Reputation: 181
I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.
I have a table tblInstitution
as follows
InstitutionCode InstitutionDesc
ABC Abra Cada Brad
DEF Def Fede Eeee
GHJ Gee Hee
I want to split the values in InstitutionDesc
and store it based on the institution code
InstitutionCode Token Score
ABC Abra 0
ABC Cada 0
ABC Brad 0
DEF Def 0
DEF Fede 0
DEF Eeee 0
GHJ Gee 0
GHJ Hee 0
Is there a way I can do this in a set-based operation?
I have seen examples where a single column value can be split into multiple column values of the same row. But I am not able to find an example where the same column can be split into different rows. I am not sure what exactly should be searched for. Is it something to do with CTEs.
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Views: 613
Reputation: 2785
Here is a recursive CTE option...
If Object_ID('tempdb..#tblInstitution') Is Not Null Drop Table #tblInstitution;
Create Table #tblInstitution (InstitutionCode Varchar(10), InstitutionDesc Varchar(50));
Insert #tblInstitution (InstitutionCode, InstitutionDesc)
Values ('ABC','Abra Cada Brad'),
('DEF','Def Fede Eeee'),
('GHJ','Gee Hee'),
With base As
Select InstitutionCode,
LTRIM(RTRIM(InstitutionDesc)) As InstitutionDesc
From #tblInstitution
), recur As
Select InstitutionCode,
Left(InstitutionDesc, CharIndex(' ', InstitutionDesc + ' ') - 1) As Token,
When CharIndex(' ', InstitutionDesc) > 0
Then Right(InstitutionDesc, Len(InstitutionDesc) - CharIndex(' ', InstitutionDesc))
Else Null
End As Remaining
From base
Union All
Select InstitutionCode,
Left(Remaining, CharIndex(' ', Remaining + ' ') - 1) As Token,
When CharIndex(' ', Remaining) > 0
Then Right(Remaining, Len(Remaining) - CharIndex(' ', Remaining))
Else Null
End As Remaining
From recur
Where Remaining Is Not Null
Select InstitutionCode,
0 As Score
From recur
Order By InstitutionCode
Upvotes: 1