Reputation: 1025
I want to use a powershell (.ps1) script in the command prompt without using this commands
Powershell.exe -noexit Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -file "C:\Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1"
Currently this command opens powershell windows. I want direct cmd to use this script and giving me output. Is it possible?
Below is my Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1 script. please guide me is there any way to use it directly?
function Get-NetworkStatistics {
Display current TCP/IP connections for local or remote system
Display current TCP/IP connections for local or remote system. Includes the process ID (PID) and process name for each connection.
If the port is not yet established, the port number is shown as an asterisk (*).
.PARAMETER ProcessName
Gets connections by the name of the process. The default value is '*'.
The port number of the local computer or remote computer. The default value is '*'.
Gets connections by the IP address of the connection, local or remote. Wildcard is supported. The default value is '*'.
The name of the protocol (TCP or UDP). The default value is '*' (all)
Indicates the state of a TCP connection. The possible states are as follows:
Closed - The TCP connection is closed.
Close_Wait - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the local user.
Closing - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for an acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Delete_Tcb - The transmission control buffer (TCB) for the TCP connection is being deleted.
Established - The TCP handshake is complete. The connection has been established and data can be sent.
Fin_Wait_1 - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the remote endpoint or for an acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Fin_Wait_2 - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for a connection termination request from the remote endpoint.
Last_Ack - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for the final acknowledgement of the connection termination request sent previously.
Listen - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is listening for a connection request from any remote endpoint.
Syn_Received - The local endpoint of the TCP connection has sent and received a connection request and is waiting for an acknowledgment.
Syn_Sent - The local endpoint of the TCP connection has sent the remote endpoint a segment header with the synchronize (SYN) control bit set and is waiting for a matching connection request.
Time_Wait - The local endpoint of the TCP connection is waiting for enough time to pass to ensure that the remote endpoint received the acknowledgement of its connection termination request.
Unknown - The TCP connection state is unknown.
Values are based on the TcpState Enumeration:
Cookie Monster - modified these to match netstat output per here:
.PARAMETER ComputerName
If defined, run this command on a remote system via WMI. \\computername\c$\netstat.txt is created on that system and the results returned here
.PARAMETER ShowHostNames
If specified, will attempt to resolve local and remote addresses.
Temporary file to store results on remote system. Must be relative to remote system (not a file share). Default is "C:\netstat.txt"
Get-NetworkStatistics | Format-Table
Get-NetworkStatistics iexplore -computername k-it-thin-02 -ShowHostNames | Format-Table
Get-NetworkStatistics -ProcessName md* -Protocol tcp
Get-NetworkStatistics -Address 192* -State LISTENING
Get-NetworkStatistics -State LISTENING -Protocol tcp
Author: Shay Levy, code butchered by Cookie Monster
Shay's Blog:
Cookie Monster's Blog:
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName='name')]
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true,ParameterSetName='address')]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
[validatescript({test-connection -count 2 -buffersize 16 -quiet -ComputerName $_})]
[switch]$ShowProcessNames = $true,
[System.String]$tempFile = "C:\netstat.txt"
#Define properties
$properties = 'Protocol','LocalAddress','LocalPort','RemoteAddress','RemotePort','State','ProcessName','PID'
#Collect processes
Try {
$processes = get-process -computername $computername -ErrorAction stop | select name, id
Catch {
Write-warning "Could not run Get-Process -computername $computername. Verify permissions and connectivity. Defaulting to no ShowProcessNames"
$ShowProcessNames = $false
#store hostnames in array for quick lookup
$dnsCache = @()
#Handle remote systems
if($computername -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME){
#define command
[string]$cmd = "cmd /c c:\windows\system32\netstat.exe -ano >> $tempFile"
#define remote file path - computername, drive, folder path
$remoteTempFile = "\\{0}\{1}`${2}" -f "$computername", (split-path $tempFile -qualifier).TrimEnd(":"), (Split-Path $tempFile -noqualifier)
#delete previous results
$null = Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList "cmd /c del $tempFile" -ComputerName $computername -ErrorAction stop
Write-Warning "Could not invoke create win32_process on $computername to delete $tempfile"
#run command
$processID = (Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $cmd -ComputerName $computername -ErrorAction stop).processid
#If we didn't run netstat, break everything off
Throw $_
#wait for process to complete
while (
#This while should return true until the process completes
get-process -id $processid -computername $computername -ErrorAction Stop
) {
start-sleep -seconds 2
#gather results
if(test-path $remoteTempFile){
Try {
$results = Get-Content $remoteTempFile | Select-String -Pattern '\s+(TCP|UDP)'
Catch {
Throw "Could not get content from $remoteTempFile for results"
Remove-Item $remoteTempFile -force
Throw "'$tempFile' on $computername converted to '$remoteTempFile'. This path is not accessible from your system."
#gather results on local PC
$results = netstat -ano | Select-String -Pattern '\s+(TCP|UDP)'
#initialize counter for progress
$totalCount = $results.count
$count = 0
#Loop through each line of results
foreach($result in $results) {
$item = $result.line.split(' ',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
if($item[1] -notmatch '^\[::'){
#parse the netstat line for local address and port
if (($la = $item[1] -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetworkV6'){
$localAddress = $la.IPAddressToString
$localPort = $item[1].split('\]:')[-1]
else {
$localAddress = $item[1].split(':')[0]
$localPort = $item[1].split(':')[-1]
#parse the netstat line for remote address and port
if (($ra = $item[2] -as [ipaddress]).AddressFamily -eq 'InterNetworkV6'){
$remoteAddress = $ra.IPAddressToString
$remotePort = $item[2].split('\]:')[-1]
else {
$remoteAddress = $item[2].split(':')[0]
$remotePort = $item[2].split(':')[-1]
#parse the netstat line for other properties
$procId = $item[-1]
$proto = $item[0]
$status = if($item[0] -eq 'tcp') {$item[3]} else {$null}
#Display progress bar prior to getting process name or host name
Write-Progress -Activity "Resolving host and process names"`
-Status "Resolving process ID $procId with remote address $remoteAddress and local address $localAddress"`
-PercentComplete (( $count / $totalCount ) * 100)
#If we are running showprocessnames, get the matching name
#handle case where process spun up in the time between running get-process and running netstat
if($procName = $processes | ?{$ -eq $procId} | select -ExpandProperty name ){ }
else {$procName = "Unknown"}
else{$procName = "NA"}
#if the showhostnames switch is specified, try to map IP to hostname
$tmpAddress = $null
if($remoteAddress -eq "" -or $remoteAddress -eq ""){
$remoteAddress = $computername
elseif($remoteAddress -match "\w"){
#check with dns cache first
if($tmpAddress = $dnsCache -match "`t$remoteAddress$"){
$remoteAddress = ( $tmpAddress -split "`t" )[0]
write-verbose "using cached REMOTE '$tmpADDRESS'"
#if address isn't in the cache, resolve it and add it
$tmpAddress = $remoteAddress
$remoteAddress = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByAddress("$remoteAddress").hostname
$dnsCache += "$remoteAddress`t$tmpAddress"
write-verbose "using non cached REMOTE '$remoteAddress`t$tmpAddress"
catch{ }
if($localAddress -eq "" -or $localAddress -eq ""){
$localAddress = $computername
elseif($localAddress -match "\w"){
#check with dns cache first
if($tmpAddress = $dnsCache -match "`t$localAddress$"){
$localAddress = ( $tmpAddress -split "`t" )[0]
write-verbose "using cached LOCAL '$tmpADDRESS'"
#if address isn't in the cache, resolve it and add it
$tmpAddress = $localAddress
$localAddress = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByAddress("$localAddress").hostname
$dnsCache += "$localAddress`t$tmpAddress"
write-verbose "using non cached LOCAL '$localAddress'`t'$tmpAddress'"
catch{ }
#Define the object
$pso = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
PID = $procId
ProcessName = $procName
Protocol = $proto
LocalAddress = $localAddress
LocalPort = $localPort
RemoteAddress =$remoteAddress
RemotePort = $remotePort
State = $status
} | Select-Object -Property $properties
#Filter and display the object
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'port'){
if($pso.RemotePort -like $Port -or $pso.LocalPort -like $Port){
if($pso.Protocol -like $Protocol -and $pso.State -like $State){
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'address'){
if($pso.RemoteAddress -like $Address -or $pso.LocalAddress -like $Address){
if($pso.Protocol -like $Protocol -and $pso.State -like $State){
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'name'){
if($pso.ProcessName -like $ProcessName){
if($pso.Protocol -like $Protocol -and $pso.State -like $State){
#Increment the progress counter
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1470
Reputation: 108
In response to your comment, " main purpose it to run this function Get-NetworkStatistics -computername Gbi1 | Format-Table -autosize
You can add these two lines to the end of Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1
(This is a hack to get your purpose met, negates most of the power of Shay's script):
$ARG_COMPNAME = $args[0]
Get-NetworkStatistics -computername $ARG_COMPNAME | Format-Table -autosize
Then you call the Powershell script along the lines of:
C:\>powershell.exe -noprofile -file Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1 Gbi1
The script runs and dumps a netstat table to screen and dumps a file c:\netstat.txt
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10107
Dito to what @Kayasax said so picturesquely - you cannot run a powershell script without powershell, period. An alternative to your command is the following, executes and exits:
@powershell C:\Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1
Upvotes: 3