Reputation: 25
I get an error when I try to execute this code, I think I have a problem in the sql query and the line "Service = Dlookup ..."
can you help please ! thank you very much
Private Sub btnConnexion_Click()
Dim Categ As Integer
Dim Service As String
Dim IdProf As Integer
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb
'vérification que l'utilisater a bien entrer e login et le mot de passe
If IsNull(Me.txtlogin) Then
MsgBox "svp entrer votre login ", vbInformation, "login required "
ElseIf IsNull(Me.txtmdp) Then
MsgBox "svp entrer votre mots de passe ", vbInformation, "mdp required "
'vérification que le login et le mdp sont corrects
If (IsNull(DLookup("login", "dbo_Authentification", "login='" & Me.txtlogin.Value & "'"))) Or _
(IsNull(DLookup("mdp", "dbo_Authentification", "mdp='" & Me.txtmdp.Value & "'"))) Then
MsgBox "login ou mdp incorrect"
'récupération de l'IdCatégorie dans Categ, pour préciser les sessions des acteurs selon leurs catégories professionneles
Categ = DLookup("IdCategorie", "dbo_Professionnel", "IdProfessionnel = " & DLookup("IdCompte", "dbo_Authentification", "login='" & Me.txtlogin.Value & "'"))
If Categ = 3 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "role"
DoCmd.OpenForm "ListingPatients"
'Service récupère le service du professionnel authentifié pour l'afficher à l'entete du formulaire "ListingPatients"
Service = DLookup("IntituleServ", "dbo_Service", "IdService = " & DLookup("IdProfessionnel", "dbo_Professionnel", "IdProfessionnel = " & DLookup("IdCompte", "dbo_Authentification", "login='" & Me.txtlogin.Value & "'")))
Forms![ListingPatients]![txtIntituleServ] = Service
strSQL = "SELECT dbo_Patient.*, dbo_Service.IntituleServ, dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.lit, dbo_Professionnel.IdProfessionnel, dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateEntree, dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateSortie FROM dbo_Service INNER JOIN ((dbo_Professionnel INNER JOIN dbo_Authentification ON dbo_Professionnel.IdProfessionnel = dbo_Authentification.IdCompte) INNER JOIN (dbo_Patient INNER JOIN (dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle INNER JOIN dbo_DonneePatientActuelles ON dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.IdHosp = dbo_DonneePatientActuelles.IdHosp) ON dbo_Patient.IdPatient = dbo_DonneePatientActuelles.IdPatient) ON dbo_Professionnel.IdProfessionnel = dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.IdProfessionnel) ON dbo_Service.IdService = dbo_Professionnel.Idservice WHERE (((dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateEntree)<=Now()) AND ((dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateSortie)>Now())) OR (((dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateSortie) Is Null) AND dbo_Service.IntituleServ = '" & Service & "') ;"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
So when I execute this code I get the error "Invalid use of null" in the line "Service = ..." and the sql query dosen't return the condition when ! thank you very very much
So, after adding the Nz, I think that the problem of Null is solved
Service = Nz(DLookup("IntituleServ", "dbo_Service", "IdService = " & DLookup("IdService", "dbo_Professionnel", "IdProfessionnel = " & DLookup("IdCompte", "dbo_Authentification", "login='" & Me.txtlogin.Value & "'"))), "inconnu")
Forms![ListingPatients]![txtIntituleServ] = Service
But I still have an issue with the SQL query, I think I didn't put the correct syntax of SQL query integrating in the VBA code, can you take a look to this line :
strSQL = "SELECT dbo_Patient.*, dbo_Service.IntituleServ, dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.lit, dbo_Professionnel.IdProfessionnel, dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateEntree, dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateSortie FROM dbo_Service INNER JOIN ((dbo_Professionnel INNER JOIN dbo_Authentification ON dbo_Professionnel.IdProfessionnel = dbo_Authentification.IdCompte) INNER JOIN (dbo_Patient INNER JOIN (dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle INNER JOIN dbo_DonneePatientActuelles ON dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.IdHosp = dbo_DonneePatientActuelles.IdHosp) ON dbo_Patient.IdPatient = dbo_DonneePatientActuelles.IdPatient) ON dbo_Professionnel.IdProfessionnel = dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.IdProfessionnel) ON dbo_Service.IdService = dbo_Professionnel.Idservice WHERE (((dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateEntree)<=Now()) AND ((dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateSortie)>Now())) OR (((dbo_HospitalisatAcuelle.DateSortie) Is Null)) ;"
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE [dbo_Service]![IntituleServ] = ' " & Service & " ' "
Thank you,
Upvotes: 0
Views: 127
Reputation: 2762
You have declared Service
as a string variable.
returns Null if no matching record is found. A Null cannot be stored in a String, but can be stored in a Variant.
So either use Dim Service As Variant
and test with IsNull()
or use Service = Nz(DLookup(...), "Inconnu")
to return "Inconnu" if Dlookup() fails.
Upvotes: 2