Reputation: 351
I want to duplicate a file and move it to other folder and rename it.
But duplicated file was not moved to the folder and not renamed.
Here is my code.
"useskill" is folder.
set copyItem to duplicate i
set name of copyItem to "temp.png"
move copyItem to useskill
set name of copyItem to "0001.png"
I don't know where to I should fix because I'm new to Applescript.
I put all the code I wrote.
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
tell application "Finder"
-- create folders if not exist
if not (exists folder "asleep" of this_folder) then
make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:"asleep"}
end if
set asleep to folder "asleep" of this_folder
if not (exists folder "attack" of this_folder) then
set attack to make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:"attack"}
make new folder at attack with properties {name:"north"}
make new folder at attack with properties {name:"northeast"}
make new folder at attack with properties {name:"east"}
make new folder at attack with properties {name:"southeast"}
make new folder at attack with properties {name:"south"}
make new folder at attack with properties {name:"southwest"}
make new folder at attack with properties {name:"west"}
make new folder at attack with properties {name:"northwest"}
end if
set attack to folder "attack" of this_folder
if not (exists folder "useskill" of this_folder) then
set useskill to make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:"useskill"}
end if
set useskill to folder "useskill" of this_folder
if not (exists folder "walk" of this_folder) then
set walk to make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:"walk"}
make new folder at walk with properties {name:"north"}
make new folder at walk with properties {name:"northeast"}
make new folder at walk with properties {name:"east"}
make new folder at walk with properties {name:"southeast"}
make new folder at walk with properties {name:"south"}
make new folder at walk with properties {name:"southwest"}
make new folder at walk with properties {name:"west"}
make new folder at walk with properties {name:"northwest"}
end if
set walk to folder "walk" of this_folder
-- add items
repeat with i in added_items
set itemName to name of i
--display dialog itemName
if itemName ends with ".png" then
if itemName starts with "asleep" then
set name of i to "0001.png"
move i to asleep
else if itemName starts with "attack" then
set oldDel to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set myList to text items of itemName
set frame to item 2 of myList as integer
set dirNum to item 3 of myList as integer
set dirStr to my dirStr(dirNum)
--display dialog dirStr
move i to folder dirStr of attack
set name of i to ("000" & frame & ".png")
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDel
else if itemName starts with "walk" then
set oldDel to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set myList to text items of itemName
set frame to item 2 of myList as integer
set dirNum to item 3 of myList as integer
set dirStr to my dirStr(dirNum)
--display dialog dirStr
move i to folder dirStr of walk
set name of i to ("000" & frame & ".png")
if frame = 1 then
set copyItem to duplicate i
set name of copyItem to "temp.png"
move copyItem to useskill
if dirNum = 0 then
set name of copyItem to "0001.png"
set copyItem2 to duplicate copyItem to useskill
set name of copyItem2 to "0009.png"
else if dirNum = 40 then
set name of copyItem to "0002.png"
else if dirNum = 80 then
set name of copyItem to "0003.png"
else if dirNum = 130 then
set name of copyItem to "0004.png"
else if dirNum = 180 then
set name of copyItem to "0005.png"
else if dirNum = 230 then
set name of copyItem to "0006.png"
else if dirNum = 280 then
set name of copyItem to "0007.png"
else if dirNum = 320 then
set name of copyItem to "0008.png"
end if
else if frame = 2 then
set copyItem to duplicate i
set name of copyItem to "0006.png"
else if frame = 3 then
set copyItem to duplicate i
set name of copyItem to "0005.png"
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDel
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
end adding folder items to
on dirStr(dirNum)
if dirNum is 0 then
return "south"
else if dirNum is 40 then
return "southeast"
else if dirNum is 80 then
return "east"
else if dirNum is 130 then
return "northeast"
else if dirNum is 180 then
return "north"
else if dirNum is 230 then
return "northwest"
else if dirNum is 280 then
return "west"
else if dirNum is 320 then
return "southwest"
end if
end dirStr
on retFileNameWithoutExt(fileNameStr)
set fLen to length of fileNameStr
set revText to (reverse of (characters of fileNameStr)) as string
set anOffset to offset of "." in revText
set fRes to text 1 thru (fLen - anOffset) of fileNameStr
return fRes
end retFileNameWithoutExt
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
@adayzdone Thank you for your answer.
But if itemName starts with "walk" and frame = 1, duplicated copyItem replace the existing file because they have same name "0001.png" when duplicated.
So I rewrited some of the code, but it did not work well.
set {frame, dirNum} to my parseName(itemName)
set dirStr to my dirStr(dirNum)
set name of anItem to ("000" & frame & ".png")
if frame = 1 then
(*set copyItem to duplicate anItem to ((this_folder as text) & "useskill") with replacing*)
set copyItem to duplicate anItem
set name of copyItem to "temp.png"
move copyItem to ((this_folder as text) & "useskill") with replacing
if dirNum = 0 then
set name of copyItem to "0001.png"
set copyItem2 to duplicate copyItem
set name of copyItem2 to "0009.png"
else if dirNum = 40 then ....
I intended to rename the item to"temp.png" and move it and rename it again.
But the item was not moved.
Is it impossible to move the item after rename?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 142
Reputation: 11238
You can try something along these lines...
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
set this_folder_path to (quoted form of (POSIX path of this_folder))
do shell script "mkdir -p " & this_folder_path & "{'asleep','useskill'}; mkdir -p " & this_folder_path & "{'attack','walk'}/{'north','northeast','east','southeast','south','southwest','west','northwest'};"
repeat with anItem in added_items
tell application "Finder"
if anItem's name extension = "png" then
set itemName to name of anItem
if itemName starts with "asleep" then
set name of anItem to "0001.png"
move anItem to ((this_folder as text) & "asleep") with replacing
else if itemName starts with "attack" then
set {frame, dirNum} to my parseName(itemName)
set dirStr to my dirStr(dirNum)
set name of anItem to ("000" & frame & ".png")
move anItem to ((this_folder as text) & "attack:" & dirStr) with replacing
else if itemName starts with "walk" then
set {frame, dirNum} to my parseName(itemName)
set dirStr to my dirStr(dirNum)
set name of anItem to ("000" & frame & ".png")
if frame = 1 then
set copyItem to duplicate anItem to ((this_folder as text) & "useskill") with replacing
if dirNum = 0 then
set name of copyItem to "0001.png"
set copyItem2 to duplicate copyItem
set name of copyItem2 to "0009.png"
else if dirNum = 40 then
set name of copyItem to "0002.png"
else if dirNum = 80 then
set name of copyItem to "0003.png"
else if dirNum = 130 then
set name of copyItem to "0004.png"
else if dirNum = 180 then
set name of copyItem to "0005.png"
else if dirNum = 230 then
set name of copyItem to "0006.png"
else if dirNum = 280 then
set name of copyItem to "0007.png"
else if dirNum = 320 then
set name of copyItem to "0008.png"
end if
else if frame = 2 then
set copyItem to duplicate anItem
set name of copyItem to "0006.png"
else if frame = 3 then
set copyItem to duplicate anItem
set name of copyItem to "0005.png"
end if
move anItem to ((this_folder as text) & "walk:" & dirStr) with replacing
end if
end if
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
on parseName(nameText)
set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, "."}
set f to text item 2 of nameText as integer
set d to text item 3 of nameText as integer
set text item delimiters to TID
return {f, d}
end parseName
on dirStr(dirNum)
if dirNum is 0 then
return "south"
else if dirNum is 40 then
return "southeast"
else if dirNum is 80 then
return "east"
else if dirNum is 130 then
return "northeast"
else if dirNum is 180 then
return "north"
else if dirNum is 230 then
return "northwest"
else if dirNum is 280 then
return "west"
else if dirNum is 320 then
return "southwest"
end if
end dirStr
Upvotes: 1