Reputation: 83
I am somewhat unsure as to how an enum value is associated to a string input. My intent is to read in data from a file and once I get to a certain getline delimiter, the string should be associated with the taxCategory of the object in the array. I did look around at other SO threads but none of them showed how to associate other values with different enum values.
I saw that there could be a way of doing this with templates but I haven't learned anything about those just yet.
Links for all of the code with line numbers
GrItem.cpp The lines with issues are 81 and 136.
Quick code info
This one is just intended to read the tax category as a string and save it to the correct taxCategory variable. I'm not sure if I should remove the delimiter from the string as I can do that later. However, if the determination of the string and the calculation of the tax amounts per taxCategory need to have them removed then I'll figure out a way.
// Read tax category
getline(nameFile, input, '#');
vectorList[count].taxCategory = input;// Casts string to a double
This one is just intended to print the tax category to the screen of the user. The intent is to have the string moved to the right side in a list format.
std::cout << vectorList[i].GrListItem::taxCategory << endl;// Print tax category
std::cout.fill(' ');
Full code
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "StoreInfo.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
// Tax rate catagories
const double alcoholTax = 0.08;
const double foodTax = 0.05;
const double genMerchandiseTax = 0.07;
const double medicineTax = 0.04;
struct cost{
double alcTax = 0.0, food = 0.0, genMerch = 0.0, meds = 0.0;// Total taxes collected for each tax bracket
double totalTax = alcTax + food + genMerch + meds;// Total Taxes to be accessed later
// Variables used in the accessor functions at the bottom
double costBeforeTax = 0.0, costAfterTax = 0.0, custSaving = 0.0, totRegPrice = 0.0, totSalePrice = 0.0;
const int listSize = 20;
// Main method
int main(){
string input;// Holds each line from the imported textfile temporarily
string fileName;// Name of grocery list user wishes to use
fstream nameFile;// File stream object
GrListItem itemList[listSize];// Creates a list of objects. These objects are each item on the list and hold related information
std::vector<GrListItem> vectorList(itemList, itemList + listSize);
cost itemTotalCost;
// Create a map from strin to enum
std::map<std::string, taxCategory> EnumMap;
EnumMap = enumMap;
// Initialize
EnumMap["alcohol"] = one;
EnumMap["food"] = two;
EnumMap["general merchansise"] = three;
EnumMap["medicine"] = four;
// Convert strings to enums
std::string key = "alcohol";
// Requests data from user
cout << "What is the name of the grocery list you wish to use? " << endl;
getline(cin, fileName);// Retrieves filename from user and applies string to grListName
// Tests to see if file can be opened
fstream testFile(fileName, ios::out);
if ({
cout << "ERROR: Cannot open indicated file.\n";
return 0;
// Open data file, ios::in);
// Read data and apply variables to an object
if (nameFile){
int count = 0;
while (nameFile && count < listSize){
// Read the name
getline(nameFile, input, '#');
vectorList[count].name = input;// Assigns item name to the object inside
// Read quantity
getline(nameFile, input, '$');
vectorList[count].quantity = atoi(input.c_str());// Casts string to an int
// Read regular price
getline(nameFile, input, '$');
vectorList[count].regPrice = stof(input.c_str());// Casts string to a float
// Read sale price
getline(nameFile, input, '#');
vectorList[count].salePrice = stof(input.c_str());
// Read on sale bool
getline(nameFile, input, '#');
if (vectorList[count].onSale == 'Y')// If the item is on sale, the isOnSale var returns true
vectorList[count].isOnSale == 1;
vectorList[count].isOnSale == 0;
vectorList[count].onSale = atoi(input.c_str());
// Read tax category
getline(nameFile, input, '#');
vectorList[count].taxCategory = input;// Casts string to a double
// These functions are called as many times as there are objects in the array.
getTotBeforeTax(vectorList[count].regPrice, vectorList[count].salePrice, vectorList[count].isOnSale);
getTotAfterTax(itemTotalCost.costBeforeTax, itemTotalCost.totalTax);
// Close file
cout << "ERROR: Cannot open file.\n";
// Sort array
// Maybe
std::sort(vectorList.begin(), vectorList.end(), sortByName);
// For loop that creates a receipt on the screen
// Formatting may or may not be correct
for (int i = 0; i != listSize; ++i){
std::cout << vectorList[i].name << endl;// Print item name
std::cout << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(20);
std::cout.fill(' ');
std::cout << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5);// Print item quantity
std::cout << vectorList[i].quantity << endl;
std::cout.fill(' ');
std::cout << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5);// Print regular price of item
std::cout << vectorList[i].regPrice << endl;// Adjust preci
std::cout.fill(' ');
std::cout << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5);// Print sale price of item
std::cout << vectorList[i].salePrice << endl;
std::cout.fill(' ');
if (vectorList[i].onSale == 1){
std::cout << 'Y' << endl;// Print 'Y' if vectorList[i] is on sale
std::cout.fill(' ');
else {
std::cout << 'N' << endl;// Print 'N' if vectorList[i] is not on sale
std::cout.fill(' ');
std::cout << vectorList[i].GrListItem::taxCategory << endl;// Print tax category
std::cout.fill(' ');
// Print details of purchase below list of bought items
// Display total before tax
// Display total after tax
// Display customer Savings
// Constructor
GrItem::GrItem(string name, int quantity, float regPrice, float salePrice, bool onSale, enum GrListItem::taxCategory taxCategory){
name = name;
quantity = quantity;
regPrice = regPrice;
salePrice = salePrice;
onSale = onSale;
enum GrListItem::taxCategory tax = taxCategory;
// Default constructor
GrItem::GrItem() {
// Associate the value of the item's tax based on the taxCategory enum
void calcTaxCategory(enum taxCat taxCat){
// Get the total cost before the tax
void getTotBeforeTax(double regPrice, double salePrice, bool onSale){
cost itemTotalCost;
if (onSale == 1){
itemTotalCost.costBeforeTax += salePrice;
itemTotalCost.totSalePrice += salePrice;
itemTotalCost.costBeforeTax += regPrice;
itemTotalCost.totRegPrice += regPrice;
// Get the total after tax
void getTotAfterTax(float costBeforeTax, float totalTax){
cost itemTotalCost;
itemTotalCost.costAfterTax = costBeforeTax + totalTax;
// Get the total amount of tax for each category
void getTotTaxCategory(enum taxCat taxCat){// These different values are determined by what enum tax category they are
cost itemTotalCost;
// Get customer savings (total of all differences between regular price and sale price for items that are currently on sale)
void getCustSave(double totRegPrice, double totSalePrice, bool onSale){
cost itemTotalCost;
if (onSale == 1){
itemTotalCost.custSaving = totRegPrice - totSalePrice;
// Function that is called to sort by name
bool sortByName(const GrListItem &lhs, const GrListItem &rhs){
return <;
// Function that is called to sort by quantity
bool sortByQuantity(const GrListItem &lhs, const GrListItem &rhs){
return lhs.quantity < rhs.quantity;
// Function that is called to sort by regular price
bool sortByRegPrice(const GrListItem &lhs, const GrListItem &rhs){
return lhs.regPrice < rhs.regPrice;
// Function that is called to sort by sale price
bool sortBySalePrice(const GrListItem &lhs, const GrListItem &rhs){
return lhs.salePrice < rhs.salePrice;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 343
Reputation: 9434
If you want to associate a string with an enum, there are several options available to you. Here are two of them:
Option 1: Use a const array of strings. Scan for a match with your input and cast the index of the matching string to the enum value. (handle the no match case, of course)
enum MyEnum {one, two, three, error};
const char * stringToEnum[] =
{"One", "Two", "Three"};
string key = "Two"; // for example
MyEnum e = error;
for(size_t index = 0; index < (sizeof(stringToEnum)/sizeof(stringToEnum[0])); ++index)
if(key == stringToEnum[index])
e = MyEnum(index);
Option 2: Create a map from string to enum. Requires run-time initialization, but the code to resolve the value is dead-easy:
Declare the map:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
enum MyEnum {error, one, two, three};
typedef std::map<std::string, MyEnum> EnumMap;
EnumMap enumMap;
Initialize the map:
int main()
enumMap["One"] = one;
enumMap["Two"] = two;
enumMap["Three"] = three;
Use the map to convert strings to enums First with the [] operator:
std::string key = "Two";
std::cout << key << "=" << enumMap[key] << std::endl;
key = "Three";
std::cout << key << "=" << enumMap[key] << std::endl;
// this will add a bogus entry to the table
// do not use [] if your input may contain bad keys.
key = "Five";
std::cout << key << "=" << enumMap[key] << std::endl;
Here's the output so far:
Now try the same thing with the at() mehtod:
key = "Two";
std::cout << "At: " << key << "=" << << std::endl;
key = "Three";
std::cout << "At: " << key << "=" << << std::endl;
// this will find the zero entry added by the [] operator
key = "Five";
std::cout << "At: " << key << "=" << << std::endl;
// this will throw an exception
key = "Seven";
std::cout << "At: " << key << "=" << << std::endl;
And here's the output using the at() method:
At: Two=2
At: Three=3
At: Five=0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): map::at
Upvotes: 4