Reputation: 4373
I'm doing data analysis using k-nearest neighbor algorithm in Matlab. My data consists of about 11795 x 88 data matrix, where the rows are observations and columns are variables.
My task is to find k-nearest neighbors for n selected test points. Currently I'm doing it with the following logic:
FOR all the test points
LOOP all the data and find the k-closest neighbors (by euclidean distance)
In other words, I loop all the n test points. For each test point I search the data (which excludes the test point itself) for k-nearest neighbors by euclidean distance. For each test point this takes approximately k x 11794 iterations. So the whole process takes about n x k x 11794 iterations. If n = 10000 and k = 7, this would be approximately 825,6 million iterations.
Is there a more efficient way to calculate the k-nearest neighbors? Most of the computation is going to waste now, because my algorithm simply:
calculates the euclidean distance to all the other points, picks up the closest and excludes the closest point from further consideration --> calculates the euclidean distance to all the other points and picks up the closest --> etc. --> etc.
Is there a smart way to get rid of this 'waste calculation'?
Currently this process takes about 7 hours in my computer (3.2 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 64-bit Win 7)... :(
Here is some of the logic illustrated explicitly (this is not all my code, but this is the part that eats up performance):
for i = 1:size(testpoints, 1) % Loop all the test points
neighborcandidates = all_data_excluding_testpoints; % Use the rest of the data excluding the test points in search of the k-nearest neighbors
testpoint = testpoints(i, :); % This is the test point for which we find k-nearest neighbors
kneighbors = []; % Store the k-nearest neighbors here.
for j = 1:k % Find k-nearest neighbors
bdist = Inf; % The distance of the closest neighbor
bind = 0; % The index of the closest neighbor
for n = 1:size(neighborcandidates, 1) % Loop all the candidates
if pdist([testpoint; neighborcandidates(n, :)]) < bdist % Check the euclidean distance
bdist = pdist([testpoint; neighborcandidates(n, :)]); % Update the best distance so far
bind = n; % Save the best found index so far
kneighbors = [kneighbors; neighborcandidates(bind, :)]; % Save the found neighbour
neighborcandidates(bind, :) = []; % Remove the neighbor from further consideration
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Views: 4189
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Maybe this is a faster code in the context of Matlab. You can also try parallel functions, data index, and approximate nearest neighbor algorithms to be theoretically more efficient.
% a slightly faster way to find k nearest neighbors in matlab
% find neighbors for data Y from data X
for d=2:size(Y,2)
for i=1:k
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Reputation: 2361
Wouldn't this work?
adjk = adj;
for i=1:k-1
adj_k = adj_k*adj;
kneigh = find(adj_k(n,:)>0)
given a node n and an index k?
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Reputation: 45762
Using pdist2
A = rand(20,5); %// This is your 11795 x 88
B = A([1, 12, 4, 8], :); %// This is your n-by-88 subset, i.e. n=4 in this case
n = size(B,1);
D = pdist2(A,B);
[~, ind] = sort(D);
kneighbours = ind(2:2+k, :);
Now you can use kneighbours
to index a row in A
. Note that the columns of kneighbours
correspond to the rows of B
But since you're already dipping into the stats toolbox with pdist
why not just use Matlab's knnsearch
kneighbours_matlab = knnsearch(A,B,'K',k+1);
note that kneighbours
is the same as kneighbours_matlab(:,2:end)'
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Reputation: 2619
I am not sure if it will speed up the code, but it removes the inner two loops
for i = 1:size(testpoints, 1) % //Loop all the test points
temp = repmat(testpoints(i,:),size(neighborcandidates, 1),1);
euclead_dist = (sum((temp - neighborcandidates).^2,2).^(0.5));
[sort_dist ind] = sort(euclead_dist);
lowest_k_ind = ind(1:k);
kneighbors = neighborcandidates(lowest_k_ind, :);
neighborcandidates(lowest_k_ind, :) = [];
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Reputation: 1419
I'm not familiar with specific matlab functions but you can remove k from your formula.
There is a well-known selection algorithm that
A=2,4,6,8,10,1,3,5,7,9; k=5
output = 2,4,1,3,5,10,6,8,7,9
This is done in O(n) steps and doesn't depend on k.
EDIT1: You can also precompute all distances as it looks like its the place where you spend most of the computation. It will be roughly a 800M matrix so that shouldnt be the issue on modern machines.
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