Reputation: 9935
In my DAO layer, I have a Find function like this
public List<?> findCategoryWithSentenceNumber(int offset, int maxRec) {
Criteria crit = getSession().createCriteria(Category.class, "cate");
crit.createAlias("cate.sentences", "sent");
add("title"), "title").
add(Projections.count(""), "numberOfSentence").
return crit.list();
So, in order to read the data, I have to use a Loop (with Iterator
List<?> result = categoryDAO.findCategoryWithSentenceNumber(0, 10);
// List<DQCategoryDTO> dtoList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Iterator<?> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Object[] myResult = (Object[]);
String title = (String) myResult[0];
Long count = (Long) myResult[1];
assertEquals("test", title);
assertEquals(1, count.intValue());
// dQCategoryDTO = new DQCategoryDTO();
// dQCategoryDTO.setTitle(title);
// dQCategoryDTO.setNumberOfSentence(count);
// dtoList.add(dQCategoryDTO);
My question is: is there any api, framework to easily convert the List<?> result
in to a list of DTO
object (say, DQCategoryDTO) without using any loop, iterator and calling setter/getter to fill the value?
Upvotes: 28
Views: 65811
Reputation: 154070
You have so many options for mapping your projection to a DTO result set:
List<Tuple> postDTOs = entityManager.createQuery("""
select as id,
p.title as title
from Post p
where p.createdOn > :fromTimestamp
""", Tuple.class)
.setParameter( "fromTimestamp", Timestamp.from(
LocalDateTime.of(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC )))
Tuple postDTO = postDTOs.get(0);
List<PostDTO> postDTOs = entityManager.createQuery("""
select new,
from Post p
where p.createdOn > :fromTimestamp
""", PostDTO.class)
.setParameter( "fromTimestamp", Timestamp.from(
LocalDateTime.of( 2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
.toInstant( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ))
You can also omit the DTO package name from the JPA constructor expression, and reference the DTO by its simple Java class name (e.g.,
).List<PostDTO> postDTOs = entityManager.createQuery(""" select new PostDTO(, p.title ) from Post p where p.createdOn > :fromTimestamp
""", PostDTO.class)
.setParameter( "fromTimestamp", Timestamp.from( LocalDateTime.of( 2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) .toInstant( ZoneOffset.UTC ) )) .getResultList();
This one is available from Hibernate 5.2.11 so yet one more reason to upgrade.
List<Tuple> postDTOs = entityManager.createNativeQuery("""
p.title AS title
FROM Post p
WHERE p.created_on > :fromTimestamp
""", Tuple.class)
.setParameter( "fromTimestamp", Timestamp.from(
LocalDateTime.of( 2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
.toInstant( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ))
If we use the same PostDTO
class type introduced previously, we have to provide the following @SqlResultSetMapping
name = "PostDTO",
query = """
p.title AS title
FROM Post p
WHERE p.created_on > :fromTimestamp
resultSetMapping = "PostDTO"
name = "PostDTO",
classes = @ConstructorResult(
targetClass = PostDTO.class,
columns = {
@ColumnResult(name = "id"),
@ColumnResult(name = "title")
Now, the SQL projection named native query is executed as follows:
List<PostDTO> postDTOs = entityManager.createNamedQuery("PostDTO")
.setParameter( "fromTimestamp", Timestamp.from(
LocalDateTime.of( 2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
.toInstant( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ))
This time, your DTO requires to have the setters for the properties you need Hibernate to populate from the underlying JDBC ResultSet
The DTO projection looks as follows:
List<PostDTO> postDTOs = entityManager.createQuery("""
select as id,
p.title as title
from Post p
where p.createdOn > :fromTimestamp
.setParameter( "fromTimestamp", Timestamp.from(
LocalDateTime.of( 2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ).toInstant( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ))
.unwrap( org.hibernate.query.Query.class )
.setResultTransformer( Transformers.aliasToBean( PostDTO.class ) )
List postDTOs = entityManager.createNativeQuery("""
select as \"id\",
p.title as \"title\"
from Post p
where p.created_on > :fromTimestamp
.setParameter( "fromTimestamp", Timestamp.from(
LocalDateTime.of( 2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ).toInstant( ZoneOffset.UTC ) ))
.unwrap( org.hibernate.query.NativeQuery.class )
.setResultTransformer( Transformers.aliasToBean( PostDTO.class ) )
Upvotes: 46
Reputation: 16430
That's exactly the use case for which Blaze-Persistence Entity Views has been created for!
Your DTO looks like
interface DQCategoryDTO {
String getTitle();
int getCount();
and if you use Spring Data, you can use it in a repository like
interface CategoryRepository extends Repository<Category, Long> {
List<DQCategoryDTO> findAll(Pageable pageable);
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 835
Following is the complete example of how addresses are group together based on street name using Projection.
Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Address.class);
// adding condition
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("zip", "12345"));
// adding projection
.add(Projections.groupProperty("streetName"), "streetName")
.add(Projections.count("apartment"), "count"));
// set transformer
criteria.setResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(SomeDTO.class));
List<SomeDTO> someDTOs = criteria.list();
someDTOs list will contain number of result group by streetName. Each SomeDTO object contain street name and number of apartment in that street.
public class SomeDTO{
private String streetName;
private Long count;
public void setStreetName(String streetName){
public String getStreetName(){
return this.streetName;
public Long getCount() {
return count;
public void setCount(Long count) {
this.count = count;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9102
You can use ResultTransformer which can convert from alias to bean (DTO) properties. For usage you can refer to the Hibernate docs here at section 13.1.5
Upvotes: 5