Reputation: 7269
I developed an aco algorithm. I think it is not working properly... it will be hard to explain, but I will try.
The problem is pheromone level is floating. I assume, that pheromone level on the best path must be increased more and more, but in my programm it is not.
Optimal path
is a path, which is built by finding maximum pheromone level on edges between start vertex and goal vertex.
1 5 3
4 5 10
0 0 0
Optimal path
will be 1 -> 2 -> 3
Weight matrix:
0 3 10
0 0 3
0 0 0
Best path is: 1 -> 2 -> 3 (length: 6)
Another path (not optimal): 1 -> 3 (length: 10)
Pheromone levels after 10 ants:
0 5 1
0 0 3
0 0 0
Optimal path: 1 -> 2 -> 3
Pheromone levels after 20 ants (10 more):
0 1 5
0 0 1
0 0 0
Optimal path: 1 -> 3
Pheromone levels after 30 ants:
0 4 1
0 0 3
0 0 0
Optimal path: 1 -> 2 -> 3
Pheromone levels after 30 ants:
0 4 6
0 0 2
0 0 0
Optimal path: 1 -> 3
This is just an example, but it represents what the pheromones matrix in my program look like.
Pseudocode of my programm:
init alpha, beta and other coef's
while antCount do
current = start
// + init visited array for current ant, some others variables
while vertexAvailable(current) do
find probabilities to go to 1
or another vertex
generate random number, choose next
vertex depending on it,
defining nextVertex
current = nextVertex
if current == stop then
get path length
update pheromones on path of current
ant depending on path length
evaporation of pheromones
antCount = antCount - 1
So, why are pheromone levels in my program floating? Why doesn't the best path have most pheromone levels? I understand that there is probability factor in this algorithm, but it have to show correct result anyway.
What I am doing in my program? Here you can find full main loop source of my program.
1) Main cycle is a cycle, which will until there are any ants available for current iteration.
1.1) In this cycle I have another cycle (inner cycle), which will be fired until current ant have vertexes to go to them (vertexes mustn't be visited by current ant).
In inner cycle I do this:
1.1.1) Calculating denominator of the equation below
This formula will calculate probability of selecting ij
path (i
is current node, j
is next node).
var denom = 0;
for(col in graph[currentVertex])
// этот цикл формирует знаменатель формулы
var weight = graph[currentVertex][col];
if(weight != 0 && visited[col] != true)
var tau = pheromone[currentVertex][col];
denom = denom + getAttractiveness(tau, weight);
Also, there I adding all probabilites to an interval, which will help me to decide what vertex to choose.
for(col in graph[currentVertex])
var weight = graph[currentVertex][col];
if(weight != 0 && visited[col] != true)
var tau = pheromone[currentVertex][col];
var nom = getAttractiveness(tau, weight);
var probability = nom/denom;
intervals[col] = probability+intervals.last;
intervals.last = probability+intervals.last;
var rand = Math.random();
var nextVertex = 0;
for(vertex in intervals)
if (rand < intervals[vertex])
nextVertex = parseInt(vertex,10);
1.1.4) Some instructions, setting helpers (path helper, visited helped) etc
1.1.5) Next step, I am checking if founded vertex is goal vertex
If yes (that means, that ant found goal vertex) I am doing this: Getting length of current ant path
var length = 0;
while(source = pathCopy.pop())
console.log("dest: " + dest + " source: " + source);
length = length + graph[source][dest];
dest = source;
} Updating pheromone level on this path
var deltaTau = 5/length;
var dest = path.pop();
var source;
while(source = path.pop())
var oldPheromone = pheromone[source][dest];
// обновление феромона формула 3
var newPheromone = oldPheromone+deltaTau;
// console.log('pheromone levels: old =
// '+oldPheromone+' new = ' + newPheromone);
pheromone[source][dest] = newPheromone;
dest = source;
1.2) At the end of main cycle I am doing evaporation of pheromone levels:
for(row in pheromone)
for(col in pheromone[row])
var oldPheromone = pheromone[row][col];
// обновление феромона формула 3
var newPheromone = (1-ktau)*oldPheromone;
pheromone[row][col] = newPheromone;
Upvotes: 8
Views: 917
Reputation: 6591
When picking the followed path, your code always select the first neighbouring vertex below a random threshold. I'm not sure how this is supposed to represent ants going towards vertices with more pheromone. This method will work to a degree in area where pheromone concentration is relatively low (below 0.5). However, in areas where pheromone concentration is high (near or above 1), because your random()
number is between 0 and 1, you will be back to always picking the first available vertex. This is probably why you do not converge.
Upvotes: 4