Reputation: 77
I have to solve a problem and don't know how to do it. Im using SQL Server 2012.
I have the data like this schema:
DriverId | BeginDate | EndDate | NextBegin | Rest in | Drive Time | Drive
| | | Date | Hours | in Minutes | KM
integer datetime datetime datetime integer integer decimal(10,3)
Rest in hours = EndDate - NextBeginDate
Drive Time in Minutes = BeginDate - EndDate
I have to search the first rest => 36 hours then
Compute how many days are
until next rest => 36 hours
IF No More Rest EXIT DO
From the begining to the first Rest is discard From the last Rest to the end is discard
I have data in excel sheet you can download from here: Download Excel with data example
I'm sorry for my english, I hope you can understand and help me, thank you in advance.
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Views: 137
Reputation: 5290
There are several parts to the query. The first part pulls out the rows where Rest is >= 36 and assigns a row number. The result is stored in a CTE called BigRest.
with BigRest(RowNumber, DriverId, BeginDate, EndDate)
select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by d.DriverId order by d.DriverId, d.BeginDate) RowNumber,d.DriverId, d.BeginDate, d.EndDate
from Drive d
where d.Rest >= 36
Then I assign the row number from BigRest to each row in Drive (which is what I'm calling the table that has all the data in it) based on the BeginDate. So the data is effectively segmented by the days where Rest >= 36. Each segment gets a number called DriveGroup.
;with Grouped(DriverId, BeginDate, EndDate, DriveTime, DriveKM, DriveGroup)
select d.DriverId, d.BeginDate, d.EndDate, d.Drivetime, d.DriveKM, (select Top 1 RowNumber from BigRest b where b.DriverId = d.DriverId and b.BeginDate >= d.BeginDate order by b.BeginDate)
from Drive d
Finally, I select the data from Grouped, cross applying it with some aggregate data from itself. We can filter out the rows where the DriveGroup is 1 or null because those represent the beginning and end rows that don't matter (the "do nothing" rows).
select distinct DriverId, MinBeginDate BeginDate, MaxEndDate EndDate, DATEDIFF(D, MinBeginDate, MaxEndDate)+1 Days, DriveTimeSum Drive, DriveKMSum KM
select g.DriverId, g.BeginDate, g.EndDate, g.DriveGroup, g.DriveTime, c.DriveTimeSum, c.DriveKMSum, c.MinBeginDate, c.MaxEndDate
from Grouped g
cross apply(select SUM(g2.DriveTime) DriveTimeSum,
SUM(g2.DriveKM) DriveKMSum,
MIN(g2.BeginDate) MinBeginDate,
MAX(g2.EndDate) MaxEndDate
from Grouped g2
where g2.DriverId = g.DriverId
and g2.DriveGroup = g.DriveGroup) as c
where g.DriveGroup is not null
and g.DriveGroup > 1
) x
Here's a SQL Fiddle
I'd encourage you to look at the results at each step of the query to see what's actually going on.
Upvotes: 1