the ruby.
I am trying to figure out how I can insert new geometry points for locations.
I have tried using the following but I get like 8000+ miles between the points...
The current points in the database works with distance... but any new points I try to insert get the wrong distances. Even if I add 2 new points to check:
I am using the following code with a csv file of city state and zipcodes the rebuild the database:
2832 Hope Valley RI
2833 Hopkinton RI
2835 Jamestown RI
2836 Kenyon RI
2837 Little Compton RI
2838 Manville RI
2839 Mapleville RI
2840 Newport RI
2841 Newport RI
2842 Middletown RI
2852 North Kingstown RI
2854 North Kingstown RI
2857 North Scituate RI
2858 Oakland RI
2859 Pascoag RI
2860 Pawtucket RI
2861 Pawtucket RI
2862 Pawtucket RI
2863 Central Falls RI
2864 Cumberland RI
2865 Lincoln RI
2871 Portsmouth RI
2872 Prudence Island RI
2873 Rockville RI
2874 Saunderstown RI
2875 Shannock RI
2876 Slatersville RI
2877 Slocum RI
2878 Tiverton RI
2879 Wakefield RI
2880 Wakefield RI
2881 Kingston RI
2882 Narragansett RI
2883 Peace Dale RI
2885 Warren RI
2886 Warwick RI
2887 Warwick RI
My PHP insert Code
$content = file($selectfile1);
$posted_content = array();
list($rownum, $row) = each($content);
$posted_content[0] = explode(",", $row);
array_push($posted_content[0], "ID");
$count = 0;
$error = 0;
// iterate each row (1 post)
while (list($rownum, $row) = each($content))
// extract fields from row columns
$items = explode(",", $row);
list($zip, $city1, $state1) = $items;
array_push($posted_content, $items);
$getHTML ="" . $zip . "?o=xml&key=AvtYnvs3UjKaIPdG5v1YaVBL_5-Rhg_zgUwoQgvTiTS9dMxJSreIanWVLvTzQc86";
$getHTML1 ="" . $city . "," .$state . "?o=xml&key=AvtYnvs3UjKaIPdG5v1YaVBL_5-Rhg_zgUwoQgvTiTS9dMxJSreIanWVLvTzQc86";
// get the response from the Locations API and store it in a string
$output = file_get_contents($getHTML);
// create an XML element based on the XML string
$response = new SimpleXMLElement($output);
// Extract data (e.g. latitude and longitude) from the results
$lat = $response->ResourceSets->ResourceSet->Resources->Location->Point->Latitude;
$lng = $response->ResourceSets->ResourceSet->Resources->Location->Point->Longitude;
$lat1 = RTRIM($lat);
$lat2 = LTRIM($lat1);
$lng1 = RTRIM($lng);
$lng2 = LTRIM($lng1);
//$getJSON = "" . $zip . "&sensor=false";
//$contentJSON = file_get_contents($getJSON);
//$Geocode_array = json_decode($contentJSON, true);
//$lat = $Geocode_array['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
//$lng = $Geocode_array['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
if(empty($lat2) || empty($lng2))
echo "<b>Error:</b>" . $city1 . ", " . $state1 . " " . $zip . "<br>";
$vals = "ST_GeographyFromText('POINT(" . $lat2 . " " . $lng2 . ")')";
$sql = "UPDATE locations SET coords =". $vals . " where zip ='" . $zip . "'";
$rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
if ($rs === false) die('Insert error: ' . $city . ', ' . $state . ' ' . $conn->ErrorMsg() . " SQL: " . $sql);
echo $error;
I have tried the following and none have worked right with distance calculations (calculation code is below in the ruby coding)
$vals = "ST_GeographyFromText('POINT(" . $lat2 . " " . $lng2 . "), 4326')";
$vals = "ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326; POINT(" . $lat2 . " " . $lng2 . ")')";
Here is my database table that it is being inserted in:
CREATE TABLE locations
id serial NOT NULL,
coords geography(Point,4326),
city character varying(255),
state character varying(255),
zip character varying(255),
created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
cs character varying(255),
alt text,
CONSTRAINT locations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
ALTER TABLE locations
OWNER TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE locations TO postgres;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE locations TO loadmax;
-- Index: index_locations_on_coords
-- DROP INDEX index_locations_on_coords;
CREATE INDEX index_locations_on_coords
ON locations
USING gist
Ruby coding that calculates the distance on my ruby site...
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :city, :coords, :state, :zip
set_rgeo_factory_for_column(:coords, RGeo::Geographic.spherical_factory(:srid => 4326))
def self.validate_cs_and_return_proper(location)
return "ANYWHERE" if location.upcase == "ANYWHERE" || location.nil? || location == ""
state = location[-2,2]
city = location.gsub(%r(, [a-zA-Z]+), '').strip
l = first(:conditions => {:city => city.downcase, :state => state.downcase})
if l.nil?
new_l = where("(levenshtein(city, '#{city}') <= 4) AND state = '#{state}'").order("levenshtein(city, '#{city}') ASC").first
return "#{}, #{new_l.state}"
return location
def self.city_state_exists?(location)
return true if location.upcase == "ANYWHERE" || location.nil? || location == ""
state = location[-2,2]
city = location.gsub(%r(, [a-zA-Z]+), '').strip
l = first(:conditions => {:city => city.downcase, :state => state.downcase})
if l.nil?
new_l = where("(levenshtein(city, '#{city}') <= 4) AND state = '#{state}'").order("levenshtein(city, '#{city}') ASC").first
return true unless new_l.blank?
return false
return true
def self.to_point(location)
return location unless location.class == String
return nil if location.upcase=='ANYWHERE'
state = location[-2,2]
city = location.gsub(%r(, [a-zA-Z]+), '').strip
l = first(:conditions => {:city => city.downcase, :state => state.downcase})
def self.to_cs(point)
return "ANYWHERE" if point.nil? || (point.x == 0.0 && point.y == 0.0)
l = first(:conditions => {:coords => point})
l[:state] = l[:state].upcase
c_parts = l[:city].split(" ")
c_parts.each {|part| part.capitalize! }
l[:city] = c_parts.join(" ")
return "#{l[:city]}, #{l[:state].upcase}"
def self.city_state(point)
return "ANYWHERE" if point.nil? || (point.x == 0.0 && point.y == 0.0)
city_state = {}
l = first(:conditions => {:coords => point})
city_state[:city] = l[:city]
city_state[:state] = l[:state]
def self.distance_between(locale_one, locale_two)
#locale_one and locale_two must be points
select = "ST_Distance(gg1, gg2)"
from = "(SELECT ST_GeographyFromText('#{locale_one}') AS gg1, ST_GeographyFromText('#{locale_two}') AS gg2) AS foo"
distance =
#1609.344 is how many meters are in a mile
"%.2f" % (distance[0].st_distance.to_f/1609.344)
def self.check_unknown(cs)
report = Report.first( :conditions => { :metric => "unknown_locations", :name => cs } )
#i.e. if it's been tried 25 times, add it to the locations table.
if report.value > 5
city, state = cs.split(",")
state = state.strip
google_api_results = HTTParty.get("{cs.gsub(/ /, "%20")}&sensor=true")
geo_data = google_api_results.parsed_response
lat = geo_data["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
lng = geo_data["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
l ={
:city => city,
:state => state,
:coords => "ST_GeographyFromText('POINT( #{lat} #{lng} )')",
:cs => "#{city}, #{state}"
return l
return false
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1170
Reputation: 43712
The axis order is important. If one assumes the input is (lat lng), (and I don't blame most people for thinking that way,) you will get unexpected results:
SELECT ST_AsLatLonText('POINT(37.215396881103516 -93.295166015625)');
86°42'17.402"S 142°47'4.571"W or La Gorce Mountains, Antarctica
And swapping them around to (lng lat):
SELECT ST_AsLatLonText('POINT(-93.295166015625 37.215396881103516)');
37°12'55.429"N 93°17'42.598"W or 400-504 W Chestnut Expy Springfield, MO 65801, USA
Use the correct axis order for PostGIS, which is (X Y) or (long lat). Therefore use:
$vals = "ST_GeographyFromText('POINT(" . $lng2 . " " . $lat2 . ")')"
Upvotes: 3