Reputation: 13
i have a text file that is automatically downloaded and updated with Task Scheduler.
It looks like this:
C:\PrintLog\GetUsageReportFromPrinterWebService\<input type="hidden" name="AVAILABELBLACKTONER" value="60">
C:\PrintLog\GetUsageReportFromPrinterWebService\<input type="hidden" name="AVAILABELBLACKTONER" value="80">
C:\PrintLog\GetUsageReportFromPrinterWebService\<input type="hidden" name="AVAILABELBLACKTONER" value="80">
I would like to:
It doesn't matter what is in that email (after that I will check it manually with webservice anyway). I just need this as an remainder/alerter that some printer is getting low on toner, so I am not forced to manually check that txt file everyday(I most certainly would forget that :) ). These printers are offsite so I need to know in advance that the printer is low.
Note1: There are empty lines and spaces at the beginning of that txt
Note2: And no, there is no send report via email when low on toner to be configured on those printers (I double checked).
Note3: using C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
I guess point one and two are optional. The third one is important for me, I googled for something similar but just got lost as everyone wanted something little bit different.
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Views: 184
Reputation: 1909
Here's another possibility (I think it requires Powershell 4 because of Send-Mailmessage, but I could be wrong):
#requires -version 4.0
$logs = Get-Content "F:\scripts\ParseLog\file.log"
$warning = $false
$lowPrinters = ""
# Mail Settings
$Subject = "Low Toner Warning"
$To = "[email protected]"
$From = "[email protected]"
$SMTPServer = ""
$Priority = "High"
$printerList = @{
"" = "HP-01";
"" = "HP-02";
"" = "HP-03";
"" = "HP-04";
foreach ( $log in $logs ) {
if ( $log -match '^C:\\PrintLog\\GetUsageReportFromPrinterWebService\\([^:]+:[^:]+):.*value="(.*)">$' ) {
$printer = $Matches[1]
$toner = [int]$Matches[2]
if( $toner -lt 20 ) {
$warning = $true
if( $printerList.ContainsKey( $printer ) ) {
$printerName = $printerList[ $printer ]
} else {
$printerName = $printer
$lowPrinters += "Printer {0} has a low toner level of {1}.`n" -f $printerName, $toner
if( $warning ) {
Send-MailMessage -From $From -To $To -Subject $Subject -body $lowPrinters -SmtpServer $SMTPServer
Along about line 8 we setup some stuff for sending email. Starting at line 15, we build a hash table mapping printer IPs/Ports with Printer Names (since printer queues aren't always listed in DNS, I decided to use a hash table instead). On line 23, we use a regular expression to grab the ip and port, and the toner value by using the -match
operator. Stuff grabbed by the regex is stored in an array called $Matches
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 174920
As an example, you could do something like this:
$filePath = "C:\updatedFile.txt"
$prefix = "C:\PrintLog\GetUsageReportFromPrinterWebService\"
$lines = Get-Content $filePath |Where-Object {$_.Trim() -like "$($prefix)*"}
foreach($line in $lines)
$content = $line.Trim().Substring($prefix.Length)
$parts = $content -split ":"
$inputML = [xml]"$($parts[2])</input>"
$inputValue = [int]$inputML.input.value
if($inputValue -lt 20)
$printer = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByAddress($parts[0]).HostName
Your sendMail call in here
You remove the "C:\PrintLog\GetUsageReportFromPrinterWebService\" part with Substring(), split it into 3 pieces, and then parse to last part as an xml
element, giving much easier access to the value
The IP to Printer name part will only work if you have reverse DNS in place already
Upvotes: 0