Reputation: 61
I can't make karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor working for external template.
Package Json file:
"gulp-karma": "*",
"karma-coverage": "*",
"karma-jasmine": "*",
"karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor": "*",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "*",
Karma config file:
browsers: [
frameworks: [
plugins: [
preprocessors: {
'app/**/*.html': 'ng-html2js'
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
stripPrefix: 'app/'
Files are defined in Build file and passed to gulp-karma. Here are the defined files:
config = { test: {
configFile: '.../karma.conf.js',
depends: [
files: [
Loading template in my directive spec like below:
I am getting the error below:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app/tem/mytemp.html due to:
Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'app/tem/mytemp.html' is not available! You either misspelled the
In karma debug.html html files are loaded in link tag output:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/absoluteC:.../app/tem/comp/mydirective.js"></script>
<link href="/absoluteC:..../app/tem/mytemp.html" rel="import">
<script type="text/javascript">
Am I missing anything? How do I debug and move forward from this issue?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 4469
Reputation: 263
I am new to this as well and I'm googling around for another problem but I think I'm a little further along than you are (I also realize this quest is a little old).
What I did was to make the following change to the ngHtml2JsPreprocessor section of the Karma config file
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
stripPrefix: 'app/',
// ADDED THIS: the name of the Angular module to create
moduleName: "my.templates"
Then in my test I referenced that module name instead of the HTML name.
I hope that helps even if it's late. Or that someone else finds the information useful as they are searching around.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1263
Here is how I solved the exact same problem:
1) npm install karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor --save-dev
(you have already done that)
2) In karma.config.js:
// ....
preprocessors: {
'**/*.html': ['ng-html2js']
// ....
ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
stripPrefix: 'app/', // <-- change as needed for the project
// include beforeEach(module('templates')) in unit tests
moduleName: 'templates'
plugins : [
3) Since gulp-karma overwrites the files
property of the karma.conf.js, change the gulp task config for your test setup(s) (I had two: one test
that runs the tests once and another called tdd
for continuous testing) to something like this:
gulp.task('test', function() {
var bowerDeps = ...
var testFiles = bowerDeps.js.concat([
'app/**/*.html' // <-- This is what you need to add to load the .html files
return gulp.src(testFiles)
configFile: 'test/karma.conf.js',
action: 'run'
Hope this will help someone.
Upvotes: 11