I want to search for string in file and if there is string make action and if there isn´t string make other action, but from this code:
itcontains = self.textCtrl2.GetValue()
self.textCtrl.AppendText("\nTY: " + itcontains)
pztxtflpath = "TCM/Zoznam.txt"
linenr = 0
with open(pztxtflpath) as f:
found = False
for line in f:
hisanswpath = "TCM/" + itcontains + ".txt"
hisansfl =, "r")
textline = hisansfl.readline()
linenr = 0
ans = ""
while textline <> "":
linenr += 1
textline = hisansfl.readline()
rnd = random.randint(1, linenr) - 1
hisansfl =, "r")
textline = hisansfl.readline()
linenr = 0
pzd = ""
while linenr <> rnd:
textline = hisansfl.readline()
linenr += 1
ans = textline
self.textCtrl.AppendText("\nTexter: " + ans)
if not found:
self.textCtrl.AppendText("\nTexter: " + itcontains)
wrtnw =, "a")
wrtnw.write("\n" + itcontains)
If there is not that string it is working corectly, but if there is that string, what i am searching for it makes if not found action. I really don´t know how to fix it, i have already try some codes from other sites, but in my code it doesn´t works. Can somebody help please?
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Views: 80
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Are you saying that the code underneath the following if statement executes if the string contains what you're looking for?
If so, then you just need to add the following to the code block underneath this statement:
found = True
This will keep your if not found clause from running. If the string you are looking for should only be found once, I would also add a break statement to your first statement to break out of the loop.
Upvotes: 1