Reputation: 214
I am trying to convert a binary number entered as "1010" for 10 using recursion. I can't seem to wrap my head around the syntax for getting this to work.
(define (mod N M)
(modulo N M))
(define (binaryToDecimal b)
(let ([s 0])
(helper b s)))
(define (helper b s)
(if (= b 0)
(begin (+ s 0))
(begin (* + (mod b 2) (expt 2 s) helper((/ b 10) + s 1)))))
Upvotes: 1
Views: 6993
Reputation: 48745
If you want "1010"
to translate to 10
(or #b1010
, #o12
or #xa
) you implement string->number
(define (string->number str radix)
(let loop ((acc 0) (n (string->list str)))
(if (null? n)
(loop (+ (* acc radix)
(let ((a (car n)))
(- (char->integer a)
(cond ((char<=? a #\9) 48) ; [#\0-#\9] => [0-9]
((char<? a #\a) 55) ; [#\A-#\Z] => [10-36]
(else 87))))) ; [#\a-#\z] => [10-36]
(cdr n)))))
(eqv? #xAAF (string->number "aAf" 16)) ; ==> #t
It processes the highest number first and everytime a new digit is processed it multiplies the accumulated value with radix and add the new "ones" until there are not more chars. If you enter "1010"
and 2 the accumulated value from beginning to end is 0, 0*2+1, 1*2+0, 2*2+1, 5*2+0
which eventually would make sure the digits numbered from right to left 0..n becomes Sum(vn*radic^n)
Now, if you need a procedure that only does base 2, then make a wrapper:
(define (binstr->number n)
(string->number n 2))
(eqv? (binstr->number "1010") #b1010) ; ==> #t
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 18917
Here's a simple recursive solution:
(define (bin->dec n)
(if (zero? n)
(+ (modulo n 10) (* 2 (bin->dec (quotient n 10))))))
> (bin->dec 1010)
> (bin->dec 101)
> (bin->dec 10000)
Upvotes: 3