
Reputation: 16186

App not showing up in "Open With" menu for supported document type

I have defined the UTIs my app supports, and can drag them onto the Dock icon. I've also implemented -application:openFiles: and -application:openFile: in my app delegate. But when I get info on an item of a UTI I support, it doesn't show up in the list, and is grayed out when I browse to "other". I've pasted a sample UTI from my plist below. What could I be doing wrong? I especially want it to work with the built-in App Store integration.

        <string>Comic Book Zip Archive</string>
        <string>Comic Book Zip Archive</string>


I fired up a VM with no third party applications other than my own installed, and everything is working as expected there. I've rebuilt my LaunchServices database like so:

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.fra‌​mework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user ; killall Dock

And that made no difference. I then made a dump of the LaunchServices database using this command, with results for my app bundle below it. It looks reasonable to me, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Is it possible I'm experiencing some type of collision with the other apps on my system? If so, how would I resolve that?

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.fra‌​mework/Support/lsregister -dump >>lsregister.txt

The dump:

bundle  id:            61808
    path:          /Applications/
    name:          AppName
    identifier:    com.abbey-code.AppName (0x800183e0)
    canonical id:  com.abbey-code.appName (0x8001a08d)
    version:       6433.0
    mod date:      5/6/2014 22:54:46
    reg date:      5/7/2014 9:04:25
    type code:     'APPL'
    creator code:  '????'
    sys version:   10.9
    exec sdk ver:  10.9
    exec os ver:   10.9
    flags:         relative-icon-path  
    item flags:    container  package  application  extension-hidden  native-app  x86_64  
    hi res:        is-capabile  is-explicit  user-can-change  
    app nap:       is-capabile  
    icon:          Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns
    executable:    Contents/MacOS/AppName
    inode:         37029967
    exec inode:    37030002
    container id:  32
    library:       Contents/Library/
    library items: QuickLook/AppNameQL.qlgenerator/
    type    id:            46888
        bindableKey:   3266
        generation:    7459
        uti:           com.abbey-code.cbz-archive
        description:   Comic Book Zip Archive
        flags:         exported  active  trusted  
        icon:          Contents/Resources/CBZ.icns
        conforms to:,
        tags:          .cbz
    type    id:            46932
        bindableKey:   3267
        generation:    7459
        uti:           com.abbey-code.cbr-archive
        description:   Comic Book RAR Archive
        flags:         exported  active  trusted  
        icon:          Contents/Resources/CBR.icns
        conforms to:   public.archive,
        tags:          .cbr
    claim   id:            37936
        bindableKey:   3268
        generation:    7459
        name:          Comic Book Zip Archive
        rank:          Owner
        roles:         Editor  
        flags:         relative-icon-path  
        icon:          Contents/Resources/CBZ.icns
        bindings:      com.abbey-code.cbz-archive
    claim   id:            37972
        bindableKey:   3269
        generation:    7459
        name:          Comic Book RAR Archive
        rank:          Owner
        roles:         Editor  
        flags:         relative-icon-path  
        icon:          Contents/Resources/CBR.icns
        bindings:      com.abbey-code.cbr-archive
    claim   id:            38008
        bindableKey:   3270
        generation:    1
        name:          PDF Document
        rank:          Default
        roles:         Viewer  
        bindings:      .pdf
    claim   id:            38044
        bindableKey:   3271
        generation:    1
        name:          RAR Archive
        rank:          Default
        roles:         Viewer  
        bindings:      .rar
    claim   id:            38080
        bindableKey:   3272
        generation:    1
        name:          ZIP Archive
        rank:          Default
        roles:         Editor  
        bindings:      .zip
    claim   id:            38116
        bindableKey:   3273
        generation:    7459
        rank:          Default
        roles:         QLGenerator  
        delegate:      QuickLook/AppNameQL.qlgenerator/
        bindings:      com.abbey-code.cbz-archive, com.abbey-code.cbr-archive

Upvotes: 3

Views: 577

Answers (1)


Reputation: 191

You can set your application to be the one to be launched by default for a specific document type in code. I've found this to be necessary in some cases where setting the link in the info.plist was not sufficient. This would typically be in the +initialize method of you app controller:

    //First Check if our app is the default application to open .cbz files
NSString *cbzUTI = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension,
NSString *currentCbzApp = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(LSCopyDefaultRoleHandlerForContentType((__bridge CFStringRef)cbzUTI, kLSRolesAll));

if ([currentCbzApp caseInsensitiveCompare:@"com.abbey-code.AppName"] != NSOrderedSame) {
    //If not, then first register it in Launch Services
    LSRegisterURL((__bridge CFURLRef)[[NSBundle mainBundle] executableURL], YES);
    //Second set it as the default handler for the file type
    LSSetDefaultRoleHandlerForContentType((__bridge CFStringRef)cbzUTI, kLSRolesAll,(__bridge CFStringRef) [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]);

Upvotes: 1

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