
Reputation: 589

Replicating BLAS matrix multiplication performance: Can I match it?


If you have been following my posts, I am attempting to replicate the results found in Kazushige Goto's seminal paper on square matrix multiplication C = AB. My last post regarding this topic can be found here. In that version of my code, I follow the memory layering and packing strategy of Goto with an inner kernel computing 2x8 blocks of C using 128 bit SSE3 intrinsics. My CPU is i5-540M with hyperthreading off. Additional info about my hardware can be found in another post and is repeated below.

My Hardware

My CPU is an Intel i5 - 540M. You can find the relevant CPUID information on The microarchitecture is Nehalem (westmere), so it can theoretically compute 4 double precision flops per core per cycle. I will be using just one core (no OpenMP), so with hyperthreading off and 4-step Intel Turbo Boost, I should be seeing a peak of ( 2.533 Ghz + 4*0.133 Ghz ) * ( 4 DP flops/core/cycle ) * ( 1 core ) = 12.27 DP Gflops. For reference, with both cores running at peak, Intel Turbo Boost gives a 2-step speed up and I should get a theoretical peak of 22.4 DP Gflops.

My Software

Windows7 64 bit, but MinGW/GCC 32 bit due to restrictions on my computer.

What's new this time?

Some Preliminary Results

N is the dimension of the square matrices, Total Gflops/s is the Gflops/s of the entire code, and Kernel Gflops/s is the Gflops/s of the inner kernel. You can see that with a 12.26 Gflops/s peak on one core, the inner kernel is getting around 75% efficiency, while the overall code is about 60% efficient.

I would like to get closer to 95% efficiency for the kernel and 80% for the overall code. What else can I do to improve the performance, of at least the inner kernel?

       N   Total Gflops/s  Kernel Gflops/s
     256         7.778089         9.756284
     512         7.308523         9.462700
     768         7.223283         9.253639
    1024         7.197375         9.132235
    1280         7.142538         8.974122
    1536         7.114665         8.967249
    1792         7.060789         8.861958

Source Code

If you are feeling particularly magnanimous, please test my code on your machine. Compiled with gcc -std=c99 -O2 -m32 -msse3 -mincoming-stack-boundary=2 -masm=intel somatmul2.c -o somatmul2.exe. Feel free to try other flags, but I have found these to work best on my machine.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <windows.h>

#ifndef min
    #define min( a, b ) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )

inline void 
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))        
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) rpack(        double* restrict dst, 
          const double* restrict src, 
            const int kc, const int mc, const int mr, const int n)
    double tmp[mc*kc] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));
    double* restrict ptr = &tmp[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < mc; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < kc; j+=4) {
            *ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j  );
            *ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j+1);
            *ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j+2);
            *ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j+3);
    ptr = &tmp[0];

    //const int inc_dst = mr*kc;
    for (int k = 0; k < mc; k+=mr)
        for (int j = 0; j < kc; ++j)
            for (int i = 0; i < mr*kc; i+=kc)
                *dst++ = *(ptr + k*kc + j + i);


inline void 
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))        
__attribute__ ((aligned(64)))  cpack(double* restrict dst, 
                const double* restrict src, 
                const int nc, 
                const int kc, 
                const int nr, 
                const int n)
{ //nc cols, kc rows, nr size ofregister strips
    double tmp[kc*nc] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));
    double* restrict ptr = &tmp[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < kc; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < nc; j+=4) {
            *ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j  );
            *ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j+1);
            *ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j+2);
            *ptr++ = *(src + i*n + j+3);

    ptr = &tmp[0];

    // const int inc_k = nc/nr;
    for (int k = 0; k < nc; k+=nr)
        for (int j = 0; j < kc*nc; j+=nc)
            for (int i = 0; i < nr; ++i)
                *dst++ = *(ptr + k + i + j);


#define KERNEL0(add0,add1,add2,add3)                                \
            "mulpd      xmm4, xmm6                      \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm0, xmm4                      \n\t" \
            "movapd     xmm4, XMMWORD PTR [edx+"#add2"] \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm7, xmm4                      \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm1, xmm7                      \n\t" \
            "movddup        xmm5, QWORD PTR [eax+"#add0"]   \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm6, xmm5                      \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm2, xmm6                      \n\t" \
            "movddup        xmm7, QWORD PTR [eax+"#add1"]   \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm4, xmm5                      \n\t" \
            "movapd     xmm6, XMMWORD PTR [edx+"#add3"] \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm3, xmm4                      \n\t" \
            "movapd     xmm4, xmm7                      \n\t" \
            "                                           \n\t"

inline void 
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))        
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) dgemm_2x4_asm_j
        const int mc, const int nc, const int kc,
        const double* restrict locA, const int cs_a, // mr
        const double* restrict locB, const int rs_b, // nr
              double* restrict C, const int rs_c

    const double* restrict a1 = locA;
    for (int i = 0; i < mc ; i+=cs_a) {
        const double* restrict b1 = locB;
        double* restrict c11 = C + i*rs_c;
        for (int j = 0; j < nc ; j+=rs_b) {

            __asm__ __volatile__
            "mov        eax, %[a1]                  \n\t"
            "mov        edx, %[b1]                  \n\t"
            "mov        edi, %[c11]                 \n\t"
            "mov        ecx, %[kc]                  \n\t"
            "pxor       xmm0, xmm0                  \n\t"
            "movddup    xmm7, QWORD PTR [eax]       \n\t" // a1
            "pxor       xmm1, xmm1                  \n\t"
            "movapd     xmm6, XMMWORD PTR [edx]     \n\t" // b1
            "pxor       xmm2, xmm2                  \n\t"
            "movapd     xmm4, xmm7                  \n\t" // a1
            "pxor       xmm3, xmm3                  \n\t"
            "sar        ecx, 3                      \n\t" // divide by 2^num
            "L%=:                                   \n\t" // start loop
            KERNEL0(    8,      16,     16,     32)
            KERNEL0(    24,     32,     48,     64)
            KERNEL0(    40,     48,     80,     96)
            KERNEL0(    56,     64,     112,    128)
            KERNEL0(    72,     80,     144,    160)
            KERNEL0(    88,     96,     176,    192)
            KERNEL0(    104,    112,    208,    224)
            KERNEL0(    120,    128,    240,    256)
            "add        eax, 128                    \n\t"
            "add        edx, 256                    \n\t"
            "                                       \n\t"
            "dec        ecx                         \n\t"
            "jne        L%=                         \n\t" // end loop
            "                                       \n\t"
            "mov        esi, %[rs_c]                \n\t" // don't need cs_a anymore
            "sal        esi, 3                      \n\t" // times 8
            "lea        ebx, [edi+esi]              \n\t" // don't need b1 anymore
            "addpd      xmm0, XMMWORD PTR [edi]     \n\t" // c11
            "addpd      xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [edi+16]  \n\t" // c11 + 2
            "addpd      xmm2, XMMWORD PTR [ebx]     \n\t" // c11
            "addpd      xmm3, XMMWORD PTR [ebx+16]  \n\t" // c11 + 2
            "movapd     XMMWORD PTR [edi], xmm0     \n\t"
            "movapd     XMMWORD PTR [edi+16], xmm1  \n\t"
            "movapd     XMMWORD PTR [ebx], xmm2     \n\t"
            "movapd     XMMWORD PTR [ebx+16], xmm3  \n\t"
            : // no outputs 
            : // inputs
            [kc]    "m" (kc),
            [a1]    "m" (a1), 
            [cs_a]  "m" (cs_a),
            [b1]    "m" (b1),
            [rs_b]  "m" (rs_b),
            [c11]   "m" (c11),
            [rs_c]  "m" (rs_c)
            : //register clobber
        b1 += rs_b*kc;
        c11 += rs_b;
    a1 += cs_a*kc;

double blis_dgemm_ref(
        const int n,
        const double* restrict A,
        const double* restrict B,
        double* restrict C,
        const int mc,
        const int nc,
        const int kc
    int mr = 2;
    int nr = 4;
    double locA[mc*kc] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));
    double locB[kc*nc] __attribute__ ((aligned(64)));

    LARGE_INTEGER frequency, time1, time2;
    double time3 = 0.0;

    // zero C
    memset(C, 0, n*n*sizeof(double));

    int ii,jj,kk;
    //#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) shared(A,B,C) private(ii,jj,kk,locA,locB)
    {//use all threads in parallel
        //#pragma omp for
        for ( jj = 0; jj < n; jj+=nc) { 
            for ( kk = 0; kk < n; kk+=kc) {
                cpack(locB, B + kk*n + jj, nc, kc, nr, n);
                for ( ii = 0; ii < n; ii+=mc) {
                    rpack(locA, A + ii*n + kk, kc, mc, mr, n);
                            dgemm_2x4_asm_j( mc, nc, kc,
                                       locA         ,  mr,
                                       locB         ,  nr,
                                       C + ii*n + jj,  n );
                            time3 += (double) (time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart);
    return time3 / frequency.QuadPart;

double compute_gflops(const double time, const int n)
    // computes the gigaflops for a square matrix-matrix multiplication
    double gflops;
    gflops = (double) (2.0*n*n*n)/time/1.0e9;

void main() {
    LARGE_INTEGER frequency, time1, time2;
    double time3, best_time;
    double kernel_time, best_kernel_time;
    int best_flag;
    double gflops, kernel_gflops;

    const int trials = 100;
    int nmax = 4096;
    printf("%16s %16s %16s\n","N","Total Gflops/s","Kernel Gflops/s");

    int mc = 256;
    int kc = 256;
    int nc = 128;
    for (int n = kc; n <= nmax; n+=kc) {
        double *A = NULL;   
        double *B = NULL;
        double *C = NULL;

        A = _mm_malloc (n*n * sizeof(*A),64); if (!A) {printf("A failed\n"); return;}
        B = _mm_malloc (n*n * sizeof(*B),64); if (!B) {printf("B failed\n"); return;}
        C = _mm_malloc (n*n * sizeof(*C),64); if (!C) {printf("C failed\n"); return;}


        // Create the matrices
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                *(A + i*n + j) = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX;
                *(B + i*n + j) = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX;

            // warmup

            for (int count = 0; count < trials; count++){
                    kernel_time = blis_dgemm_ref(n,A,B,C,mc,nc,kc);
                    time3 = (double)(time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart) / frequency.QuadPart;
                if (count == 0) {
                    best_time = time3;
                    best_kernel_time = kernel_time;
                else {
                    best_flag = ( time3 < best_time ? 1 : 0 );
                    if (best_flag) {
                        best_time = time3;
                        best_kernel_time = kernel_time;
            gflops = compute_gflops(best_time, n);
            kernel_gflops = compute_gflops(best_kernel_time, n);
            printf("%16d %16f %16f\n",n,gflops,kernel_gflops);

    printf("tests are done\n");



Replace the packing functions with the following new and faster versions:

inline void 
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))        
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) rpack(        double* restrict dst, 
          const double* restrict src, 
            const int kc, const int mc, const int mr, const int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < mc/mr; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < kc; ++j)
            for (int k = 0; k < mr; ++k)
                *dst++ = *(src + i*n*mr + k*n + j);

inline void 
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))        
__attribute__ ((aligned(64)))  cpack(double* restrict dst, 
                const double* restrict src, 
                const int nc, 
                const int kc, 
                const int nr, 
                const int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < nc/nr; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < kc; ++j)
            for (int k = 0; k < nr; ++k)
                *dst++ = *(src + i*nr + j*n + k);

Results With New Packing Functions

Nice boost to the overall performance:

       N   Total Gflops/s  Kernel Gflops/s
     256         7.915617         8.794849
     512         8.466467         9.350920
     768         8.354890         9.135575
    1024         8.168944         8.884611
    1280         8.174249         8.825920
    1536         8.285458         8.938712
    1792         7.988038         8.581001

LINPACK 32-bit with 1 thread

CPU frequency:    2.792 GHz
Number of CPUs: 1
Number of cores: 2
Number of threads: 1

Performance Summary (GFlops)
Size   LDA    Align.  Average  Maximal
128    128    4       4.7488   5.0094  
256    256    4       6.0747   6.9652  
384    384    4       6.5208   7.2767  
512    512    4       6.8329   7.5706  
640    640    4       7.4278   7.8835  
768    768    4       7.7622   8.0677  
896    896    4       7.8860   8.4737  
1024   1024   4       7.7292   8.1076  
1152   1152   4       8.0411   8.4738  
1280   1280   4       8.1429   8.4863  
1408   1408   4       8.2284   8.7073  
1536   1536   4       8.3753   8.6437  
1664   1664   4       8.6993   8.9108  
1792   1792   4       8.7576   8.9176  
1920   1920   4       8.7945   9.0678  
2048   2048   4       8.5490   8.8827  
2176   2176   4       9.0138   9.1161  
2304   2304   4       8.1402   9.1446  
2432   2432   4       9.0003   9.2082  
2560   2560   4       8.8560   9.1197  
2688   2688   4       9.1008   9.3144  
2816   2816   4       9.0876   9.3089  
2944   2944   4       9.0771   9.4191  
3072   3072   4       8.9402   9.2920  
3200   3200   4       9.2259   9.3699  
3328   3328   4       9.1224   9.3821  
3456   3456   4       9.1354   9.4082  
3584   3584   4       9.0489   9.3351  
3712   3712   4       9.3093   9.5108  
3840   3840   4       9.3307   9.5324  
3968   3968   4       9.3895   9.5352  
4096   4096   4       9.3269   9.3872  


Here are some results from single-threaded OpenBLAS, which took 4 hours to compile last night. As you can see, it is getting close to 95% CPU usage. Max single-threaded performance with both cores on is 11.2 Gflops (2 step Intel Turbo Boost). I need to turn off the other core to get 12.26 Gflops (4 step Intel Turbo Boost). Assume that the packing functions in OpeBLAS generate no additional overhead. Then the OpenBLAS kernel must be running at least as fast as the total OpenBLAS code. So I need to get my kernel running at that speed. I have yet to figure out how to make my assembly faster. I will be focusing on this over the next few days.

Ran the tests below from Windows command line with: start /realtime /affinity 1 My Code:

   N   Total Gflops/s  Kernel Gflops/s
       256   7.927740   8.832366
       512   8.427591   9.347094
       768   8.547722   9.352993
      1024   8.597336   9.351794
      1280   8.588663   9.296724
      1536   8.589808   9.271710
      1792   8.634201   9.306406
      2048   8.527889   9.235653


   N   Total Gflops/s
   256  10.599065
   512  10.622686
   768  10.745133
  1024  10.762757
  1280  10.832540
  1536  10.793132
  1792  10.848356
  2048  10.819986

Upvotes: 22

Views: 1819

Answers (1)

Aaron Altman
Aaron Altman

Reputation: 1755

It's theoretically possible to look at that code and reason through whether it could be arranged to make better use of microarchitectural resources - but even the performance architects at Intel might not recommend doing it that way. It might help to use a tool like VTune or Intel Performance Counter Monitor to find out how much of your workload is memory versus front-end versus back-end bound. Intel Architecture Code Analyzer might also be a quick source of help narrowing down which of the potential issues listed below to follow up on first.

Nominal Animal is probably on the right track in the comments talking about interleaving instructions that access memory and those that do computation. A few other possibilities:

  • Using other instructions for some of the computation might reduce pressure on one of the execution ports (see section 3.3.4 of this presentation). In particular, mulpd is always going to dispatch to port 1 on Westmere. Maybe if there are any cycles where port 0 isn't getting used, you could sneak in a scalar FP multiply there.
  • One or another of the hardware prefetchers could be saturating the bus early or polluting the cache with lines you don't end up using.
  • On the other hand, there's a slim possibility that the ordering of memory references or the memory layout implied in dgemm_2x4_asm_j is faking out the prefetchers.
  • Changing the relative ordering of pairs of instructions that don't have any data dependencies might lead to better use of front-end or back-end resources.

Upvotes: 1

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