Reputation: 645
I have a Field Amount which should display curreny+ Amount. Since, I am not able to provide fieldName with '$'200 I have set the field as unbound. Sorting happens but the data populated is not correct. I have amount ranging from 40 to 500. But while sorting the descending order display 100 and ascending order displays 99.9 Kindly help to solve this issue.
<dx:ASPxGridView ID="gridReports" runat="server" Width="100%" KeyFieldName="SID" ClientInstanceName="gridReports"
onpageindexchanged="gridReports_PageIndexChanged" onrowcommand="gridReports_RowCommand" AutoGenerateColumns="False" oncustomunboundcolumndata="gridReports_CustomUnboundColumnData" oncustomcolumndisplaytext="gridReports_CustomColumnDisplayText">
<SettingsBehavior EnableRowHotTrack="true" /> <SettingsPager AlwaysShowPager="true" Position="Bottom" PageSize="25" />
<dx:GridViewDataColumn CellStyle-HorizontalAlign="right" Width="24%" Caption="AMOUNT" VisibleIndex="5" UnboundType="Decimal" FieldName="ForeName" Settings-SortMode="Value">
<SettingsBehavior ConfirmDelete="True" /> <SettingsBehavior ConfirmDelete="True" EnableRowHotTrack="True" /> <SettingsPager AlwaysShowPager="True" PageSize="25"> </SettingsPager>
protected void gridReports_CustomUnboundColumnData(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewColumnDataEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.FieldName == "ForeName")
string currency = (string)e.GetListSourceFieldValue("DEFAULT_CURRENCY");
string amount = (string)e.GetListSourceFieldValue("AMOUNT");
e.Value = GTYPE(currency) + amount;
Please not that I have given value and displayText in 'gridReports_CustomColumnDisplayText' but sorting didnot take place.I had changed UnboundType to Integer and decimal also.
Tried this method also:
protected void gridReports_CustomColumnDisplayText(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.FieldName == "ForeName")
object currency = e.GetFieldValue("DEFAULT_CURRENCY");
object amount = e.GetFieldValue("AMOUNT");
e.DisplayText = ((string)GTYPE(currency.ToString()) + amount);
e.Value = Decimal.Parse(amount.ToString());
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1604
Reputation: 645
The Amount field in dataset was string.Thus, lowest number was 1 and highest was 9 which caused the sorting issue. Fixed the problem by converting the Amount field to decimal.
//Code added for sorting Amount field:
if (ds != null)
DataTable dtCloned = ds.Tables[0].Clone();
dtCloned.Columns["AMOUNT"].DataType = typeof(decimal);
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
ds = null;
ds = new DataSet();
Binded the Amount field directly with the grid view:
<dx:GridViewDataColumn FieldName="AMOUNT" Caption="Amount" Width="100px" >
For adding currency symbol binded the data in ColumnDisplayText method
protected void gridReports_CustomColumnDisplayText(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewColumnDisplayTextEventArgs e)
if (e.Column.FieldName == "AMOUNT")
object currency = e.GetFieldValue("DEFAULT_CURRENCY");
object amount = e.GetFieldValue("AMOUNT");
e.DisplayText = ((string)GTYPE(currency.ToString()) + amount);
Upvotes: 2