Reputation: 51
I want to set my button icon using some geometry shapes, such as circle, square, etc.
I also want to set it in FXML something like:
<Button .....>
Is it possible? I do know how to load image icon into ImageView then setGraphic.
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Views: 2774
Reputation: 159281
The graphic in a button can be any Node. A Shape such as a Circle is a Node.
So just set the button graphic to the shape. You can even put many shapes in a container such as a VBox or StackPane and set the button's graphic to the container so the graphic consists of many shapes.
Here is a sample FXML file you can copy and paste and load up in SceneBuilder 2.
<?import javafx.geometry.Insets?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.Button?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.shape.*?>
<VBox spacing="10.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="">
<Button maxHeight="1.7976931348623157E308" maxWidth="1.7976931348623157E308" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Panic">
<Circle fill="RED" radius="8.0" stroke="BLACK"/>
<Button maxHeight="1.7976931348623157E308" maxWidth="1.7976931348623157E308" mnemonicParsing="false" text="All OK">
<Rectangle arcHeight="5.0" arcWidth="5.0" fill="LEMONCHIFFON" height="15.0" stroke="BLACK"
strokeType="INSIDE" width="15.0"/>
content="M 1.3657704,4.938667 C 1.1462945,5.1582921 1.1462945,5.5133282 1.3657704,5.7329533 L 3.7236648,8.0924507 C 3.9431407,8.3120765 4.2979355,8.3120765 4.5174113,8.0924507 L 9.5366913,3.0697579 C 9.7561672,2.8501328 9.7561674,2.4950969 9.5366913,2.2754716 L 8.6962538,1.4344625 C 8.4767779,1.2148374 8.121983,1.2148374 7.9025071,1.4344625 L 4.6107933,4.7284147 L 3.4902099,3.6070693 C 3.270734,3.3874441 2.9159392,3.387444 2.6964632,3.6070693 L 1.3657704,4.938667 z"
<Insets bottom="10.0" left="10.0" right="10.0" top="10.0"/>
Upvotes: 1