
Reputation: 131

Function being called twice without reason

Im making a quiz application. And when i press a key inside a view the model gets updated via the controller. But the function in the models gets called 1 time at first. 2 times next time i press a key, 3 times next time,... etc.

I absolutely have no idea how this is happening. I've tried debugging it and it doesn't get called from multiple places. Just from 1 place. It's almost like the key events get stacked and keep calling the method.

Here is my code of multiple classes.

The quiz view where the key events get picked up :

 * This class will show the questions and react on the keyboard events
 * @author Matthias Claes
public class QuizView extends JPanel implements View {
private Observable $model;
private Controller $controller;

private Question $question;

private boolean $isPressed; /* To check if we already listened to a key press event */

public QuizView(Observable model, Controller controller){

    $model = model;

    if (controller == null)
        $controller = new QuizController(model);
        $controller = controller;

    $question = null;   
    $isPressed = false;

    /* Add a keylistener for every team */
    addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
            int teamSize; /* team size*/
            teamSize = ((QuizModel) getModel()).getTeams().size();
            if (Character.getNumericValue(e.getKeyChar()) <= teamSize) { /* If you pressed a number under the teamsize we listen to it, and there hasn't been pressed before */


                // Else ignore the key stroke


 * If a button gets pressed we call this function
 * @param team the team that pressed their button
protected void buttonPressed(int team) {
    /* Check if a button is pressed */
    if(((QuizModel) getModel()).getTeamPressed() > 0)
        $isPressed = true;
        $isPressed = false;

    /* If there hasn't been pressed yet and the question is not null */
    if(!$isPressed && $question != null){
        minimizeFrame(); /* Minimize the frame */

        /* If this question has a media path we need to pause the audio/video, we also check if the user has installed vlcplayer and selected the right path */
        if($question.getMediaPath() != null && QuizSoftwareModel.$vlcPath != null)
            ((QuizController)getController()).pause(); /* Pause the video */

        /* Give a pop up message to the admin that a team has pushed their button */


public void update(Observable arg0, Object arg1) {
    $question = (Question) arg1;


    if(((QuizModel) getModel()).getMaximize()) /* Only maximize the JFrame when needed */
        maximizeFrame(); /* Maximize the frame first */     


 * Maximize the parent JFrame so the teams can see the question
protected void maximizeFrame() {
    JFrame topFrame = (JFrame) SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this);


 * Minimize the parent JFrame so the teams can't see the question anymore 
protected void minimizeFrame() {
    JFrame topFrame = (JFrame) SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this);


A view thats shows a pop up window with a button to go the next question or replay the same question when the answer is wrong. Pushing the resume button is creating the problem.

public class GiveScoreView extends JFrame implements View {
Observable $model;
Controller $controller;

private Question $question; /* Saves the question that is passed by the update */

/*GUI elements */
ArrayList<JLabel> $answerLabels;
ArrayList<JCheckBox> $checkBoxes;
JLabel $questionLabel;
JLabel $teamPressedLabel;

/* 2 buttons to resume/end the question */
JButton $resumeButton;
JButton $calculateButton;

public GiveScoreView(Observable model, Controller controller) {


    $answerLabels = new ArrayList<JLabel>();
    $checkBoxes = new ArrayList<JCheckBox>();
    $questionLabel = new JLabel();

    $teamPressedLabel = new JLabel();

    $resumeButton = new JButton("Resume question"); /* TODO messagebundle */
    $calculateButton = new JButton("Calculate score"); /* TODO messagebundle */


 * Initializes the frame
private void initializeFrame() {
    setTitle("Give a score to the teams"); /* TODO languagebundle, Change the title of the frame */

    getContentPane().setLayout(new GridBagLayout());/* Set the layout to gridbaglayout */

    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    setVisible(false); /* Don't display it on default */


public void update(Observable arg0, Object arg1) {
    $question = (Question) arg1;

    /* Now we need to display this frame */
    if(((QuizModel) getModel()).getDisplayScoreView()){
        $teamPressedLabel.setText("Team " + Integer.toString(((QuizModel) getModel()).getTeamPressed()) + " is ready to answer!"); /* TODO messagebundle */
        $teamPressedLabel.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 34)); /* Change the font */
        setVisible(true); /* Now display the JFrame */

private void displayScoreView() {
    Multipleanswer multipleanswerQuestion; /* a multiple answer question to display the multipleanswer questions */
    Multiplechoice multiplechoiceQuestion; /* a multiple choice question to display the multiplechoice questions */
    ArrayList<String> answers = null;

    GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();

    /* Set the position of the JFrame so it's centered */
    Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

    // Determine the new location of the window
    int w = getSize().width;
    int h = getSize().height;
    int x = (dim.width - w) / 2;
    int y = (dim.height - h) / 2;
    int i = 0;

    // Move the window
    setLocation(x - 150, y - 150);

    /* Set size */
    setSize(550, 300);

    /* If the question isn't empty */
    if (!($question == null)) {
        c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; 

        $questionLabel.setText($question.getQuestion()); /* Set the text of the JLabel to the question itself */
        $questionLabel.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 26)); /* Change the font */

        getContentPane().add($teamPressedLabel,c); /* Add the label to the JFrame, the team that has pressed it's button */

        c.weighty = 1.0;

        /* Display the question under the team pressed text */
        c.gridx = 0;
        c.gridy = 1;

        getContentPane().add($questionLabel,c); /* Add the label to the JFrame, the question itself */

        /* If the type of the question is multipleanswer */
        if ($question.getType() == QuestionType.MULTIPLEANSWER) {

            /* Cast it to multipleanswer question */
            multipleanswerQuestion = (Multipleanswer) $question;

            /* Get the answers */
            answers = multipleanswerQuestion.getAnswers();
        } else if ($question.getType() == QuestionType.MULTIPLECHOICE) {

            /* Cast it to multiplechoice question */
            multiplechoiceQuestion = (Multiplechoice) $question;

            /* Get the answers */
            answers = multiplechoiceQuestion.getAnswers();

        /* Speed questions don't show answers so we only display answers if it's not a speed question */
        if ($question.getType() != QuestionType.SPEED) {
            /* Make a JLabel and JCheckBox for each answer */
            for (i = 0; i < answers.size(); i++) {
                $answerLabels.add(new JLabel(answers.get(i))); /* Make a new JLabel with answer string as text */
                $checkBoxes.add(new JCheckBox()); /* Make a new JCheckBox */

                $answerLabels.get(i).setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 16));
                c.gridx = 0;
                c.gridy = i + 2;
                getContentPane().add($answerLabels.get(i),c); /* Add the label to the JFrame */
                c.gridx = 1;
                c.gridy = i + 2;
                getContentPane().add($checkBoxes.get(i),c); /* Add the checkbox to the JFrame */


        /* Add actionlisteners to the buttons */
        $resumeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if($question.getMediaPath() != null && QuizSoftwareModel.$vlcPath != null) /* If there is an audio/video piece */
                    ((GiveScoreController)getController()).resumeMP(); /* Resume the mediaplayer if there is an audio/video piece */

                ((GiveScoreController)getController()).resumeQuestion(); /* Resume the question */
                closeFrame(); /* Close the frame */

        $calculateButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if($question.getMediaPath() != null && QuizSoftwareModel.$vlcPath != null) /* If there is an audio/video piece */
                    ((GiveScoreController)getController()).closeMP(); /* Close the mediaplayer */
                ((GiveScoreController)getController()).nextQuestion(); /* Go on to the next question */
                closeFrame(); /* Close the frame */
        /* Place the buttons */
        c.gridx = 0;
        c.gridy = i + 2;


        c.gridx = 1;
        c.gridy = i + 2;


The controller of the giveScoreView :

 * This class represents the controller of the GiveScoreView
 * @author Matthias Claes
public class GiveScoreController extends AbstractController {

public GiveScoreController(Observable model) {

 * Resume the question so other teams can answer it
public void resumeQuestion() {
    ((QuizModel) getModel()).resumeQuestion(); /* Resume the question */



The quiz model :

 * The model of the quiz
 * @author Matthias Claes

public class QuizModel extends Observable {
private ArrayList<Question> $questions;
private ArrayList<Team> $teams;
private Question $currentQuestion;
private MediaPlayer $mp;
private int $i; /* The position in the questions, at which question we are at the moment */
private int $teamPressed; /* The team that pressed their button */
private boolean $running;
private boolean $displayScoreView;
private boolean $maximize; /* A boolean that tells the QuizView if we need to maximize this JFrame again */

 * Constructor for QuizModel
 * @param questions a list of questions
public QuizModel(ArrayList<Question> questions){

    $mp = new MediaPlayer(this, null); /* null -> Give the default controller as parameter */

    $teams = new ArrayList<Team>();
    if (questions != null) {
        $questions = questions;
        $questions = new ArrayList<Question>();

    $currentQuestion = null;

    $teamPressed = 0; /* Default value*/
    $maximize = false; /* Default value */

    $i = 0;
    $running = false;
    $displayScoreView = false;

 * Starts the quiz
public void start() {

    if (initialized()) {// quiz properly initialized
        $running = true;

    else {
        // TODO what happens when the quiz isn't properly initialized yet

 * Will create a view where the admin can choose the score if the answer was right, resume if the answer was false.
 * @param i the team that pushed the button 
public void showScoreView(int i) {
    $teamPressed = i;

    /* Update the view */
    System.out.println("show score view");


 * Get the boolean displayScoreView
 * @return returns true of false, depending on the displayScoreView boolean
public boolean getDisplayScoreView(){
    return $displayScoreView;

 * Set the $displayScoreView boolean
 * @param displayScoreView the new value of $displayScoreView
public void setDisplayScoreView(boolean displayScoreView){
    $displayScoreView = displayScoreView;

 * Goes to the next question in the quiz
public void nextQuestion(){
    if($running == true && $i < $questions.size()){
        $currentQuestion = $questions.get($i);

        /* This question has a mediaPath but the user doesn't have vlc installed or selected the wrong folder, so they can't use this question, so we go to the next one */
        if($currentQuestion.getMediaPath() != null && QuizSoftwareModel.$vlcPath == null){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, QuizSoftwareModel.$messages.getString("videoDisplayError"));
            nextQuestion(); /* go the next question */

        /* Display the question */ 
            System.out.println("Diplay first question");

    } /* End of the quiz */
        /* Show winner TODO */


public Question getCurrentQuestion() {
    return $currentQuestion;

public int getI() {
    return $i;

 * Resume the question
public void resumeQuestion() {
    $teamPressed = 0; /* Reset the team that has pressed so other teams can press aswell */
    $maximize = true; /* Maximize the screen again */
    $displayScoreView = false;


 * Return the $maximize boolean
 * @return returns the $maximize boolean
public boolean getMaximize() {
    return $maximize;


The output i get is like this :
Diplay first question
show score view
show score view

So the resume method in the quizmodel is getting called multiple times.

I don't know if anyone can help me with this, but thanks already. My apologies for the very long post but i don't know how to show it else to you guys.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2932

Answers (2)


Reputation: 789

The kind of behavior you're experiencing suggests that you're adding new listeners to inputs each time the program reacts. Try moving this code block:

        /* Add actionlisteners to the buttons */
        $resumeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if($question.getMediaPath() != null && QuizSoftwareModel.$vlcPath != null) /* If there is an audio/video piece */
                    ((GiveScoreController)getController()).resumeMP(); /* Resume the mediaplayer if there is an audio/video piece */

                ((GiveScoreController)getController()).resumeQuestion(); /* Resume the question */
                closeFrame(); /* Close the frame */

        $calculateButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if($question.getMediaPath() != null && QuizSoftwareModel.$vlcPath != null) /* If there is an audio/video piece */
                    ((GiveScoreController)getController()).closeMP(); /* Close the mediaplayer */
                ((GiveScoreController)getController()).nextQuestion(); /* Go on to the next question */
                closeFrame(); /* Close the frame */

To inside the constructor, below your code:

    $resumeButton = new JButton("Resume question"); /* TODO messagebundle */
    $calculateButton = new JButton("Calculate score"); /* TODO messagebundle */

That way, you're only creating a single listener for each button.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 298233

Inside the method displayScoreView() you are adding an ActionListener to the button referenced by $resumeButton which will eventually invoke the resumeQuestion() method.

Since displayScoreView() is an instance method that may be invoked multiple times (and it seems that it will) while $resumeButton contains the same button instance the entire lifetime of the GiveScoreView instance there may be multiple listeners doing the same thing (i.e. invoke resumeQuestion()) registered on that button.

Note that if it is that hard to find out what the code is actually doing you should think about cleaning it up…

Upvotes: 2

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