Reputation: 579
I am using the following code to produce a numerical solution to a system of ODE's with 6 boundary conditions.
I am using the initial conditions to obtain a solution but I must vary three other conditions in order to find the true solution. The function I have is as follows:
function diff = prob5diff(M,Fx,Fy)
u0 = [pi/2 0 0]';
sSpan = [0 13];
p = @(t,u) prob5(t,u,M,Fx,Fy);
options = odeset('reltol',1e-6,'abstol',1e-6);
[s,u] = ode45(p,sSpan,u0,options);
L = length(s);
x = u(:,2); y = u(:,3); theta = u(:,1);
diff(1) = x(L) - 5;
diff(2) = y(L);
diff(3) = theta(L) + pi/2;
Ultimately, different values of M,Fx, and Fy will produce different solutions and I would like a solution such that the values in diff are as close to zero as possible so I want fsolve to iterate through different values of M,Fx, and Fy
I am receiving the following error: when I call it in this way:
opt = optimset('Display','iter','TolFun',1e-6);
guess = [1;1;1];
soln = fsolve(@prob5diff,guess,opt);
Error in line:
soln = fsolve(@prob5diff,guess,opt);
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. FSOLVE cannot continue.
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Views: 2179
Reputation: 998
One problem is that you have to call fsolve on prob5diff which takes a single vector input since your guess is a single vector:
M = x(1);
Fx = x(2);
Fy = x(3);
Upvotes: 2