Reputation: 2293
I have a table where I have values by month and I want to spread these values by week, taking into account that weeks that spread into two month need to take part of the value of each of the month and weight on the number of days that correspond to each month.
For example I have the table with a different price of steel by month
Product Month Price
Steel 1/Jan/2014 100
Steel 1/Feb/2014 200
Steel 1/Mar/2014 300
I need to convert it into weeks as follows
Product Week Price
Steel 06-Jan-14 100
Steel 13-Jan-14 100
Steel 20-Jan-14 100
Steel 27-Jan-14 128.57
Steel 03-Feb-14 200
Steel 10-Feb-14 200
Steel 17-Feb-14 200
As you see above, the week that overlaps between Jan and Feb needs to be calculated as follows
This takes into account tha the week of the 27th has 5 days that fall into Jan and 2 into Feb.
Is there any possible way to create a query in SQL that would achieve this?
I tried the following
First attempt:
( select '2014-1-1' as Month, 100 as PRICE
select '2014-2-1' as Month, 200 as PRICE
( select '2014-1-20' as week
select '2014-1-27' as week
select '2014-2-3' as week
ON WD.week>=PM.Month
AND WD.week < DATEADD(m,1,PM.Month)
group by
WD.week,PM.PRICE, DATEADD(m,1,PM.Month)
This gives me the following
week PRICE
2014-1-20 100 2014-02-01 00:00:00.000 14
2014-1-27 100 2014-02-01 00:00:00.000 14
2014-2-3 200 2014-03-01 00:00:00.000 28
I tried also the following
;with x as (
select price,
datepart(week,dateadd(day, n.n-2, t1.month)) wk,
dateadd(day, n.n-1, t1.month) dt
(select '2014-1-1' as Month, 100 as PRICE
select '2014-2-1' as Month, 200 as PRICE) t1
cross apply (
select datediff(day, t.month, dateadd(month, 1, t.month)) nd
(select '2014-1-1' as Month, 100 as PRICE
select '2014-2-1' as Month, 200 as PRICE)
where t1.month = t.month) ndm
inner join
(SELECT (a.Number * 256) + b.Number AS N FROM
(SELECT number FROM master..spt_values WHERE type = 'P' AND number <= 255) a (Number),
(SELECT number FROM master..spt_values WHERE type = 'P' AND number <= 255) b (Number)) n --numbers
on n.n <= ndm.nd
select min(dt) as week, cast(sum(price)/count(*) as decimal(9,2)) as price
from x
group by wk
having count(*) = 7
order by wk
This gimes me the following
week price
2014-01-07 00:00:00.000 100.00
2014-01-14 00:00:00.000 100.00
2014-01-21 00:00:00.000 100.00
2014-02-04 00:00:00.000 200.00
2014-02-11 00:00:00.000 200.00
2014-02-18 00:00:00.000 200.00
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2007
Reputation: 60462
If you have a calendar table it's a simple join:
calendar_date - (day_of_week-1) AS week,
SUM(price/7) * COUNT(*)
FROM prices AS p
JOIN calendar AS c
ON c.calendar_date >= month
AND c.calendar_date < DATEADD(m,1,month)
GROUP BY product,
calendar_date - (day_of_week-1)
This could be further simplified to join only to mondays and then do some more date arithmetic in a CASE to get 7 or less days.
Your last query returned jan 31st two times, you need to remove the =
from on n.n < ndm.nd
. And as you seem to work with ISO weeks you better change the DATEPART to avoid problems with different DATEFIRST settings.
Based on your last query I created a fiddle.
;with x as (
select price,
datepart(isowk,dateadd(day, n.n, t1.month)) wk,
dateadd(day, n.n-1, t1.month) dt
(select '2014-1-1' as Month, 100.00 as PRICE
select '2014-2-1' as Month, 200.00 as PRICE) t1
cross apply (
select datediff(day, t.month, dateadd(month, 1, t.month)) nd
(select '2014-1-1' as Month, 100.00 as PRICE
select '2014-2-1' as Month, 200.00 as PRICE)
where t1.month = t.month) ndm
inner join
(SELECT (a.Number * 256) + b.Number AS N FROM
(SELECT number FROM master..spt_values WHERE type = 'P' AND number <= 255) a (Number),
(SELECT number FROM master..spt_values WHERE type = 'P' AND number <= 255) b (Number)) n --numbers
on n.n < ndm.nd
) select min(dt) as week, cast(sum(price)/count(*) as decimal(9,2)) as price
from x
group by wk
having count(*) = 7
order by wk
Of course the dates might be from multiple years, so you need to GROUP BY by the year, too.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10098
Actually, you need to spred it over days, and then get the averages by week. To get the days we'll use the Numbers table.
;with x as (
select product, price,
datepart(week,dateadd(day, n.n-2, t1.month)) wk,
dateadd(day, n.n-1, t1.month) dt
from #t t1
cross apply (
select datediff(day, t.month, dateadd(month, 1, t.month)) nd
from #t t
where t1.month = t.month and t1.product = t.product) ndm
inner join numbers n on n.n <= ndm.nd
select product, min(dt) as week, cast(sum(price)/count(*) as decimal(9,2)) as price
from x
group by product, wk
having count(*) = 7
order by product, wk
The result of datepart(week,dateadd(day, n.n-2, t1.month))
expression depends on SET DATEFIRST
so you might need to adjust accordingly.
Upvotes: 1