Reputation: 33
I have a video about traffic scene. Now, I want to calculate the percentage of vehicle area on the road area (or the percentage of foreground area on the background area). The first step for this is background extraction. I have read many document and scientific articles about it, one of them recommends to use the mean filter following this formula:
This is the link of that the article. The results are very good, it is exactly what I want.
I followed his formula and I tried to write my code. But It didn't work! Who can help me and give me some advice. This is my code:
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
imtool close all; % Close all imtool figures.
clear; % Erase all existing variables.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
fontSize = 14;
%input video;
step = 10;
vob = VideoReader('NKKN.avi');
frame =;
vidHeight = vob.Height;
vidWidth = vob.Width;
nFrames = vob.NumberOfFrames;
%%% First-iteration background frame
background_frame = double(frame*0);
redbackground_frame = background_frame(:,:,1);
greenbackground_frame = background_frame(:,:,2);
bluebackground_frame = background_frame(:,:,3);
%calculate background
i = 0;
for k = 1:10 %get background from 10 frame (J=10)
thisframe = double(read(vob, k));
%background_frame = background_frame + thisframe;
redbackground_frame = redbackground_frame + thisframe(:,:,1);
greenbackground_frame = greenbackground_frame + thisframe(:,:,2);
bluebackground_frame = bluebackground_frame + thisframe(:,:,3);
A = redbackground_frame/i;
B = greenbackground_frame/i;
C = bluebackground_frame/i;
background = cat(3,A,B,C);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3863
Reputation: 1224
Extracting the background of this video
clear all
close all
reader = VideoReader('C:\Users\Ali Sahzil\Desktop\Media.wmv'); // your video file location
vid = {};
while hasFrame(reader)
vid{end+1} = im2single(readFrame(reader));
bg = mean( cat(4, vid{:}), 4);
x =bg;
imshow( bg );
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6015
This is actually based on Shai's and user3725204's answers. I didn't use read
and NumberOfFrames
which are not recommended. I also adopted user3725204's suggestion, since there's no need to read all frames.
function backGrnd = getBackGrnd(filename, nTest, method)
if nargin < 2, nTest = 20; end
if nargin < 3, method = 'median'; end
v = VideoReader(filename);
nChannel = size(readFrame(v), 3);
tTest = linspace(0, v.Duration-1/v.FrameRate , nTest);
%allocate room for buffer
buff = NaN([v.Height, v.Width, nChannel, nTest]);
for fi = 1:nTest
v.CurrentTime =tTest(fi);
% read current frame and update model
buff(:, :, :, mod(fi, nTest) + 1) = readFrame(v);
switch lower(method)
case 'median'
backGrnd = nanmedian(buff, 4);
case 'mean'
backGrnd = nanmean(buff, 4);
And the result is like this:
subplot(221); imshow(uint8(TrafficVisionLab.getBackGrnd('traffic.avi', 10, 'mean')));
subplot(222); imshow(uint8(TrafficVisionLab.getBackGrnd('traffic.avi', 10, 'median')));
subplot(223); imshow(uint8(TrafficVisionLab.getBackGrnd('traffic.avi', 50, 'mean')));
subplot(224); imshow(uint8(TrafficVisionLab.getBackGrnd('traffic.avi', 50, 'median')));
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 143
Here is a very simple solution you can build upon. First you will need a sample background image of the scene with no traffic. We will call this 'bg'.
Here is a simple approach in pseudo-code:
load in background image 'bg'
set threshold upper value
set threshold lower value
loop until done for each frame
subtract 'bg' image from your first frame
if pixel value of foreground > than threshold upper value
set foreground pixel value to 'nan'
if pixel value of foreground < than threshold lower value
set foreground pixel value to 'nan'
if pixel value of foreground == 0
set foreground pixel value to 'nan'
This will bracket your foreground images to only show the parts of the scene you are interested in. Note: this process can be greatly enhanced by using a stereoscopic camera to give you depth perception. However, you should be able to build upon this code to remove unwanted parts of your image.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 33
vob = VideoReader('NKKN.avi');
frame =;
vidHeight = vob.Height;
vidWidth = vob.Width;
nFrames = vob.NumberOfFrames;
%allocate room for buffer of 20 frames
buff = NaN( [vidHeight, vidWidth, 3, 20] ); % allocate room for buffer
for fi = 1:20:nFrames
% read current frame
thisframe = double(read(vob, fi)) / 255; % convert to [0..1] range
% update background model
buff(:, :, :, mod( fi, 10 ) + 1 ) = thisframe;
background_L1 = nanmedian( buff, 4 );
background_L2 = nanmean( buff, 4 );
hImage = subplot(2, 2, 1);
caption = sprintf('thisframe');
title(caption, 'FontSize', fontSize);
drawnow; % Force it to refresh the window.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 114796
You can maintain a buffer of B
frames for a dynamic estimation of backgound
buff = NaN( [vidHeight, vidWidth, 3, B] ); % allocate room for buffer
% process the video
for fi = 1:nFrames
% read current frame
thisframe = double(read(vob, k)) / 255; % convert to [0..1] range
% update background model
buff(:, :, :, mod( fi, B ) + 1 ) = thisframe;
background_L1 = nanmedian( buff, 4 ); % I think this is better than `mean` - try it!
background_L2 = nanmean( buff, 4 );
% do whatever processing you need with fi-th frame
% and the current background mode...
% ...
Note that if fi
< B
(i.e., you processed less than B
frames) the background model is not stable. I am using NaN
s as default values for the buffer and these values are ignored when backgound model is estimated -- this is the reason why I use nanmedian
and nanmean
instead of simply median
and mean
Upvotes: 1