Reputation: 876
Imagine you want to apply a function row-wise on a data.table. The function's arguments correspond to fixed data.table columns as well as dynamically generated column names.
Is there a way to supply fixed and dynamic column names as argument to a function while using data.tables?
The problems are:
won't work)This illustrates it:
# Sample dataframe
D <- data.table(id=1:3, fix=1:3, dyn1=1:3, dyn2=1:3) #fixed and dynamic column names
setkey(D, id)
# Sample function
foo <-function(fix, dynvector){ rep(fix,length(dynvector)) %*% dynvector}
# It does not matter what this function does.
# The result when passing column names not dynamically
D[, "new" := foo(fix,c(dyn1,dyn2)), by=id]
# id fix dyn1 dyn2 new
# 1: 1 1 1 1 2
# 2: 2 2 2 2 8
# 3: 3 3 3 3 18
I want to get rid of the c(dyn1,dyn2)
. I need to get the column names dyn1, dyn2 from another vector which holds them as string.
This is how far I got:
# Now we try it dynamically
cn <-paste("dyn",1:2,sep="") #vector holding column names "dyn1", "dyn2"
# Approaches that don't work
D[, "new" := foo(fix,c(cn)), by=id] #wrong as using a mere string
D[, "new" := foo(fix,c(cn)), by=id, with=F] #does not work
D[, "new" := foo(fix,c(get(cn))), by=id] #uses only the first element "dyn1"
D[, "new" := foo(fix,c(mget(cn, .GlobalEnv, inherits=T))), by=id] #does not work
D[, "new" := foo(fix,c(.SD)), by=id, .SDcols=cn] #does not work
I suppose mget()
is the solution, but I know too less about scoping to figure it out.
Thanks! JBJ
Update: Solution
based on the answer by BondedDust
D[, "new" := foo(fix,sapply(cn, function(x) {get(x)})), by=id]
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1735
Reputation: 263331
I wasn't able to figure out what you were trying to do with the matrix-multiplication, but this shows how to create new variables with varying and fixed inputs to a function:
D <- data.table(id=1:3, fix=1:3, dyn1=1:3, dyn2=1:3)
foo <-function(fix, dynvector){ fix* dynvector}
D[, paste("new",1:2,sep="_") := lapply( c(dyn1,dyn2), foo, fix=fix), by=id]
> D
id fix dyn1 dyn2 new_1 new_2
1: 1 1 1 1 1 1
2: 2 2 2 2 4 4
3: 3 3 3 3 9 9
So you need to use a vector of character values to get
columns. This is a bit of an extension to this question: Why do I need to wrap `get` in a dummy function within a J `lapply` call?
> D <- data.table(id=1:3, fix=1:3, dyn1=1:3, dyn2=1:3)
> setkey(D, id)
> id1 <- parse(text=cn)
> foo <-function( fix, dynvector){ fix*dynvector}
> D[, paste("new",1:2,sep="_") := lapply( sapply( cn, function(x) {get(x)}) , foo, fix=fix) ]
Warning message:
In `[.data.table`(D, , `:=`(paste("new", 1:2, sep = "_"), lapply(sapply(cn, :
Supplied 2 columns to be assigned a list (length 6) of values (4 unused)
> D
id fix dyn1 dyn2 new_1 new_2
1: 1 1 1 1 1 2
2: 2 2 2 2 2 4
3: 3 3 3 3 3 6
You could probably use the methods in create an expression from a function for data.table to eval as well.
Upvotes: 1