Reputation: 8283
I'm unable to replicate results from provided BUGS code using PyMC. The BUGS model is the Andersen-Gill multiplicative intensity Cox PH model.
# Set up data
for(i in 1:Nsubj) {
for(j in 1:T) {
# risk set = 1 if obs.t >= t
Y[i,j] <- step(obs.t[i] - t[j] + eps)
# counting process jump = 1 if obs.t in [ t[j], t[j+1] )
# i.e. if t[j] <= obs.t < t[j+1]
dN[i, j] <- Y[i, j] * step(t[j + 1] - obs.t[i] - eps) * FAIL[i]
Useless[i] <- pscenter[i] + hhcenter[i] + ncomact[i]
+ rleader[i] + dleader[i] + inter1[i] + inter2[i]
# Model
for(j in 1:T) {
for(i in 1:Nsubj) {
dN[i, j] ~ dpois(Idt[i, j]) # Likelihood
Idt[i, j] <- Y[i, j] * exp(beta[1]*pscenter[i] + beta[2]*
hhcenter[i] + beta[3]*ncomact[i] + beta[4]*rleader[i] + beta[5]*dleader[i] + beta[6]*inter1[i] + beta[7]*inter2[i]) * dL0[j] # Intensity
dL0[j] ~ dgamma(mu[j], c)
mu[j] <-[j] * c # prior mean hazard
c ~ dgamma(0.0001, 0.00001)
r ~ dgamma(0.001, 0.0001)
for (j in 1 : T) {[j] <- r * (t[j + 1] - t[j]) }
# next line indicates number of covariates and is for the corresponding betas
for(i in 1:7) {beta[i] ~ dnorm(0.0,0.00001)}
I use the following initial values
list(beta=c(-.36,-.26,-.29,-.22,-.61,-9.73,-.23), c=0.01, r=0.01, dL0=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
I use a single chain (for now) and 5000 iterations for burn-in. I run the estimation for 10000 additional iterations and receive the same point estimates as reported in the paper. These are also close to earlier frequentist estimates.
OpenBUGS> samplesStats('beta')
mean sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pcstart sample
beta[1] 3.466 0.8906 0.03592 1.696 3.48 5.175 501 9500
beta[2] -0.04155 0.06253 0.002487 -0.1609 -0.04355 0.08464 501 9500
beta[3] -0.009709 0.07353 0.002008 -0.1544 -0.01052 0.1365 501 9500
beta[4] 0.3535 0.1788 0.004184 -0.01523 0.3636 0.6724 501 9500
beta[5] 0.08454 0.1652 0.004261 -0.2464 0.08795 0.3964 501 9500
beta[6] -4.109 1.325 0.05224 -6.617 -4.132 -1.479 501 9500
beta[7] 0.1413 0.08594 0.003381 -0.03404 0.1423 0.3031 501 9500
OpenBUGS> samplesStats('c')
mean sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pcstart sample
c 4.053 1.08 0.02896 2.202 3.974 6.373 1001 10000
OpenBUGS> samplesStats('r')
mean sd MC_error val2.5pc median val97.5pcstart sample
r 0.01162 0.002929 7.846E-5 0.007387 0.01119 0.01848 1001 10000
I tried to replicate this in PyMC 2.3.2 with the following code. Full replication code is available here
def cox_model(dta):
(t, obs_t, pscenter, hhcenter, ncomact, rleader,
dleader, inter1, inter2, fail) = load_data_cox()
T = len(t) - 1
nsubj = len(obs_t)
# risk set equals one if obs_t >= t
Y = np.array([[int(obs >= time) for time in t] for obs in obs_t])
# counting process. jump = 1 if obs_t \in [t[j], t[j+1])
dN = np.array([[Y[i,j]*int(t[j+1] >= obs_t[i])*fail[i] for i in range(nsubj)] for j in range(T)])
c = Gamma('c', .0001, .00001, value=.1)
r = Gamma('r', .001, .0001, value=.1)
dL0_star = r*np.array([t[j+1] - t[j] for j in range(T)])
mu = dL0_star * c # prior mean hazard
dL0 = Gamma('dL0', mu, c, value=np.ones(T))
beta = Normal('beta', np.zeros(7), np.ones(7)*.00001,
value=np.array([-.36, -.26, -.29, -.22, -.61, -9.73, -.23]))
def idt(b1=beta, dl0=dL0):
mu_ = [[Y[i,j] * np.exp(b1[0]*pscenter[i] + b1[1]*hhcenter[i] +
b1[2]*ncomact[i] + b1[3]*rleader[i] +
b1[4]*dleader[i] + b1[5]*inter1[i] +
b1[6]*inter2[i])*dl0[j] for i in range(nsubj)]
for j in range(T)] # intensity
return mu_
dn_like = Poisson('dn_like', idt, value=dN, observed=True)
return locals()
m = MCMC(cox_model())
However, I do not come close to the same point estimates. I get something like
Mean SD MC Error 95% HPD interval
-0.537 1.094 0.099 [-2.549 1.492]
0.276 0.048 0.004 [ 0.184 0.36 ]
-1.092 0.385 0.038 [-1.559 -0.371]
-1.461 0.746 0.073 [-2.986 -0.496]
-1.865 0.382 0.038 [-2.471 -1.329]
3.778 1.539 0.133 [ 1.088 6.623]
-0.449 0.109 0.01 [-0.661 -0.26 ]
Posterior quantiles:
2.5 25 50 75 97.5
-2.892 -1.274 -0.385 0.268 1.253
0.191 0.244 0.278 0.305 0.374
-1.553 -1.434 -1.179 -0.793 -0.258
-3.132 -1.856 -1.196 -0.904 -0.526
-2.471 -2.199 -1.864 -1.632 -1.201
1.287 2.685 3.601 4.72 7.262
-0.714 -0.519 -0.445 -0.368 -0.273
Most worryingly, the signs are different. I thought maybe it was just a convergence issue, so I ran it overnight with 50,000 iterations without much change. Maybe there's some bug or difference in my PyMC model, particularly with the dL0 specification?
I've tried with different starting values. I've tried letting the model run for many iterations. I've centered the priors on the point estimates from BUGS.
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Views: 1783
Reputation: 2979
I think that the issue is non-convergence, as you thought, and the only substantial difference between the PyMC2 and BUGS implementations are the step methods and the burn-in period. To investigate thisI made a change to idt
to make it run faster, but this has the same values for idt
X = np.array([pscenter, hhcenter, ncomact, rleader, dleader, inter1, inter2]).T
def idt(beta=beta, dL0=dL0):
intensity = np.exp(, beta))
return np.transpose(Y[:,:T] * np.outer(intensity, dL0))
With this in place, plotting the trace of beta
shows that MCMC has not converged in 50,000 iterations:
There are a few things that I recommend: different starting values, different step methods, and a burn-in interval comparable to the BUGS burn-in:
vars = cox_model(dta)
m = pm.MCMC(vars)
m.use_step_method(pm.AdaptiveMetropolis, m.beta)
m.sample(iter=50000, burn=25000, thin=25)
Plotting the trace in this case shows something more promising:
This produces point estimates which are much more like the BUGS estimates you have above:
Mean SD MC Error 95% HPD interval
3.436 0.861 0.035 [ 1.827 5.192]
-0.039 0.063 0.002 [-0.155 0.081]
-0.028 0.073 0.003 [-0.159 0.119]
0.338 0.174 0.007 [ 0.009 0.679]
0.069 0.164 0.007 [-0.263 0.371]
-4.022 1.29 0.055 [-6.552 -1.497]
0.136 0.085 0.003 [-0.027 0.307]
Upvotes: 4