
Reputation: 57

Error with post hoc tests in ANCOVA with factorial design

Does anyone know how to do post hoc tests in an ANCOVA model with a factorial design?

I have two vectors consisting of 23 baseline values (covariate) and 23 values after treatment (dependent variable) and I have two factors with both two levels. I created an ANCOVA model and calculated the adjusted means, standard errors and confidence intervals. Example:


baseline = c(0.7672,1.846,0.6487,0.4517,0.5599,0.2255,0.5946,1.435,0.5374,0.4901,1.258,0.5445,1.078,1.142,0.5,1.044,0.7824,1.059,0.6802,0.8003,0.5547,1.003,0.9213)
after_treatment = c(0.4222,1.442,0.8436,0.5544,0.8818,0.08789,0.6291,1.23,0.4093,0.7828,-0.04061,0.8686,0.8525,0.8036,0.3758,0.8531,0.2897,0.8127,1.213,0.05276,0.7364,1.001,0.8974)

age = factor(c(rep(c("Young","Old"),11),"Young")) 
treatment = factor(c(rep("Drug",12),rep("Placebo",11)))

ANC = aov(after_treatment ~ baseline + treatment*age)

effect_treatage = effect("treatment*age",ANC)

  treatment   age       fit        se     lower     upper
1      Drug   Old 0.8232137 0.1455190 0.5174897 1.1289377
2   Placebo   Old 0.6168641 0.1643178 0.2716452 0.9620831
3      Drug Young 0.5689036 0.1469175 0.2602413 0.8775659
4   Placebo Young 0.7603360 0.1462715 0.4530309 1.0676410

Now I want test if there is a difference between the adjusted means of


So I tried:

pH = glht(ANC, linfct = mcp(treatment*age="Tukey"))
# Error: unexpected '=' in "ph = glht(ANC_nback, linfct = mcp(treat*age="


pH = TukeyHSD(ANC)
# Error in, length(means)) : unimplemented type 'NULL' in 'rep3'
# In addition: Warning message:
# In replications(paste("~", xx), data = mf) : non-factors ignored: baseline

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Many thanks!

PS for more info see

R: How to graphically plot adjusted means, SE, CI ANCOVA

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Views: 4198

Answers (3)


Reputation: 2998

If you wish to use multcomp, then you can take advantage of the wonderful and seamless interface between lsmeans and multcomp packages (see ?lsm), whereas lsmeans provides support for glht().

baseline = c(0.7672,1.846,0.6487,0.4517,0.5599,0.2255,0.5946,1.435,0.5374,0.4901,1.258,0.5445,1.078,1.142,0.5,1.044,0.7824,1.059,0.6802,0.8003,0.5547,1.003,0.9213)
after_treatment = c(0.4222,1.442,0.8436,0.5544,0.8818,0.08789,0.6291,1.23,0.4093,0.7828,-0.04061,0.8686,0.8525,0.8036,0.3758,0.8531,0.2897,0.8127,1.213,0.05276,0.7364,1.001,0.8974)
age = factor(c(rep(c("Young","Old"),11),"Young")) 
treatment = factor(c(rep("Drug",12),rep("Placebo",11)))
Treat <- data.frame(baseline, after_treatment, age, treatment)

ANC  <-  aov(after_treatment ~ baseline + treatment*age, data=Treat)


summary(glht(ANC, linfct = lsm(pairwise ~ treatment * age)))
## Note: df set to 18
##   Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
## Fit: aov(formula = after_treatment ~ baseline + treatment * age, data = Treat)
## Linear Hypotheses:
##                                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## Drug,Old - Placebo,Old == 0       0.20635    0.21913   0.942    0.783
## Drug,Old - Drug,Young == 0        0.25431    0.20698   1.229    0.617
## Drug,Old - Placebo,Young == 0     0.06288    0.20647   0.305    0.990
## Placebo,Old - Drug,Young == 0     0.04796    0.22407   0.214    0.996
## Placebo,Old - Placebo,Young == 0 -0.14347    0.22269  -0.644    0.916
## Drug,Young - Placebo,Young == 0  -0.19143    0.20585  -0.930    0.789
## (Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

This eliminates the need for reparametrization. You can achieve the same results by using lsmeans alone:

lsmeans(ANC, list(pairwise ~ treatment * age))
## $`lsmeans of treatment, age`
##  treatment age      lsmean        SE df  lower.CL  upper.CL
##  Drug      Old   0.8232137 0.1455190 18 0.5174897 1.1289377
##  Placebo   Old   0.6168641 0.1643178 18 0.2716452 0.9620831
##  Drug      Young 0.5689036 0.1469175 18 0.2602413 0.8775659
##  Placebo   Young 0.7603360 0.1462715 18 0.4530309 1.0676410
## Confidence level used: 0.95 
## $`pairwise differences of contrast`
##  contrast                       estimate        SE df t.ratio p.value
##  Drug,Old - Placebo,Old       0.20634956 0.2191261 18   0.942  0.7831
##  Drug,Old - Drug,Young        0.25431011 0.2069829 18   1.229  0.6175
##  Drug,Old - Placebo,Young     0.06287773 0.2064728 18   0.305  0.9899
##  Placebo,Old - Drug,Young     0.04796056 0.2240713 18   0.214  0.9964
##  Placebo,Old - Placebo,Young -0.14347183 0.2226876 18  -0.644  0.9162
##  Drug,Young - Placebo,Young  -0.19143238 0.2058455 18  -0.930  0.7893
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 4 estimates 

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 67818

You need to use the which argument in TukeyHSD; "listing terms in the fitted model for which the intervals should be calculated". This is needed because you have a non-factor variable in the model ('baseline'). The variable causes trouble when included, which is default when which is not specified.

ANC = aov(after_treatment ~ baseline + treatment*age)
TukeyHSD(ANC, which = c("treatment:age"))

If you wish to use the more flexible glht, see section 3, page 8- here

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 132969

Reparametrization is a possibility here:

treatAge <- interaction(treatment, age)
ANC1 <- aov(after_treatment ~ baseline + treatAge)
#fits are equivalent:
all.equal(logLik(ANC), logLik(ANC1))
#[1] TRUE

summary(glht(ANC1, linfct = mcp(treatAge="Tukey")))

#    Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses
#Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts
#Fit: aov(formula = after_treatment ~ baseline + treatAge)
#Linear Hypotheses:
#                                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#Placebo.Old - Drug.Old == 0      -0.20635    0.21913  -0.942    0.783
#Drug.Young - Drug.Old == 0       -0.25431    0.20698  -1.229    0.617
#Placebo.Young - Drug.Old == 0    -0.06288    0.20647  -0.305    0.990
#Drug.Young - Placebo.Old == 0    -0.04796    0.22407  -0.214    0.996
#Placebo.Young - Placebo.Old == 0  0.14347    0.22269   0.644    0.916
#Placebo.Young - Drug.Young == 0   0.19143    0.20585   0.930    0.789
#(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

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