Reputation: 355
is it possible to have a complex inheritance structure serialized and deserialized with jackson? what are the annotations for it? for example if I had the following classes
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "type")
@Type(value = Dog.class,name = "dog")
@Type(value = Cat.class,name = "cat")
public class Animal implements Serializable{
long id;
String name;
this of course is the parent class. I know this is correct if cat and dog do not have any inheriting classes. if I want subclasses of dogs what would I need to change in both the animal class and the dog class?
here is the second class just for reference
public class Dog extends Animal implements Serializable{
//all my props etc here
how would I make a retriever class and a yorki class that inherit from both animal and dog that I could cast to either one and have jackson not freak out at me.
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Views: 3167
Reputation: 10853
Multi-level polymorphic tree should not be a problem with Jackson. Here is an example of the serializing / de-serializing class hierarchy similar to what you have in your question as it stands in the Jackson wiki page.
public class JacksonPolymorphism3 {
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "type")
public abstract static class Animal {
public final String animalField;
public Animal(@JsonProperty("animalField") String animalField) {
this.animalField = animalField;
public static class Dog extends Animal {
public final String dogField;
public Dog(@JsonProperty("animalField") String animalField,
@JsonProperty("dogField") String dogField) {
this.dogField = dogField;
public String toString() {
return "Dog{" +
"dogField='" + dogField + '\'' +
public static class Husky extends Dog {
public final String huskyField;
public Husky(@JsonProperty("animalField") String animalField,
@JsonProperty("dogField") String dogField,
@JsonProperty("huskyField") String huskyField) {
super(animalField, dogField);
this.huskyField = huskyField;
public String toString() {
return "Husky{" +
"huskyField='" + huskyField + '\'' +
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
List<Dog> dogs;
dogs = Arrays.asList(new Dog("aField", "dogField"), new Husky("hField", "dField2", "hField"));
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.registerSubtypes(Dog.class, Husky.class);
TypeReference<List<Dog>> referenceType = new TypeReference<List<Dog>>() {
String json = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().withType(referenceType).writeValueAsString(dogs);
System.out.println(mapper.readValue(json, referenceType));
[ {
"type" : "dog",
"animalField" : "aField",
"dogField" : "dogField"
}, {
"type" : "husky",
"animalField" : "hField",
"dogField" : "dField2",
"huskyField" : "hField"
} ]
[Dog{dogField='dogField'}, Husky{huskyField='hField'}]
If it doesn't help please provide more code.
Upvotes: 4