Reputation: 1434
I am attempting to solve Euler problem 3 in Haskell, which involves finding the largest prime factor of a number. My code runs for a long time and seems to hang. What is causing my code to be so grossly inefficient?
primes = sieve (2:[3,5..])
where sieve (x:xs) = x:[y | y <- (sieve xs), mod y x /= 0]
sieve [] = []
primefactors n = filter (\x -> mod n x == 0) (primesUnder n)
where primesUnder z = reverse (takeWhile (< z) primes)
solve3 = head (primefactors 600851475143)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 313
Reputation: 152817
Your main problem is you're checking for enormous primes -- all the way up to 600851475143
. You can improve things a lot by observing two things:
Using these two improvements together, even without the nicety that you used of only checking primes for divisibility, makes the program run in a snap:
factor = go (2:[3,5..]) where
go (p:ps) n
| p*p > n = [n]
| n `mod` p == 0 = p : go (p:ps) (n `div` p)
| otherwise = go ps n
main = print . last . factor $ 600851475143
In ghci:
*Main> main
(0.00 secs, 0 bytes)
You can see that we only had to inspect numbers up to 6857
-- eight orders of magnitude smaller than what you would have to do with your approach.
Independently, your sieve is dog slow. You could have a look at the wiki for ideas about how to find primes quickly.
Upvotes: 12