
Reputation: 171

how to add tokens to gensim dictionary

I use to build dictionary from a collection of documents. Each document is a list of tokens. this my code

def constructModel(self, docTokens):
    """ Given document tokens, constructs the tf-idf and similarity models"""

    #construct dictionary for the BOW (vector-space) model : Dictionary = a mapping between words and their integer ids = collection of (word_index,word_string) pairs
    #print "dictionary"
    self.dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(docTokens)

    # prune dictionary: remove words that appear too infrequently or too frequently
    print "dictionary size before filter_extremes:",self.dictionary#len(self.dictionary.values())
    #self.dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=1, no_above=0.9, keep_n=100000)

    print "dictionary size after filter_extremes:",self.dictionary

    #construct the corpus bow vectors; bow vector = collection of (word_id,word_frequency) pairs
    corpus_bow = [self.dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in docTokens]

    #construct the tf-idf model 
    self.model = models.TfidfModel(corpus_bow,normalize=True)
    corpus_tfidf = self.model[corpus_bow]   # first transform each raw bow vector in the corpus to the tfidf model's vector space
    self.similarityModel = similarities.MatrixSimilarity(corpus_tfidf)  # construct the term-document index

my question is how to add a new doc (tokens) to this dictionary and update it. I searched in gensim documents but I didn't find a solution

Upvotes: 4

Views: 6010

Answers (3)


Reputation: 4179


You can just use keyedvectors from gensim.models.keyedvectors. They are very easy to use.

from gensim.models.keyedvectors import WordEmbeddingsKeyedVectors

w2v = WordEmbeddingsKeyedVectors(50) # 50 = vec length
w2v.add(new_words, their_new_vecs)


AND if you already have built a model using gensim.models.Word2Vec you can just do this. suppose I want to add the token <UKN> with a random vector.

model.wv["<UNK>"] = np.random.rand(100) # 100 is the vectors length

The complete example would be like this:

import numpy as np
import gensim.downloader as api
from gensim.models import Word2Vec

dataset = api.load("text8")  # load dataset as iterable
model = Word2Vec(dataset)

model.wv["<UNK>"] = np.random.rand(100)

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 7656

You can use the add_documents method:

from gensim import corpora
text = [["aaa", "aaa"]]
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(text)

After run the code above, you will get this:

Dictionary(2 unique tokens: ['aaa', 'bbb'])

Read the document for more details.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 724

There is documentation for how to do this on the gensim webpage here

The way to do it is create another dictionary with the new documents and then merge them.

from gensim import corpora

dict1 = corpora.Dictionary(firstDocs)
dict2 = corpora.Dictionary(moreDocs)

According to the docs, this will map "same tokens to the same ids and new tokens to new ids".

Upvotes: 7

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