Reputation: 11947
This question, first off, is not a duplicate of my question. Actually I have 3 questions.
In the code below, I try to create a parser which parses possibly nested multiline block comments. In contrast to the cited other question, I try to solve the problem in a straightforward way without any recursive functions (see the accepted answer to the other post).
The first problem I ran into was that skipManyTill parser of FParsec also consumes the end parser from the stream. So I created skipManyTillEx (Ex for 'excluding endp' ;) ). The skipManyTillEx seems to work - at least for the one test case I also added to the fsx script.
Yet in the code, shown, now I get the "The combinator 'many' was applied to a parser that succeeds without consuming..." error. My theory is, that the commentContent
parser is the line which produces this error.
Here, my questions:
? The way I implemented it differs to some degree from the way skipManyTill
is implemented, mostly in the aspect of how to control the parsing flow. In original skipManyTill
, the Reply<_>
of p and endp is tracked, along with the stream.StateTag
. In my implementation, in contrast I did not see the need to use stream.StateTag
, solely relying on the Reply<_>
status code. In case of an unsuccessful parse, skipManyTillEx
backtracks to the streams initial state and reports an error. Could possibly the backtracking code cause the 'many' error? What would I have to do instead?Here is the code:
#r @"C:\hgprojects\fparsec\Build\VS11\bin\Debug\FParsecCS.dll"
#r @"C:\hgprojects\fparsec\Build\VS11\bin\Debug\FParsec.dll"
open FParsec
let testParser p input =
match run p input with
| Success(result, _, _) -> printfn "Success: %A" result
| Failure(errorMsg, _, _) -> printfn "Failure %s" errorMsg
let Show (s : string) : string =
printfn "%s" s
let test p i =
i |> Show |> testParser p |> ignore
let skipManyTillEx (p : Parser<_,_>) (endp : Parser<_,_>) : Parser<unit,unit> =
fun stream ->
let tryParse (p : Parser<_,_>) (stm : CharStream<unit>) : bool =
let spre = stm.State
let reply = p stream
match reply.Status with
| ReplyStatus.Ok ->
stream.BacktrackTo spre
| _ ->
stream.BacktrackTo spre
let initialState = stream.State
let mutable preply = preturn () stream
let mutable looping = true
while (not (tryParse endp stream)) && looping do
preply <- p stream
match preply.Status with
| ReplyStatus.Ok -> ()
| _ -> looping <- false
match preply.Status with
| ReplyStatus.Ok -> preply
| _ ->
let myReply = Reply(Error, mergeErrors preply.Error (messageError "skipManyTillEx failed") )
stream.BacktrackTo initialState
let ublockComment, ublockCommentImpl = createParserForwardedToRef()
let bcopenTag = "/*"
let bccloseTag = "*/"
let pbcopen = pstring bcopenTag
let pbcclose = pstring bccloseTag
let ignoreCommentContent : Parser<unit,unit> = skipManyTillEx (skipAnyChar) (choice [pbcopen; pbcclose] |>> fun x -> ())
let ignoreSubComment : Parser<unit,unit> = ublockComment
let commentContent : Parser<unit,unit> = skipMany (choice [ignoreCommentContent; ignoreSubComment])
do ublockCommentImpl := between (pbcopen) (pbcclose) (commentContent) |>> fun c -> ()
do test (skipManyTillEx (pchar 'a' |>> fun c -> ()) (pchar 'b') >>. (restOfLine true)) "aaaabcccc"
// do test ublockComment "/**/"
//do test ublockComment "/* This is a comment \n With multiple lines. */"
do test ublockComment "/* Bla bla bla /* nested bla bla */ more outer bla bla */"
Upvotes: 2
Views: 389
Reputation: 2831
let's take a look at your questions...
1. Is there any reason, why the approach I have chosen cannot work?
Your approach can definitely work, you just have to weed out the bugs.
2. Can anyone see a problem with the way I implemented
No. Your implementation looks OK. It's just the combination of skipMany
and skipManyTillEx
that's the problem.
let ignoreCommentContent : Parser<unit,unit> = skipManyTillEx (skipAnyChar) (choice [pbcopen; pbcclose] |>> fun x -> ())
let commentContent : Parser<unit,unit> = skipMany (choice [ignoreCommentContent; ignoreSubComment])
in commentContent
runs until ignoreCommentContent
and ignoreSubComment
both fail. But ignoreCommentContent
is implemented using your skipManyTillEx
, which is implemented in a way that it could succeed without consuming input. This means that the outer skipMany
would not be able to determine when to stop because if no input is consumed, it doesn't know whether a subsequent parser has failed or simply didn't consume anything.
This is why it's required that every parser below a many
parser has to consume input. Your skipManyTillEx
might not, that's what the error message is trying to tell you.
To fix it, you have to implement a skipMany1TillEx
, that consumes at least one element itself.
3. Does anyone see, how to fix the parser such, that this "many ... " error message goes away?
How about this approach?
open FParsec
open System
/// Type abbreviation for parsers without user state.
type Parser<'a> = Parser<'a, Unit>
/// Skips C-style multiline comment /*...*/ with arbitrary nesting depth.
let (comment : Parser<_>), commentRef = createParserForwardedToRef ()
/// Skips any character not beginning of comment end marker */.
let skipCommentChar : Parser<_> =
notFollowedBy (skipString "*/") >>. skipAnyChar
/// Skips anx mix of nested comments or comment characters.
let commentContent : Parser<_> =
skipMany (choice [ comment; skipCommentChar ])
// Skips C-style multiline comment /*...*/ with arbitrary nesting depth.
do commentRef := between (skipString "/*") (skipString "*/") commentContent
/// Prints the strings p skipped over on the console.
let printSkipped p =
p |> withSkippedString (printfn "Skipped: \"%s\" Matched: \"%A\"")
"/*simple comment*/"
"/** special / * / case **/"
"/*testing /*multiple*/ /*nested*/ comments*/ not comment anymore"
"/*not closed properly/**/"
|> List.iter (fun s ->
printfn "Test Case: \"%s\"" s
run (printSkipped comment) s |> printfn "Result: %A\n"
printfn "Press any key to exit..."
Console.ReadKey true |> ignore
By using notFollowedBy
to only skip characters that are not part of a comment end marker (*/), there is no need for nested many
Hope this helps :)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 11947
Finally found a way to fix the many
Replaced my custom skipManyTillEx
with another custom function I called skipManyTill1Ex
, in contrast to the previous skipManyTillEx
only succeeds if it parsed 1 or more p
I expected the test for the empty comment /**/ to fail for this version but it works.
let skipManyTill1Ex (p : Parser<_,_>) (endp : Parser<_,_>) : Parser<unit,unit> =
fun stream ->
let tryParse (p : Parser<_,_>) (stm : CharStream<unit>) : bool =
let spre = stm.State
let reply = p stm
match reply.Status with
| ReplyStatus.Ok ->
stream.BacktrackTo spre
| _ ->
stream.BacktrackTo spre
let initialState = stream.State
let mutable preply = preturn () stream
let mutable looping = true
let mutable matchCounter = 0
while (not (tryParse endp stream)) && looping do
preply <- p stream
match preply.Status with
| ReplyStatus.Ok ->
matchCounter <- matchCounter + 1
| _ -> looping <- false
match (preply.Status, matchCounter) with
| (ReplyStatus.Ok, c) when (c > 0) -> preply
| (_,_) ->
let myReply = Reply(Error, mergeErrors preply.Error (messageError "skipManyTill1Ex failed") )
stream.BacktrackTo initialState
let ublockComment, ublockCommentImpl = createParserForwardedToRef()
let bcopenTag = "/*"
let bccloseTag = "*/"
let pbcopen = pstring bcopenTag
let pbcclose = pstring bccloseTag
let ignoreCommentContent : Parser<unit,unit> = skipManyTill1Ex (skipAnyChar) (choice [pbcopen; pbcclose] |>> fun x -> ())
let ignoreSubComment : Parser<unit,unit> = ublockComment
let commentContent : Parser<unit,unit> = skipMany (choice [ignoreCommentContent; ignoreSubComment])
do ublockCommentImpl := between (pbcopen) (pbcclose) (commentContent) |>> fun c -> ()
do test (skipManyTillEx (pchar 'a' |>> fun c -> ()) (pchar 'b') >>. (restOfLine true)) "aaaabcccc"
do test ublockComment "/**/"
do test ublockComment "/* This is a comment \n With multiple lines. */"
do test ublockComment "/* Bla bla bla /* nested bla bla */ more outer bla bla */"
Upvotes: 1