
Reputation: 4736

Query Rally Lookback API with owner name in output

I want a list of all the people who have revised the given user story in addition to other data.

I'm querying the Rally Lookback REST API with the following JSON data:

    "find" : { "FormattedID": "$STORY" }, 
    "fields" : ["ObjectID", "_ValidFrom", "_ValidTo", "Blocked", "c_KanbanState", "Owner"],
    "compress" : true 

With this query, I get the Owner's OID, like so:

  "_ValidFrom": "2014-05-09T15:18:29.912Z",
  "_ValidTo": "9999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "ObjectID": 18326652440,
  "Blocked": false,
  "Owner": 13786838413,
  "c_KanbanState": "Accepted"

Is there a way to hydrate that Owner field? I'd like to see "John Smith", but I'd settle for "[email protected]".

If I have to use the WSAPI for this, is there a way to query for a group of Owner OIDs at once -- if so, a sample would be helpful -- or will I need to loop through the collection of values and query each Owner individually?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 984

Answers (3)

Joel Sherriff
Joel Sherriff

Reputation: 478

And to add to what Nick and Trever have said, if you want to know who has revised a given story, the field you're looking for is "_User". Owner is the owner, _User is who created the revision. Nick's example code can be tweaked to hydrate the _User, since it's just an OID like Owner.

A caveat: if someone changed Only a big text field (like the Description), that doesn't create a snapshot so won't be returned.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 5966

As Trever said, in Lookback API user fields cannot be hydrated.

As far as an example that hydrates user fields using wsapi, the code below uses shapshotstore to get snapshots where '_PreviousValues.Blocked' : {$exists: true}, and then uses to get the DisplayName of owner in each snapshot.

Ext.define('CustomApp', {
    extend: '',
    componentCls: 'app',
    scopeType: 'iteration',
    comboboxConfig: {
        labelWidth: 100,
        width: 300
    launch: function() {
        var that = this;
        var iterationComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.IterationComboBox',{
            ready: function(combobox){
                                var iterationOid = combobox.getRecord().get('ObjectID'); 
            select: function(combobox){
                                var iterationOid = combobox.getRecord().get('ObjectID'); 
            scope: this  

        var that = this;
        var snapshotStore = Ext.create('', {
            find: {
                '_TypeHierarchy': 'HierarchicalRequirement',
                '_ProjectHierarchy': 12352608219,    
                '_PreviousValues.Blocked' : {$exists: true},
                'Iteration': iterationOid

            fetch: ['Name','FormattedID','ScheduleState','Blocked','_ValidFrom','_ValidTo', 'BlockedReason','Owner'], 
            order: 'OpenedDate DESC',
            hydrate: ['Blocked','ScheduleState'],
            compress: true,
            listeners: {
        load: function(store,records,success){
            console.log("loaded %i records", records.length);
                    that._onStoriesLoaded(snapshotStore, records);
    _onStoriesLoaded:function(store, records){
         var that = this;
        var promises = [];
         _.each(records, function(story) {
            promises.push(that._hydrateOwner(story, that));

            success: function(results) {
                that._stories = results;
                console.log('that._stories', that._stories);
    _hydrateOwner:function(story, scope){
        var deferred = Ext.create('Deft.Deferred');
        var that = scope;
        var  ownerDisplayName = null;
        var userOid = story.get('Owner');

        var storyBlocked = story.get('Blocked');{
            type: 'User',
            scope: this,
            success: function(model, operation) {
                fetch: ['UserName', 'DisplayName'],
                model.load(userOid, {
                    scope: this,
                    success: function(record, operation) {
                        owner = record.get('DisplayName');
                        var fid = story.get('FormattedID');
                        var state = story.get('ScheduleState');
                        var name  = story.get('Name');
                        var blocked = story.get('Blocked');

                        result = {
                                    "fid"       : fid,
                                    "name"      : name,
                                    "state"     : state,
                                    "blocked"   : blocked,
                                    "owner"     : owner    


        return deferred;

        _makeGrid: function() {

        if (this.down('#grid')) {

        var gridStore = Ext.create('', {
            data: this._stories

        var _grid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid', {
            itemId: 'grid',
            store: gridStore,
            columnCfgs: [
                    text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name'
                    text: 'FormattedID', dataIndex: 'fid'
                    text: 'ScheduleState', dataIndex: 'state'
                    text: 'Blocked', dataIndex: 'blocked'
                    text: 'Owner', dataIndex: 'owner'



Upvotes: 1

Trever Shick
Trever Shick

Reputation: 1784

Unfortunately, per the documentation -

It is not possible to hydrate some field types (e.g. User).

See the hydration section of the documentation

Upvotes: 1

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