Reputation: 215
I’m dealing with an issue which to my understanding looks unsupported on Spring Data JPA.
I got a grid (using JqGrid plugin for jQuery) on the view which sends parameters to the server, they are parsed and then a dynamic query generated through Specifications is executed.
The issue comes when I want to order a column which doesn’t belong to the root entity.
Eg. Transaction, Card and Account are my entities and grid displays last4digits as a way for the user to identify the card. As you can imagine last4digits belongs to Card. I query transactions per account.
Using specifications I can filter by that attribute, joining tables and so on but sorting fails as findAll() implementation assumes properties from Sort class belongs to the root entity.
Code example:
JQGridRule panFirst6DigitsRule = FilterUtils.findSearchOrFilterRule(settings, Card_.panFirst6Digits.getName());
JQGridRule panLast4DigitsRule = FilterUtils.findSearchOrFilterRule(settings, Card_.panLast4Digits.getName());
if(panFirst6DigitsRule != null) {
filterPan1 = TransactionSpecs.withPanFirst6Digits(panFirst6DigitsRule.getData(),
panFirst6DigitsRule.getOp(), gridGroupOp);
if(panLast4DigitsRule != null) {
filterPan2 = TransactionSpecs.withPanLast4Digits(panLast4DigitsRule.getData(),
panLast4DigitsRule.getOp(), gridGroupOp);
Specification<Transaction> joinSpec = TransactionSpecs.withAccountId(account.getAccountId());
Specification<Transaction> activeSpec = BaseSpecs.withEntityStatus(true);
Page<Transaction> results = transactionRepository.findAll(
Specifications.where(joinSpec).and(filterSpec).and(filterPan1).and(filterPan2).and(activeSpec), springPageable);
springPageable variable contains a Sort for last4Digits column generated this way*:
List<Order> sortOrders = new ArrayList<Order>();
Order sortOrder = new Order(Direction.ASC, "panLast4Digits");
sort = new Sort(sortOrders);
*There are missing code parsing parameters and creating more Order objects
Does someone know how to implement that kind of sort over an attribute which belongs to a parent entity/class?
Thanks in advance
Version 1.4.3 for Spring-data-jpa and 4.2.8 for Hibernate
Showing how Specification for panLast4Digits is generated
public static Specification<Transaction> withPanLast4Digits(final String panLast4Digits, final JQGridSearchOp op, final JQGridGroupOp whereOp) {
Specification<Transaction> joinSpec = new Specification<Transaction>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Transaction> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
Join<Transaction, Card> join = joinCards(root, JoinType.INNER);
return FilterUtils.buildPredicate(cb, join.get(Card_.panLast4Digits), op, panLast4Digits, null, whereOp);
return joinSpec;
private static Join<Transaction, Card> joinCards(Root<Transaction> root, JoinType joinType) {
Join<Transaction, Card> join = getJoin(root, Transaction_.parentCard, joinType);
// only join if not already joined
if (join == null) {
join = root.join(Transaction_.parentCard, joinType);
return join;
protected static <C, T> Join<C, T> getJoin(Root<C> root, Attribute<? super C, T> attribute, JoinType joinType) {
Set<Join<C, ?>> joins = root.getJoins();
for (Join<C, ?> join : joins) {
if (join.getAttribute().equals(attribute) && join.getJoinType().equals(joinType)) {
return (Join<C, T>) join;
return null;
Also I have updated to spring-data-jpa 1.6.0 and hibernate 4.3.5
Upvotes: 2
Views: 6664
Reputation: 4158
the attribute for Sorting is "yourChildentity.attribute"
In your Case you can use the PagingAndSortingRepository
this way:
let's assume you have two entities : an Account
and a Card
public class Account{
// Autogeneration and Ill just assume that your id is type long
private Long id;
private Card creditCard;
//getters and setters
public class Card{
//Id and other attributes.
private String panLast4Digits;
//getters and Setters
Repository interface :
public interface AccountRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Account, Long>,
Service Layer :
public interface AccountService{
//you can specify other arguments the one that you want to filter by
Page<Account> filter(Pageable pageable);
Service Implementation:
public calss AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService{
@Resource//or @Autowired
private AccountRepository repository;
public Page<Account> filter(Pageable pageable){
//Filter using Specifications if you have other arguments passed in the signature of the method.
return repository.findAll(pageable);//if you have specifications than return repository.findAll(yourspecification,pageable);
Now the call to service throw an endpoint or a Controller: just a mthod to see how to sort throw child entity parameter :
// method
private AccountService service;
public Page<Account> consumeMyService(){
// 0 : for Page 1
// 12 for page size
// Soting throw Child enntiy Account , by attribute panLast4Digits
PageRequest pageable = new PageRequest(0,
12, Direction.ASC, "mycard.panLast4Digits");
Page<Account> service.filter(pageable);
You must register you beans by configuring Jpa:repositories
for the repository interfaces, and context:component-scan
for service implementation
this answer may be useful too.
Upvotes: 7