
Reputation: 5645

abstract classes in std containers

Very often, when I program, I use polymorphism because it naturally models the objects that I need. On the other hand I very often use standard containers to store these objects, and I tend to avoid pointers because this either requires me to free up the objects instead of popping them off the stack or requires me to know for sure the objects will stay on the stack while I use the pointer. Of course there are all kinds of pointer-container objects that sort of do this task for you, but in my experience they are also not ideal or even annoying. That is; if such a simple solution existed, it would have been in the c++ language, right ? ;)

So lets have a classic example:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct foo {};
struct goo : public foo {};
struct moo : public foo {};

int main() {
    std::vector<foo> foos;

    return 0;

See: http://ideone.com/aEVoSi . This works fine, and if the objects have different sizeof's the compiler may apply slicing. However, due to the the fact that c++ knows no instanceof like Java, and to the best of my knowledge no adequate alternative exists, one cannot access the properties of the inherited classes after fetching them as a foo from the vector.

Hence one would use virtual function, however this disallows one to allocate a foo, and hence one is not permitted to use them in a vector. See Why can't we declare a std::vector<AbstractClass>? .

For example I may want to be able to print both subclasses, simple feature, right?

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct foo {
        virtual void print() =0;
        virtual ~foo() {}

struct goo : public foo {
    int a;
    void print() { std::cout << "goo"; }

struct moo : public foo {
    int a,b;
    void print() { std::cout << "moo"; }

int main() {
    std::vector<foo> foos;

    for(foo& f : foos) {
    return 0;

Source: http://ideone.com/I4rYn9

This is a simple addition, as a designer I would never think of wanting this behavior in foresight. I would already be so thrilled by the fact that c++ was able to slice my objects and hence store objects of different sizes in one vector. Unfortunately it cannot do so anymore when the base class is abstract, as stated here: Why can't we declare a std::vector<AbstractClass>?

The general good solution seems to be to use pointers. But this (1) forces me to do memory management and (2) I'd need to change interfaces and recode a lot of things. For instance, consider that I first had some class interface returning a std::vector<foo>, now it returns a std::vector<foo *>, so I need to check and change all the calls of foo; which is annoying, or even impossible if I am writing a library.

So basically, imho, that is a small feature addition with big code consequences.

My question is w.r.t. coding standards. How can I prevent that these annoyances occur? Should I always use pointers, and do all my memory management? Should I always assume a class might become abstract along the way?

EDIT, ANSWER: Based on the answer of 40two I made this sniplet:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

struct foo {
    virtual void print() =0;

struct goo : public foo {
    int a;
    void print() { std::cout << "goo"; }

struct moo : public foo {
    int a,b;
    void print() { std::cout << "moo"; }
typedef std::unique_ptr<foo> foo_ptr;
int main() {
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<foo> > foos;
    foos.push_back(foo_ptr(new moo));
    foos.push_back(foo_ptr(new goo));
    foos.push_back(foo_ptr(new goo));
    foos.push_back(foo_ptr(new moo));

    for(auto it = foos.begin(); it!=foos.end(); ++it) {
    return 0;

Source: http://ideone.com/ym4SY2

Upvotes: 14

Views: 9458

Answers (5)


Reputation: 735

How about writing a wrapper around foo that incapsulates foo* and implicitly converts to foo&?

It uses a copy semantic that calls the underlying clone on the stored object to make a deep copy. This is at least not worse than the original intent to store everything by value. If you end up storing everything as a pointer to abstract base anyway then this has the same level of indirection as a unique_ptr but is copyable (whereas unique_ptr is not). On the other hand this is less overhead than shared_ptr.

Add clone() to the abstract hierarchy:

struct foo {
    virtual void print() const = 0;

    virtual ~foo() {};
    virtual foo* clone() = 0;

struct goo : public foo {
    int a;
    void print() const { std::cout << "goo" << std::endl; }
    foo* clone() { return new goo(*this); }

struct moo : public foo {
    int a,b;
    void print() const { std::cout << "moo" << std::endl; }
    foo* clone() { return new moo(*this); }

Define foo_w wrapper around foo, see copy-and-swap idiom.

struct foo_w {
    foo_w(foo *f = nullptr) : fp(f) {}
    ~foo_w() { delete fp; }

    foo_w(const foo_w& that) : fp(that.fp->clone()) {}
    foo_w(foo_w&& that) : foo_w() { swap(*this, that); }

    foo_w& operator=(foo_w rhs) {
       swap(*this, rhs);
       return *this;

    friend void swap(foo_w& f, foo_w& s) {
       using std::swap;
       swap(f.fp, s.fp);

    operator foo&() { return *fp; } 
    operator const foo&() const { return *fp; } 

    foo& get() { return *fp; }
    const foo& get() const { return *fp; }

    // if we rewrite interface functions here
    // calls to get() could be eliminated (see below)
    // void print() { fp->print(); };

    foo *fp;

The usage is as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

// class definitions here...

int main() {
    std::vector<foo_w> foos;
    foos.emplace_back(new moo);
    foos.emplace_back(new goo);
    foos.emplace_back(new goo);
    foos.emplace_back(new moo);

    // variant 1: do it through a getter:
    for(auto it = foos.begin(); it!=foos.end(); ++it) {
        // the presence of a proxy is almost hidden
        // if we redefine interface in foo_w
        // it->print();

    // variant 2: use it through reference to foo
    for(auto it = foos.begin(); it!=foos.end(); ++it) {
        foo& fr = *it;

    // variant 3: looks really nice with range-for
    for(foo& fr : foos)

    return 0;

The wrapper behavior is really up to what suits your needs. Probably if you're OK with unique_ptr being not copyable that one is a better way to go, for me it was critical so I ended up with this. Also have a look at std::reference_wrapper to store reference-like objects in the container.

Upvotes: 0

Dimitrios Bouzas
Dimitrios Bouzas

Reputation: 42939

One solution if you compiler supports C++11 features, would be to use std::vector<std::shared_ptr<foo>> or std::vector<std::unique_ptr<foo>>instead of raw pointers like the example below:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

struct foo {
    virtual void print() = 0;

struct goo : public foo {
    int a;
    void print() { std::cout << "goo"; }

struct moo : public foo {
    int a,b;
    void print() { std::cout << "moo"; }

auto main() -> int {
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<foo>> v{std::make_shared<goo>(), std::make_shared<moo>()};
    for(auto i : v) { 
        std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;

or with std::vector<std::unique_ptr<foo>>:

auto main() -> int {
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<foo>> v;
    v.push_back(std::move(std::unique_ptr<goo>(new goo)));
    v.push_back(std::move(std::unique_ptr<moo>(new moo)));
    for(auto it(v.begin()), ite(v.end()); it != ite; ++it) { 
        std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;

Thus, you wouldn't have to worry about memory deallocation.

Upvotes: 13


Reputation: 29764

You can use raw pointers and handle memory correctly

std::vector< AbstractBase*>

or you can use smart pointers, i.e std::shared_ptr (a smart pointer that retains shared ownership of an object through a pointer) or std::unique_ptr(smart pointer that retains sole ownership of an object through a pointer and destroys that object when the unique_ptr goes out of scope) and let the library do memory management for you. So you end up then with something like

std::vector< std::shared_ptr<AbstractBase>>


std::vector< std::unique_ptr<AbstractBase>>

http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/shared_ptr http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/unique_ptr

Upvotes: 5



You might wrap the polymorphic relationship of your classes and use a smart pointer:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

class Base
    struct Implementation
        virtual ~Implementation() {}
        virtual void print() const = 0;

    Implementation& self() const { return *m_self; }

    Base(std::shared_ptr<Implementation> self)
    :   m_self(self)

    void print() const { self().print(); }

    std::shared_ptr<Implementation> m_self;

class Foo : public Base
    struct Implementation : Base::Implementation
        virtual void print() const { std::cout << "Foo\n"; }

    Implementation& self() const { return static_cast<Implementation&>(Base::self()); }

    Foo() : Base(std::make_shared<Implementation>()) {}

class Goo : public Base
    struct Implementation : Base::Implementation
        virtual void print() const { std::cout << "Goo\n"; }

    Implementation& self() const { return static_cast<Implementation&>(Base::self()); }

    Goo() : Base(std::make_shared<Implementation>()) {}

int main() {
    std::vector<Base> v = { Foo(), Goo() };
    for(const auto& x: v)

Upvotes: 2

Aaron Oommen
Aaron Oommen

Reputation: 840

I would recommend the use of a shared_ptr ie:

vector<shared_ptr<foo> > 

instead of the raw pointer. That will take care of the vast majority of your memory management problems.

The second issue will still remain as you would need to redesign your interface in some areas. But there is nothing you can do about that as you need pointers when working with abstract base classes. You can't just access foo as a direct reference if foo is abstract. If you can, design your interface such that it hides these details.

Sorry this is probably not the answer you are looking for but this is my best recommendation.

Upvotes: 2

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