Reputation: 221
We have a heatmap we want to display. The numbers that will make up the values being displayed are unknown (except that they will be positive integers). The range of numbers is also unknown (again, except that they will be posiitive integars). The range could be between 0 and 200 or 578 and 1M or whatever. It depends on the data, which is unknown.
We want to take an unknown range of positive integers and turn it into a scaled (compressed) range to be displayed with RGB values in a heatmap. I hope this makes sense. Thanks!
I want to clarify that the min/max values need to be "plugged" into the forumla.
Upvotes: 22
Views: 31429
Reputation: 257057
You want to convert your data values to a frequency of light:
The frequencies of visible light go from about 350nm (violet) to 650nm (red):
The following function converts numbers in your specified range to the the range of visible light, then gets the rgb:
function DataPointToColor(Value, MinValue, MaxValue: Real): TColor;
r, g, b: Byte;
WaveLength: Real;
WaveLength := GetWaveLengthFromDataPoint(Value, MinValue, MaxValue);
WavelengthToRGB(Wavelength, r, g, b);
Result := RGB(r, g, b);
With the function i wrote off the top of my head:
function GetWaveLengthFromDataPoint(Value: Real; MinValues, MaxValues: Real): Real;
MinVisibleWaveLength = 350.0;
MaxVisibleWaveLength = 650.0;
//Convert data value in the range of MinValues..MaxValues to the
//range 350..650
Result := (Value - MinValue) / (MaxValues-MinValues) *
(MaxVisibleWavelength - MinVisibleWavelength) +
And a function i found on the internets, that converts a wavelength into RGB:
PROCEDURE WavelengthToRGB(CONST Wavelength: Nanometers;
Gamma = 0.80;
IntensityMax = 255;
Blue : DOUBLE;
factor : DOUBLE;
Green : DOUBLE;
IF Color = 0.0
THEN RESULT := 0 // Don't want 0^x = 1 for x <> 0
ELSE RESULT := ROUND(IntensityMax * Power(Color * Factor, Gamma))
END {Adjust};
CASE TRUNC(Wavelength) OF
Red := -(Wavelength - 440) / (440 - 380);
Green := 0.0;
Blue := 1.0
Red := 0.0;
Green := (Wavelength - 440) / (490 - 440);
Blue := 1.0
Red := 0.0;
Green := 1.0;
Blue := -(Wavelength - 510) / (510 - 490)
Red := (Wavelength - 510) / (580 - 510);
Green := 1.0;
Blue := 0.0
Red := 1.0;
Green := -(Wavelength - 645) / (645 - 580);
Blue := 0.0
Red := 1.0;
Green := 0.0;
Blue := 0.0
Red := 0.0;
Green := 0.0;
Blue := 0.0
// Let the intensity fall off near the vision limits
CASE TRUNC(Wavelength) OF
380..419: factor := 0.3 + 0.7*(Wavelength - 380) / (420 - 380);
420..700: factor := 1.0;
701..780: factor := 0.3 + 0.7*(780 - Wavelength) / (780 - 700)
ELSE factor := 0.0
R := Adjust(Red, Factor);
G := Adjust(Green, Factor);
B := Adjust(Blue, Factor)
END {WavelengthToRGB};
Sample use:
Data set in the range of 10..65,000,000. And this particular data point has a value of 638,328:
color = DataPointToColor(638328, 10, 65000000);
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 6601
You need to first find the range of those values to get the min and max. Then you need to create a colour scale like the bar below this image. You can experiment with different functions to map an integer to an RGB. You need 3 functions R(X), G(X), B(X). Looking at the image below it loks like B(X) peaks in the middle, R(X) peaks at the end and green is somewhere else. As long as you make sure that you never get two (RGBs) for some value of X then you've got your conversion.
EDIT: Come to think of it you could sample some unit circle around YUV space. alt text
Or even just download a high-res colour bar and sample that.
I was just faced with color bar generation and remembered the MATLAB/Octave colorbar code. I plotted their data and got the following image.
Upvotes: 22
Reputation: 41
Going off of the picture provided by Chris H, you can model the rgb values as:
r = min(max(0, 1.5-abs(1-4*(val-0.5))),1);
g = min(max(0, 1.5-abs(1-4*(val-0.25))),1);
b = min(max(0, 1.5-abs(1-4*val)),1);
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1759
Function for colorbar
// value between 0 and 1 (percent)
function color(value) {
var RGB = {R:0,G:0,B:0};
// y = mx + b
// m = 4
// x = value
// y = RGB._
if (0 <= value && value <= 1/8) {
RGB.R = 0;
RGB.G = 0;
RGB.B = 4*value + .5; // .5 - 1 // b = 1/2
} else if (1/8 < value && value <= 3/8) {
RGB.R = 0;
RGB.G = 4*value - .5; // 0 - 1 // b = - 1/2
RGB.B = 1; // small fix
} else if (3/8 < value && value <= 5/8) {
RGB.R = 4*value - 1.5; // 0 - 1 // b = - 3/2
RGB.G = 1;
RGB.B = -4*value + 2.5; // 1 - 0 // b = 5/2
} else if (5/8 < value && value <= 7/8) {
RGB.R = 1;
RGB.G = -4*value + 3.5; // 1 - 0 // b = 7/2
RGB.B = 0;
} else if (7/8 < value && value <= 1) {
RGB.R = -4*value + 4.5; // 1 - .5 // b = 9/2
RGB.G = 0;
RGB.B = 0;
} else { // should never happen - value > 1
RGB.R = .5;
RGB.G = 0;
RGB.B = 0;
// scale for hex conversion
RGB.R *= 15;
RGB.G *= 15;
RGB.B *= 15;
return Math.round(RGB.R).toString(16)+''+Math.round(RGB.G).toString(16)+''+Math.round(RGB.B).toString(16);
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 376
This answer is probably a little late to the party. I'm displaying some environmental data, and need to colour the resulting bars from green to red relative to the max and min of the data set (or which ever values are passed as max and min to the function. Anyway, the below accomplishes that. Can be changed for blue to red fairly easily enough, I would think.
// scale colour temp relatively
function getColourTemp(maxVal, minVal, actual) {
var midVal = (maxVal - minVal)/2;
var intR;
var intG;
var intB = Math.round(0);
if (actual >= midVal){
intR = 255;
intG = Math.round(255 * ((maxVal - actual) / (maxVal - midVal)));
intG = 255;
intR = Math.round(255 * ((actual - minVal) / (midVal - minVal)));
return to_rgb(intR, intG, intB);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 273
A little late, but I was trying to do the same and found I can modify HSV to RGB to get a similar result. It's similar to the wavelength approach but by passes the need to convert to wavelength first. Just substitute H with your value (assuming a value between 0 and 1), and fix S and V to 1. I found the HSVtoRGB example here to be very helpful:
However, I had to change the lines
h /= 60;
i = floor ( h );
h *= 5;
i = (int) h;
to get an output that goes through the whole spectrum.
Additional resource:
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Reputation: 6368
Continuing from Ian Boyd's excellent answer, I needed a distinguishable set of colours to build a heatmap. The trick was to find a way to differentiate close colours and I found a solution by converting to HSV and varying the V according to the value, with a little emphasis in the middle of the colour range to bring out the yellows and oranges.
Here's the code:
Imports System.Drawing
Imports RGBHSV
Module HeatToColour_
' Thanks to Ian Boyd's excellent post here:
Private Const MinVisibleWaveLength As Double = 450.0
Private Const MaxVisibleWaveLength As Double = 700.0
Private Const Gamma As Double = 0.8
Private Const IntensityMax As Integer = 255
Function HeatToColour(ByVal value As Double, ByVal MinValue As Double, ByVal MaxValues As Double) As System.Drawing.Color
Dim wavelength As Double
Dim Red As Double
Dim Green As Double
Dim Blue As Double
Dim Factor As Double
Dim scaled As Double
scaled = (value - MinValue) / (MaxValues - MinValue)
wavelength = scaled * (MaxVisibleWaveLength - MinVisibleWaveLength) + MinVisibleWaveLength
Select Case Math.Floor(wavelength)
Case 380 To 439
Red = -(wavelength - 440) / (440 - 380)
Green = 0.0
Blue = 1.0
Case 440 To 489
Red = 0.0
Green = (wavelength - 440) / (490 - 440)
Blue = 1.0
Case 490 To 509
Red = 0.0
Green = 1.0
Blue = -(wavelength - 510) / (510 - 490)
Case 510 To 579
Red = (wavelength - 510) / (580 - 510)
Green = 1.0
Blue = 0.0
Case 580 To 644
Red = 1.0
Green = -(wavelength - 645) / (645 - 580)
Blue = 0.0
Case 645 To 780
Red = 1.0
Green = 0.0
Blue = 0.0
Case Else
Red = 0.0
Green = 0.0
Blue = 0.0
End Select
' Let the intensity fall off near the vision limits
Select Case Math.Floor(wavelength)
Case 380 To 419
Factor = 0.3 + 0.7 * (wavelength - 380) / (420 - 380)
Case 420 To 700
Factor = 1.0
Case 701 To 780
Factor = 0.3 + 0.7 * (780 - wavelength) / (780 - 700)
Case Else
Factor = 0.0
End Select
Dim R As Integer = Adjust(Red, Factor)
Dim G As Integer = Adjust(Green, Factor)
Dim B As Integer = Adjust(Blue, Factor)
Dim result As Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, R, G, B)
Dim resulthsv As New HSV
resulthsv = ColorToHSV(result)
resulthsv.Value = 0.7 + 0.1 * scaled + 0.2 * Math.Sin(scaled * Math.PI)
result = HSVToColour(resulthsv)
Return result
End Function
Private Function Adjust(ByVal Colour As Double, ByVal Factor As Double) As Integer
If Colour = 0 Then
Return 0
Return Math.Round(IntensityMax * Math.Pow(Colour * Factor, Gamma))
End If
End Function
End Module
Imports System.Drawing
Public Module RGBHSV
Public Class HSV
Sub New()
Hue = 0
Saturation = 0
Value = 0
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal H As Double, ByVal S As Double, ByVal V As Double)
Hue = H
Saturation = S
Value = V
End Sub
Public Hue As Double
Public Saturation As Double
Public Value As Double
End Class
Public Function ColorToHSV(ByVal color As Color) As HSV
Dim max As Integer = Math.Max(color.R, Math.Max(color.G, color.B))
Dim min As Integer = Math.Min(color.R, Math.Min(color.G, color.B))
Dim result As New HSV
With result
.Hue = color.GetHue()
.Saturation = If((max = 0), 0, 1.0 - (1.0 * min / max))
.Value = max / 255.0
End With
Return result
End Function
Public Function HSVToColour(ByVal hsv As HSV) As Color
Dim hi As Integer
Dim f As Double
With hsv
hi = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(.Hue / 60)) Mod 6
f = .Hue / 60 - Math.Floor(.Hue / 60)
.Value = .Value * 255
Dim v As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(.Value)
Dim p As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(.Value * (1 - .Saturation))
Dim q As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(.Value * (1 - f * .Saturation))
Dim t As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(.Value * (1 - (1 - f) * .Saturation))
If hi = 0 Then
Return Color.FromArgb(255, v, t, p)
ElseIf hi = 1 Then
Return Color.FromArgb(255, q, v, p)
ElseIf hi = 2 Then
Return Color.FromArgb(255, p, v, t)
ElseIf hi = 3 Then
Return Color.FromArgb(255, p, q, v)
ElseIf hi = 4 Then
Return Color.FromArgb(255, t, p, v)
Return Color.FromArgb(255, v, p, q)
End If
End With
End Function
End Module
and a resulting heatmap, showing GDP per capita for the countries in the EEC:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 96177
Simple algorithm
// given a max and min value
float red,green,blue;
float range=max-min;
float mid=(max+min)/2.0;
//foreach value
red = (value[ii]-mid)/range;
if (red>0.0) {
//above mid = red-green
green = 1.0-red;
} else {
// lower half green-blue
green = 1.0-blue;
More complex:
If your range is a few million but most are around 0 you want to scale it so that 'red' in the above example is the log of the distance from the midpoint. The cod eis a little more complicated if the values are +/-
// assume equally distributed around 0 so max is the largest (or most negative number)
float range = log(fabs(max));
float mid=0.0
// foreach value
if (value[ii] > 0.0 ) {
// above mid = red-green
red = log(value[ii])/range;
green = 1.0 - red;
} else {
// below mid = green-blue
green = 1.0 - blue;
red = 0.0;
note - I haven't tested this code, just spinning ideas!
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 11
man, you could probably use YUV color space and only for demonstration purposes convert it to RGB.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9283
Without knowing the range of values, there isn't much you can do to come up with a meaningful function mapping an arbitrary range of positive integers to a heat-map type range of colors.
I think you're going to have to run through your data at least once to get the min/max or know them ahead of time. Once you have that you can normalize appropriately and use any number of color schemes. The simplest solution would be to specify something like "hue" and convert from HSV to RGB.
Upvotes: 2