Reputation: 49
I am creating a maze game that is to be traversed and solved by the machine. I have created a maze class that contains the starting and ending positions of the maze as well as the maze itself which is contained in a 2d vector of bools. What I am getting tripped up on is how to actually code moving up and down and across the maze to get to the finish. My starting point is [11][4] in the maze and our professor has told us the best way to move about is to check all 4 locations around the current position and if its true (aka it is a path and not a wall) push it onto the stack. I understand conceptually what this means but I can't visualize how to code it properly, any help would be appreciated. FYI, there is a location struct that simplifies how to express a location.
struct Location {
friend std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Location &location) {
os << "(" << location.x << ", " << location.y << ")";
return os;
bool operator ==(const Location &rhs) const {return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y;}
bool operator !=(const Location &rhs) const {return !(*this == rhs);}
operator bool() const {return x >= 0;}
Location(int x=-1, int y=-1) : x(x), y(y) {}
int x, y;
class Maze;
Maze load(std::string filename);
class Maze {
friend std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, Maze &maze);
friend Maze load(std::string filename);
Maze(std::vector<std::vector<bool> > specifics, const Location &startPos, const Location &endPos);
bool solve();
//void run();
bool contains(const Location &location) const;
bool isPath(const Location &location) const;
int height() {return spec.size();}
int width() {return spec[0].size();}
std::vector<std::vector<bool> > spec;
Location start, finish;
Location current;
bool Maze::solve() {
stack<Location> location; //vector to hold location objects/paths
Location current; //will hold current position in maze
current = start; //set current to start position in beginning
location.push(current); //push first maze location (start) onto vector
//cout << current;
///need to set current to top of stack; while traversing maze current is top of stack and if current hits (==) finish return true
while (!location.empty()) //while location still has values inside
{;//set current to top of stack
cout << current << endl;
cout << spec[6][4];
if (current==finish) //if current == finish the maze is solved
return true;
// for loop to start moving around... but how?
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Views: 1448
Reputation: 7625
here is a pseudo code;
1. push the starting location in a stack ( you can use std::stack)
2. while end location is not reached and stack is not empty
2.1 search all 4 surrounding locations of *top* location one by one
if any of them is a path, push it to stack, go 2.1
if none of them is a path, pop and remove top element from stack. go 2
3. if stack if empty and end location is not reached, maze can not be solved.
This is roughly the code (note, I did not compile it)
bool solve(Location currentLocation, Location endLocation)
if(currentLocation == endLocation)
return true;
Location newLoc1(currentLocation.x-1,currentLocation.y-1);
if(contains(newLoc) && isPath(newLoc))
return solve(newLoc,endLocation);
Location newLoc2(currentLocation.x+1,currentLocation.y-1);
if(contains(newLoc) && isPath(newLoc))
return solve(newLoc,endLocation);
Location newLoc3(currentLocation.x-1,currentLocation.y+1);
if(contains(newLoc) && isPath(newLoc))
return solve(newLoc,endLocation);
Location newLoc4(currentLocation.x+1,currentLocation.y+1);
if(contains(newLoc) && isPath(newLoc))
return solve(newLoc,endLocation);
return false;
You may need to add additional logic. And obviously you will go to infinite loop, since I did not checked if any cell was visited earlier before entering it. Somehow you have to remember it (may be a visited list).
Upvotes: 1