Reputation: 317
I use Delphi RAD Studio 2010 and the next code to send email with Outlook:
procedure SendOutlookMail(email,subject,body,fileat:string);
olMailItem = 0;
vMailItem: variant;
Outlook: OutlookApplication;
NmSpace: NameSpace;
Folder: MAPIFolder;
Outlook := CoOutlookApplication.Create;
NmSpace := Outlook.GetNamespace('MAPI');
NmSpace.Logon('', '', False, False);
Folder := NmSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox);
vMailItem := Outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem);
if email<>'' then vMailItem.Recipients.Add(email);
vMailItem.Subject := subject;
vMailItem.Body := Body;
It opens a new Outlook message and bring it to front to just press "Send" to send it. That's ok. The problem is, creating a new email message with this method doesn't add the signature. If I create a new message within Ms Outlook, the signature is added automatically.
Is there anyway I can add the signature that the user has configured in MS Outlook? (without adding the signature text to "Body" string variable). Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2907
Reputation: 11
//Here is how I did it in Delphi. It shows the part no-one else did, which is //parsing the email HTML and putting your text above the signature. //The part at the beginning loads up the string that I will be adding, so you //could ignore that.
procedure TfrmEngInfo2.CreateMSOutlookHoldEmail;
i: Integer;
Outlook: OleVariant;
Mail: OleVariant;
EmailTo,EmailCC: string;
SubjectLine: string;
PartNbr,PONbr,JobNbr: string;
HTMLInfo: string;
JobInfo: string;
x: integer;
iPos: integer;
RealPosition,GTPosition: integer;
olMailItem = 0;
olByValue = 1;
olFormatHTML = 2;
SubjectLine := 'PCB Hold /';
if JOBHEMAI.state = dsInactive then;
if CUST.state = dsInactive then;
if RELEASE.FindKey([AdsQuery1.FieldByName('R-JOB#').asstring, AdsQuery1.FieldByName('R-RELEASE-NBR').asstring]) then
PONbr := RELEASE.FieldByName('R-PO-NBR').asstring;
JobNbr := AdsQuery1.FieldByName('R-JOB#').asstring + AdsQuery1.FieldByName('R-RELEASE-NBR').asstring;
SubjectLine := SubjectLine + ' PO#: ' + PONbr + ' / ';
if JOBHEMAI.FindKey([AdsQuery1.FieldByName('R-JOB#').asstring]) then
EmailTo := JOBHEMAI.FieldByName('HoldEmailAddress').asstring;
if HEADER.FindKey([AdsQuery1.FieldByName('R-JOB#').asstring]) then
PartNbr := HEADER.FieldByName('H-PART#').asstring;
SubjectLine := SubjectLine + ' Part#: ' + PartNbr;
if CUST.FindKey([HEADER.FieldByName('H-CUST-NBR').asstring]) then
if EmailTo = '' then
EmailTo := CUST.FieldByName('HoldEmailAddress').asstring;
if SALEPRSN.FindKey([HEADER.FieldByName('H-SLMN#').asstring]) then
EmailCC := SALEPRSN.fieldByName('E-mail').asstring;
SubjectLine := SubjectLine + JobNbr;
Outlook := GetActiveOleObject('Outlook.Application');
Outlook := CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application');
JobInfo := 'We have released the hold for your job Part: ' + PartNbr + ' PO: ' + PONbr
+ 'Job Number: ' + JobNbr;
Mail := Outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem);
Mail.To := EmailTo; := EmailCC;
Mail.Subject := SubjectLine;
// Main.Attachments.Add('c:\test.jpg', olByValue, 1, 'My Test Image');
Mail.BodyFormat := olFormatHTML;
//This load the HTMLBody with all the outlook stuff including the users signature. Basically a blank email message
// Find the position of the opening <body command.
x := pos('<body',Mail.HTMLBody);
// Put the HTMLBody in to a string field so we can examine it.
HTMLInfo := Mail.HTMLBody;
// Now loop through and find the position of the closing tag. '>' It must be in a position greater than the starting tag
RealPosition := 0;
while pos('>',HTMLInfo) > 0 do
GTPosition := pos('>',HTMLInfo);
RealPosition := RealPosition + GTPosition;
if RealPosition > x then
HTMLInfo := copy(HTMLInfo,GTPosition + 1,Length(HTMLInfo) - GTPosition);
// Since we destroyed the HTMLInfo in the analysis, load it again.
HTMLInfo := Mail.HTMLBody;
// Now insert our information at the right spot.
insert(JobInfo,HTMLInfo,RealPosition + 1);
// Now load the modified HTMLInfo back to the Mail.HTMLBody so that it can display in the message.
Mail.HTMLBody := HTMLInfo;
// Finally display the Outlook Email
Outlook := unassigned;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 66245
the signature is added when you call MailItem.Display or access MailItem.GetInspecrtor.
Call MailItem.Display first (the signature will be added at that moment), then merge your data with the existing body. Note that setting the plain text Body property will wipe out formatting, so you will need to work with the HTMLBody property. Keep in mind that 2 HTML strings cannot be simply concatenated - read the HTMLBody property, find the appropriate insertion position (after the <body>
tag?), then insert your data.
Upvotes: 2