Reputation: 95
I'm trying to aggregate the result of my query based on the names of members in one dimension. The following will return an error but this is as close as it gets to what I think:
with member [Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].x as
aggregate ([Staff].[Staff Hierarchy]
select [Measures].[a measure] on 0,
[Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].x on 1
select [Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].allmembers on 0
from [the cube]
Note: I'm basically trying to group by the names as we have multiple records in fact table for one person. Since we are using parent-child hierarchy, I cannot use the name of the staff as an attribute of my dimension.
More details: I'd like to do something similar to this but instead of "cases" I need the employee names. This would be very similar to group by.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 628
Reputation: 1435
The OPENQUERY must be the last resort as it has serious performance issues. The alternative We've found is as follows:
MEMBER [Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].[Employee number 1] AS
Aggregate ( [Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].&[101], [Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].&[102] )
to automate creating members for all employees, We wrote a query like this:
Declare @mdx varchar(max)
Declare @thisStaffName varchar(500)
declare @thisStaffMember varchar(500)
declare @ThisStaffBusinessKey int
Declare @ThisStaffSurrogateKey int
Declare @TheSet varchar(max)='set CustomEmployeeSet as {[Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].['
set @mdx = 'with member [Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].['
Declare staff_Cursor Cursor for
select distinct top 10 BusinessKey from DIM_Staff order by BusinessKey
open staff_cursor
Fetch Next from staff_Cursor into @ThisStaffBusinessKey
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
print 'APN: ' + cast(@ThisStaffBusinessKey as varchar(200))
select @thisStaffName = STAFF_HIER_LEVEL_CD + '-' + FIRST_NM + ' ' +LAST_NM + '-' + CAST(BusinessKey AS VARCHAR(200))
from DIM_Staff
where BusinessKey=@ThisStaffBusinessKey
set @TheSet =@TheSet + @thisStaffName + '],[Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].['
set @mdx = @mdx + @thisStaffName + '] as aggregate('
declare This_Staff_Cursor Cursor for
select STAFF_HIST_ROW_ID from DIM_Staff
where BusinessKey=@ThisStaffBusinessKey
open This_Staff_Cursor
Fetch Next from This_Staff_Cursor into @ThisStaffSurrogateKey
while @@fetch_status =0
print 'SHRI: ' + CAST(@ThisStaffSurrogateKey AS VARCHAR(200))
set @mdx = @mdx + '[Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].&[' + CAST(@ThisStaffSurrogateKey AS VARCHAR(200))
Fetch Next from This_Staff_Cursor into @ThisStaffSurrogateKey
SET @mdx = @mdx + '],'
set @mdx = left(@mdx, len(@mdx)-1)
set @mdx = @mdx + ') member [Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].['
close This_Staff_Cursor
DEALLOCATE This_Staff_Cursor
Fetch Next from staff_Cursor into @ThisStaffBusinessKey
set @mdx = left(@mdx, len(@mdx)-34)
set @TheSet = left(@TheSet, len(@TheSet)-28)
set @TheSet = @TheSet + '}'
set @mdx = @mdx + ' '+@TheSet
close staff_cursor
deallocate staff_cursor
SELECT @mdx + 'select [the measure] on 0, CustomEmployeeSet on 1 from [the cube] '
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 35557
A measure should be aggregated already in the cube. In our cubes a script like the following would create "grouped" results per staff member
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[memberName] AS
'[Staff].[Staff Hierarchy]'
{[Measures].[a measure], [Measures].[memberName]} ON COLUMNS,
[Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].members ON ROWS //<< is there not a level? [Staff].[Staff Hierarchy].[a Level].members ON ROWS
FROM [the cube]
Upvotes: 0