Alex Malev
Alex Malev

Reputation: 177

Not working filter in CGridView (YII)

Not working filter elements in the CGridView. Tell me how to fix this? For example, you must select a category, choose "Baby", but nothing happens. enter image description here SiteController

public function actionIndex()
        $model = new Page;
        $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Page', array(
            'sort' => array(

        // renders the view file 'protected/views/site/index.php'
        // using the default layout 'protected/views/layouts/main.php'
        $this->render('index', array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider,'model'=>$model));


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'columns' => array(
        'title' => array(
            'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:250px;'),
        'created' => array(
            'name' => 'created',
            'value' => 'date("j.m.Y H:i", $data->created)',
            'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:90px;'),
        'category_id' => array(
            'name' => 'category_id',
            'value' => '$data->category->title',
            'filter' => Category::allCategory(),
            'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:150px; text-align:center;'),
        'subcategory_id' => array(
            'name' => 'subcategory_id',
            'value' => '$data->subcategory->title',
            'filter' => Subcategory::allCategory(),
            'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:150px; text-align: center;'),
        'condition_id' => array(
            'name' => 'condition_id',
            'value'=> '$data->condition->title',
            'filter' => Condition::allAttributes(),
            'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'width:90px;'),

Thanks in advance for answers and assistance.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 2099

Answers (2)


Reputation: 3103

You do not load the POST/GET data from the request, and that is why you do not get any filtered values. There are more approaches to this, I show you a simple one i use mostly;

in your controler do this:

    $model = new Page;
        $model->attributes =$_GET['Page'];

        $dataProvider = $model->search();

In you Page model, find the search function, and adapt your custom Dataprovider there (or make a copy ot the search and use it later)

That should do the job. The important part is - you have to set the attributes somewhere, from the GET request.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 6297

Use a dataprovider that will respond to your query.

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
    'dataProvider' => $model->search(), // <== search() function in your model */
    'columns' => array(

Then in your model

public function search()

    $criteria=new CDbCriteria;



    return new CActiveDataProvider(get_class($this), array(
            'defaultOrder'=>'field1 ASC',

Upvotes: 2

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