
Reputation: 589

How Do I Attain Peak CPU Performance With Dot Product?


I have been studying HPC, specifically using matrix multiplication as my project (see my other posts in profile). I achieve good performance in those, but not good enough. I am taking a step back to see how well I can do with a dot product calculation.

Dot Product vs. Matrix Multiplication

The dot product is simpler, and will allow me to test HPC concepts without dealing with packing and other related issues. Cache blocking is still an issue, which forms my second question.


Multiply n corresponding elements in two double arrays A and B and sum them. A double dot product in assembly is just a series of movapd, mulpd, addpd. Unrolled and arranged in a clever way, it is possible to have groups of movapd/mulpd/addpd that operate on different xmm registers and are thus independent, optimizing pipelining. Of course, it turns out that this does not matter so much as my CPU has out-of-order execution. Also note that the re-arrangement requires peeling off the last iteration.

Other Assumptions

I am not writing the code for general dot products. The code is for specific sizes and I am not handling fringe cases. This is just to test HPC concepts and to see what type of CPU usage I can attain.


Compiled with gcc -std=c99 -O2 -m32 -mincoming-stack-boundary=2 -msse3 -mfpmath=sse,387 -masm=intel. I am on a different computer than usual. This computer has a i5 540m which can obtain 2.8 GHz * 4 FLOPS/cycle/core = 11.2 GFLOPS/s per core after a two-step Intel Turbo Boost (both cores are on right now so it only gets 2 step...a 4 step boost is possible if I turn off one core). 32 bit LINPACK gets around 9.5 GFLOPS/s when set to run with one thread.

       N   Total Gflops/s         Residual
     256         5.580521    1.421085e-014
     384         5.734344   -2.842171e-014
     512         5.791168    0.000000e+000
     640         5.821629    0.000000e+000
     768         5.814255    2.842171e-014
     896         5.807132    0.000000e+000
    1024         5.817208   -1.421085e-013
    1152         5.805388    0.000000e+000
    1280         5.830746   -5.684342e-014
    1408         5.881937   -5.684342e-014
    1536         5.872159   -1.705303e-013
    1664         5.881536    5.684342e-014
    1792         5.906261   -2.842171e-013
    1920         5.477966    2.273737e-013
    2048         5.620931    0.000000e+000
    2176         3.998713    1.136868e-013
    2304         3.370095   -3.410605e-013
    2432         3.371386   -3.410605e-013

Question 1

How can I do better than this? I am not even coming close to the peak performance. I have optimized the assembly code to high heaven. Further unrolling might boost it just a little more, but less unrolling seems to degrade performance.

Question 2

When n > 2048, you can see a drop in performance. This is because my L1 cache is 32KB, and when n = 2048 and A and B are double, they take up the entire cache. Any bigger and they are streamed from memory.

I tried cache blocking (not shown in source), but maybe I did it wrong. Can anyone provide some code or explain how to block a dot product for a cache?

Source Code

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <x86intrin.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <omp.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <windows.h>

    // computes 8 dot products
#define KERNEL(address) \
            "movapd     xmm4, XMMWORD PTR [eax+"#address"]      \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm7, XMMWORD PTR [edx+48+"#address"]   \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm2, xmm6                              \n\t" \
            "movapd     xmm5, XMMWORD PTR [eax+16+"#address"]   \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm4, XMMWORD PTR [edx+"#address"]      \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm3, xmm7                              \n\t" \
            "movapd     xmm6, XMMWORD PTR [eax+96+"#address"]   \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm5, XMMWORD PTR [edx+16+"#address"]   \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm0, xmm4                              \n\t" \
            "movapd     xmm7, XMMWORD PTR [eax+112+"#address"]  \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm6, XMMWORD PTR [edx+96+"#address"]   \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm1, xmm5                              \n\t"

#define PEELED(address) \
            "movapd     xmm4, XMMWORD PTR [eax+"#address"]      \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm7, [edx+48+"#address"]               \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm2, xmm6                  \n\t" \
            "movapd     xmm5, XMMWORD PTR [eax+16+"#address"]   \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm4, XMMWORD PTR [edx+"#address"]      \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm3, xmm7                  \n\t" \
            "mulpd      xmm5, XMMWORD PTR [edx+16+"#address"]   \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm0, xmm4                  \n\t" \
            "addpd      xmm1, xmm5                  \n\t"

inline double 
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))        
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) ddot_ref(
    int n,
    const double* restrict A,
    const double* restrict B)
    double sum0 = 0.0;
    double sum1 = 0.0;
    double sum2 = 0.0;
    double sum3 = 0.0;
    double sum;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i+=4) {
        sum0 += *(A + i  ) * *(B + i  );
        sum1 += *(A + i+1) * *(B + i+1);
        sum2 += *(A + i+2) * *(B + i+2);
        sum3 += *(A + i+3) * *(B + i+3);
    sum = sum0+sum1+sum2+sum3;

inline double 
__attribute__ ((gnu_inline))        
__attribute__ ((aligned(64))) ddot_asm
(   int n,
    const double* restrict A,
    const double* restrict B)

        double sum;

            __asm__ __volatile__
            "mov        eax, %[A]                   \n\t"
            "mov        edx, %[B]                   \n\t"
            "mov        ecx, %[n]                   \n\t"
            "pxor       xmm0, xmm0                  \n\t"
            "pxor       xmm1, xmm1                  \n\t"
            "pxor       xmm2, xmm2                  \n\t"
            "pxor       xmm3, xmm3                  \n\t"
            "movapd     xmm6, XMMWORD PTR [eax+32]  \n\t"
            "movapd     xmm7, XMMWORD PTR [eax+48]  \n\t"
            "mulpd      xmm6, XMMWORD PTR [edx+32]  \n\t"
            "sar        ecx, 7                      \n\t"
            "sub        ecx, 1                      \n\t" // peel
            "L%=:                                   \n\t"
            KERNEL(64   *   0)
            KERNEL(64   *   1)
            KERNEL(64   *   2)
            KERNEL(64   *   3)
            KERNEL(64   *   4)
            KERNEL(64   *   5)
            KERNEL(64   *   6)
            KERNEL(64   *   7)
            KERNEL(64   *   8)
            KERNEL(64   *   9)
            KERNEL(64   *   10)
            KERNEL(64   *   11)
            KERNEL(64   *   12)
            KERNEL(64   *   13)
            KERNEL(64   *   14)
            KERNEL(64   *   15)
            "lea        eax, [eax+1024]             \n\t"
            "lea        edx, [edx+1024]             \n\t"
            "                                       \n\t"
            "dec        ecx                         \n\t"
            "jnz        L%=                         \n\t" // end loop
            "                                       \n\t"
            KERNEL(64   *   0)
            KERNEL(64   *   1)
            KERNEL(64   *   2)
            KERNEL(64   *   3)
            KERNEL(64   *   4)
            KERNEL(64   *   5)
            KERNEL(64   *   6)
            KERNEL(64   *   7)
            KERNEL(64   *   8)
            KERNEL(64   *   9)
            KERNEL(64   *   10)
            KERNEL(64   *   11)
            KERNEL(64   *   12)
            KERNEL(64   *   13)
            KERNEL(64   *   14)
            PEELED(64   *   15)
            "                                       \n\t"
            "addpd      xmm0, xmm1                  \n\t" // summing result
            "addpd      xmm2, xmm3                  \n\t"
            "addpd      xmm0, xmm2                  \n\t" // cascading add
            "movapd     xmm1, xmm0                  \n\t" // copy xmm0
            "shufpd     xmm1, xmm0, 0x03            \n\t" // shuffle
            "addsd      xmm0, xmm1                  \n\t" // add low qword
            "movsd      %[sum], xmm0                \n\t" // mov low qw to sum
            : // outputs
            [sum]   "=m"    (sum)
            : // inputs
            [A] "m" (A),
            [B] "m" (B), 
            [n] "m" (n)
            : //register clobber

int main()
    // timers
    LARGE_INTEGER frequency, time1, time2;
    double time3;
    // clock_t time1, time2;
    double gflops;

    int nmax = 4096;
    int trials = 1e7;
    double sum, residual;
    FILE *f = fopen("soddot.txt","w+");

    printf("%16s %16s %16s\n","N","Total Gflops/s","Residual");
    fprintf(f,"%16s %16s %16s\n","N","Total Gflops/s","Residual");

    for(int n = 256; n <= nmax; n += 128 ) {
        double* A = NULL;
        double* B = NULL;
        A = _mm_malloc(n*sizeof(*A), 64); if (!A) {printf("A failed\n"); return(1);}
        B = _mm_malloc(n*sizeof(*B), 64); if (!B) {printf("B failed\n"); return(1);}


        // create arrays
        for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            *(A + i) = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX;
            *(B + i) = (double) rand()/RAND_MAX;

        // warmup
        sum = ddot_asm(n,A,B);

        // time1 = clock();
        for (int count = 0; count < trials; count++){
            // sum = ddot_ref(n,A,B);
            sum = ddot_asm(n,A,B);
        time3 = (double)(time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart) / frequency.QuadPart;
        // time3 = (double) (clock() - time1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        gflops = (double) (2.0*n*trials)/time3/1.0e9;
        residual = ddot_ref(n,A,B) - sum;
        printf("%16d %16f %16e\n",n,gflops,residual);
        fprintf(f,"%16d %16f %16e\n",n,gflops,residual);

    return(0); // successful completion

EDIT: explanation of assembly

A dot product is just a repeat sum of products of two numbers: sum += a[i]*b[i]. sum must be initialized to 0 before the first iteration. Vectorized, you can do 2 sums at a time which must be summed at the end: [sum0 sum1] = [a[i] a[i+1]]*[b[i] b[i+1]], sum = sum0 + sum1. In (Intel) assembly, this is 3 steps (after the initialization):

pxor   xmm0, xmm0              // accumulator [sum0 sum1] = [0 0]
movapd xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [eax] // load [a[i] a[i+1]] into xmm1
mulpd  xmm1, XMMWORD PTR [edx] // xmm1 = xmm1 * [b[i] b[i+1]]
addpd  xmm0, xmm1              // xmm0 = xmm0 + xmm1

At this point you have nothing special, the compiler can come up with this. You can usually get better performance by unrolling the code enough times to use all xmm registers available to you (8 registers in 32 bit mode). So if you unroll it 4 times that allows you to utilize all 8 registers xmm0 through xmm7. You will have 4 accumulators and 4 registers for storing the results of movapd and addpd. Again, the compiler can come up with this. The real thinking part is trying to come up with a way to pipeline the code, i.e., make each instruction in the group of MOV/MUL/ADD operate on different registers so that all 3 instructions execute at the same time (usually the case on most CPUs). That's how you beat the compiler. So you have to pattern the 4x unrolled code to do just that, which may require loading vectors ahead of time and peeling off the first or last iteration. This is what KERNEL(address) is. I made a macro of the 4x unrolled pipelined code for convenience. That way I can easily unroll it in multiples of 4 by just changing address. Each KERNEL computes 8 dot products.

Upvotes: 14

Views: 3583

Answers (1)

Z boson
Z boson

Reputation: 33679

To answer your overall question you can't achieve peak performance with the dot product.

The problem is that your CPU can do one 128-bit load per clock cycle and to do the dot product you need two 128-bit loads per clock cycle.

But it's worse than that for large n. The answer to your second question is that the dot product is memory bound and not compute bound and so it cannot parallelize for large n with fast cores. This is explained better here why-vectorizing-the-loop-does-not-have-performance-improvement. This is a big problem with parallelization with fast cores. It took me a while to figure this out but it's very important to learn.

There are actually few basic algorithms that can fully benefit from parallelization on fast cores. In terms of BLAS algorithms it's only the Level-3 algorithms (O(n^3)) such as matrix multiplication that really benefit from parallelization. The situation is better on slow cores e.g. with GPUs and the Xeon Phi because the discrepancy between memory speed and core speed is much smaller.

If you want to find an algorithm which can get close to peak flops for small n try e.g. scalar * vector or the sum of scalar * vector. The first case should do one load, one mult, and one store every clock cycle and the second case one mult, one add, and one load every clock cycle.

I tested the following code on a Core 2 Duo [email protected] in Knoppix 7.3 32-bit. I get about 75% of the peak for the scalar product and 75% of the peakfor the sum of the scalar product. The flops/cycle for the scalar product is 2 and for the sum of the scalar product it's 4.

Compiled with g++ -msse2 -O3 -fopenmp foo.cpp -ffast-math

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>

void scalar_product(double * __restrict a, int n) {
    a = (double*)__builtin_assume_aligned (a, 64);
    double k = 3.14159;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        a[i] = k*a[i]; 

void scalar_product_SSE(double * __restrict a, int n) {
    a = (double*)__builtin_assume_aligned (a, 64);
    __m128d k = _mm_set1_pd(3.14159);    
    for(int i=0; i<n; i+=8) {
        __m128d t1 = _mm_load_pd(&a[i+0]);
        __m128d t2 = _mm_load_pd(&a[i+2]);
        __m128d t3 = _mm_load_pd(&a[i+4]);
        __m128d t4 = _mm_load_pd(&a[i+6]);

double scalar_sum(double * __restrict a, int n) {
    a = (double*)__builtin_assume_aligned (a, 64);
    double sum = 0.0;    
    double k = 3.14159;
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        sum += k*a[i]; 
    return sum;

double scalar_sum_SSE(double * __restrict a, int n) {
    a = (double*)__builtin_assume_aligned (a, 64);
    __m128d sum1 = _mm_setzero_pd();
    __m128d sum2 = _mm_setzero_pd();
    __m128d sum3 = _mm_setzero_pd();
    __m128d sum4 = _mm_setzero_pd();
    __m128d k = _mm_set1_pd(3.14159);   
    for(int i=0; i<n; i+=8) {
        __m128d t1 = _mm_load_pd(&a[i+0]);
        sum1 = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(k,t1),sum1);
        __m128d t2 = _mm_load_pd(&a[i+2]);
        sum2 = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(k,t2),sum2);
        __m128d t3 = _mm_load_pd(&a[i+4]);
        sum3 = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(k,t3),sum3);
        __m128d t4 = _mm_load_pd(&a[i+6]);
        sum4 = _mm_add_pd(_mm_mul_pd(k,t4),sum4);      
    double tmp[8];
    double sum = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<8; i++) sum+=tmp[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    //_mm_setcsr(_mm_getcsr() | 0x8040);
    double dtime, peak, flops, sum;
    int repeat = 1<<18;
    const int n = 2048;
    double *a = (double*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(double)*n,64);
    double *b = (double*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(double)*n,64);
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++) a[i] = 1.0*rand()/RAND_MAX;

    dtime = omp_get_wtime();
    for(int r=0; r<repeat; r++) {
    dtime = omp_get_wtime() - dtime;
    peak = 2*2.67;
    flops = 1.0*n/dtime*1E-9*repeat;
    printf("time %f, %f, %f\n", dtime,flops, flops/peak);

    //for(int i=0; i<n; i++) a[i] = 1.0*rand()/RAND_MAX;
    //sum = 0.0;    
    dtime = omp_get_wtime();
    for(int r=0; r<repeat; r++) {
    dtime = omp_get_wtime() - dtime;
    peak = 2*2*2.67;
    flops = 2.0*n/dtime*1E-9*repeat;
    printf("time %f, %f, %f\n", dtime,flops, flops/peak);
    //printf("sum %f\n", sum);


Upvotes: 13

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