Reputation: 1468
I'm looking for a way to import a SQL Server table data into goinstant. Is there a JSON editor or script that allows this and that can be clipboard pasted right into goinstant?
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Views: 70
Reputation: 1468
I may have come up with a solution. I was able to use a previously created sql to json object tsql script written by Matthew D. Erwin. I modified it to handle creating an importable output to goinstant. See the script here on github, or feel free to grab it from below.
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetJSON] Script Date: 5/16/2014 9:04:40 AM ******/
-- Author: Matthew D. Erwin (Snaptech, LLC)
-- Create date: May 9, 2013
-- Modified date: May 16, 2014 by Rudy E. Hinojosa (CBM Archives, LLC) [email protected]
-- Description: Returns the contents of a given table
-- in JavaScript Object Notation JSON -
-- Very notably useful for generating MOCK .json files
-- for testing or before RESTful services are completed.
-- This implementation:
-- *removed cursor (using FOR XML PATH(''))
-- *properly supports NULL vs quoted values
-- *supports dates in ISO 8601 - presuming UTC
-- *uses Data_Type and Is_Nullable info
-- *escapes '\'
-- *formats output with tabs/newlines
-- *can return final results as XML to bypass
-- truncation in SSMS
-- *supports schema (e.g. [dbo].[TableName]
-- *includes "recordCount" field
-- Options:
-- @table_name: the table to execute the query
-- @limit: equivalent to "select top N * from table"
-- @ssms: flag to use if executing in Sql Server Management Studio
-- to bypass result truncation limits.
-- @isgoinstant: flag to use if importing results to GoInstant database
-- Inspired primarily by the 2008 work of Thiago R. Santos which was influenced by Thomas Frank.
-- Usage: [dbo].[GetJSON] @Table_name = 'MySchema.MyTable', @limit = 50, @ssms = 0, @isgoinstant = 0
CREATE procedure [dbo].[GetJSON] (
@table_name varchar(max),
@limit int = null,
@ssms bit = 0,
@isgoinstant bit = 0
declare @json varchar(max), @query varchar(max), @table_schema varchar(max) = null
if( charindex('.', @table_name) > 0 )
set @table_schema = replace(replace( substring(@table_name, 0, charindex('.',@table_name)), '[', ''), ']', '')
set @table_name = replace(replace( substring(@table_name, charindex('.',@table_name) + 1,len(@table_name)), '[', ''), ']', '')
set @query =
'select ' + case when @limit is not null then 'top ' + cast(@limit as varchar(32)) + ' ' else '' end + ''' '' + REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(''' +
--case when @isgoinstant is not null then ('"' + cast(newid() as varchar(max)) + '"' + ': { ') else '' end +
CAST((SELECT ' "' + column_name + '" : ' +
case when is_nullable = 'YES'
then ''' + case when [' + column_name + '] is null then ''null'' else ' +
case when data_type like '%binar%' then null else '' end +
case when data_type like 'XM%' then null else '' end +
case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '''"'' + ' else '' end +
case when data_type like '%date%' then 'char(34) + convert(varchar(23),[' + column_name + '], 126) + ''Z'' + char(34)' else
'replace(replace(replace(replace(cast([' + column_name + '] as varchar(max)),''\'',''\\''),''"'',''\"''),char(10),''\n''),char(13),''\n'') ' end +
case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '+ ''"''' else '' end + ' end + '''
case when data_type like '%binar%' then null else '' end +
case when data_type like 'XM%' then null else '' end +
case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '"' else '' end +
''' + ' +
case when data_type like '%date%' then 'char(34) + convert(varchar(23),[' + column_name + '], 126) + ''Z + char(34)' else
'replace(replace(replace(replace(cast([' + column_name + '] as varchar(max)),''\'',''\\''),''"'',''\"''),char(10),''\n''),char(13),''\n'') + ''' end +
case when data_type like '%char%' or data_type like '%text%' then '"' else '' end end + ',' AS [text()]
from information_schema.columns where table_name = @table_name and (@table_schema is null or table_schema = @table_schema) FOR XML PATH('') ) as varchar(max)) +
'''),1,1,'''')) + '' }'' as json into tmpJsonTable from ' + @table_name + ' with(nolock) '
exec sp_sqlexec @query
if (@isgoinstant = 0)
set @json =
'{' + char(10) + char(9) +
'"recordCount" : ' + Cast((select count(*) from tmpJsonTable) as varchar(32)) + ',' + char(10) + char(9) +
'"records" : ' + char(10) + char(9) + char(9) + '[' + char(10)
+ REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(CAST((SELECT char(9) + char(9) + json + ',' + char(10) AS [text()] FROM tmpJsonTable FOR XML PATH('')) AS varchar(max))),1,2,''))
+ char(10) + char(9) + char(9) + ']' + char(10) + '}'
set @json =
'{' + char(10) + char(9) +
REVERSE(STUFF(REVERSE(CAST((SELECT case when @isgoinstant is not null then ('"' + cast(newid() as varchar(max)) + '"' + ': { ') else '' end + char(9) + json + ',' + char(10) AS [text()] FROM tmpJsonTable FOR XML PATH('')) AS varchar(max))),1,2,''))
+ char(10) + char(9) + char(9) + '}'
drop table tmpJsonTable
if( @ssms = 1 and len(@json) > 65535 ) --deal with Sql Server Management Studio text/grid truncation
select cast('<json><![CDATA[' + @json + ']]></json>' as xml) as jsonString
select @json as jsonString
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