Reputation: 16813
I want to add a new tab into the products page allowing logged in customers to directly download from product page.
At first this seems simple, but it seems that opencart is missing the download_id from order_download table so maybe I am doing this all wrong.
UPDATE: Been doing some digging into the admin and find that opencart is actually using the filename instead of download_id so guess I will have to use that. E.g:
$this->db->query("UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "order_download SET `filename` = '" . $this->db->escape($data['filename']) . "', mask = '" . $this->db->escape($data['mask']) . "', remaining = '" . (int)$data['remaining'] . "' WHERE `filename` = '" . $this->db->escape($download_info['filename']) . "'");
The updated method below so am I doing this correct? Seems a lot of queries so not sure if this can be improved?
public function getProductDownloads($product_id) {
$data = array();
$result = $this->db->query("SELECT download_id FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "product_to_download WHERE product_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "'");
foreach ($result->rows as $product_download) {
$product_download_query = $this->db->query("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "download d LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "download_description dd ON (d.download_id = dd.download_id) WHERE d.download_id = '" . (int)$product_download['download_id'] . "' AND dd.language_id = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id') . "'");
foreach ($product_download_query->rows as $download) {
if (!file_exists(DIR_DOWNLOAD . $download['filename'])) continue;
$row = array(
'download_id' => $download['download_id'],
'date_added' => date($this->language->get('date_format_short'), strtotime($download['date_added'])),
'name' => $download['name'],
'href' => ''
// 1. Get customer orders
$order_download_query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "order_download od LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` o ON (od.order_id = o.order_id) WHERE o.customer_id = '" . (int)$this->customer->getId(). "' AND o.order_status_id > '0' AND o.order_status_id = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_complete_status_id') . "' AND (od.remaining = -1 OR od.remaining > 0) AND od.filename = '" . $this->db->escape($download['filename']) . "'");
foreach($order_download_query->rows as $order_download) {
// 2. Check customer ordered product
$order_product_download_query = $this->db->query("SELECT 1 FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "order_product op WHERE op.order_product_id = '" . (int)$order_download['order_product_id']. "' AND op.product_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "'");
if($order_product_download_query->row) {
$row['href'] = $this->url->link('account/download/download', 'order_download_id=' . $order_download['order_download_id'], 'SSL');
$row['remaining'] = $order_download['remaining'];
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1893
Reputation: 1204
First You don't have to run update query, after Placing order it adds data
see /catalog/model/checkout/order.php::addOrder()
To download files
see /catalog/model/account/download.php::getDownloads()
add following code after if ($product_info) {
around line 170 of /catalog/controller/product/product.php
if ($this->customer->isLogged()) {
$results = $this->model_account_download->getDownloadByProduct($product_id);
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (file_exists(DIR_DOWNLOAD . $result['filename'])) {
$size = filesize(DIR_DOWNLOAD . $result['filename']);
$i = 0;
$suffix = array(
while (($size / 1024) > 1) {
$size = $size / 1024;
$this->data['downloads'][] = array(
'order_id' => $result['order_id'],
'name' => $result['name'],
'remaining' => $result['remaining'],
'size' => round(substr($size, 0, strpos($size, '.') + 4), 2) . $suffix[$i],
'href' => $this->url->link('account/download/download', 'order_download_id=' . $result['order_download_id'], 'SSL')
Default download method fetches all downloads by customer but we need downloads on product by customer
so /catalog/model/account/download.php
add new function. This will fetch associated downloads of product if customer have remaining download of that product.
public function getDownloadByProduct($product_id) {
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT o.order_id, o.date_added, od.order_download_id,, od.filename, od.remaining FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "order_download od LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` o ON (od.order_id = o.order_id) LEFT JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . "order_product` op ON (o.order_id = op.order_id) WHERE o.customer_id = '" . (int)$this->customer->getId() . "' AND o.order_status_id > '0' AND o.order_status_id = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_complete_status_id') . "' AND od.remaining > 0 AND op.product_id = ' " . $product_id . " ' ORDER BY o.date_added DESC");
return $query->rows;
now in product.tpl
file you can echo download
foreach ($downloads as $download) { ?>
<a href="<?php echo $download['href'];?>"><?php echo $download['name'].'('.$download['remaining'].')' ?></a>
<?php }
Hope This helps
Upvotes: 2