Reputation: 21005
This is a follow up to my previous question about processing a Vector representation of a 5.1m edge directed graph. I am trying to implement Kosaraju's graph algorithm and thus need to rearrange my Vector in the order of the finishing times of a depth first search (DFS) on the edges reversed. I have code that runs on small data sets but that fails to return in 10 minutes on the full data set. (I can't exclude that a loop arises from the big graph, but there are no signs of that on my test data.)
DFS needs to avoid revisiting nodes, so I need some sort of 'state' for the search (currently a tuple, should I use a State Monad?). The first search should return a reordered Vector, but I am keeping things simple at present by returning a list of the reordered Node indexes so that I can process the Vector in one go subsequently.
I presume the issue lies in dfsInner
. The code below 'remembers' the nodes visited updating the explored field of each node (third guard). Although I tried to make it tail recursive, the code seems to grow memory use fairly fast. Do I need to enforce some strictness and if so, how? (I have another version that I use on a single search search, which checks for previous visits by looking at the start nodes of the unexplored edges on the stack and the list of nodes that have been completed. This does not grow so quickly, but does not return for any well connected node.)
However, it could also be the foldr'
, but how can I detect that?
This is supposedly Coursera homework, but I'm no longer sure I can tick the honour code button! Learning is more important though, so I don't really want a copy/paste answer. What I have is not very elegant - it has an imperative feel to it too, which is driven by the issue with keeping some sort of state - see third guard. I'd welcome comments on design patterns.
type NodeName = Int
type Edges = [NodeName]
type Explored = Bool
type Stack = [(Int, Int)]
data Node = Node NodeName Explored Edges Edges deriving (Eq, Show)
type Graph = Vector Node
main = do
edges <- V.fromList `fmap` getEdges "SCC.txt"
maxIndex = fst $ V.last edges
gr = createGraph maxIndex edges
res = dfsOuter gr
--return gr
putStrLn $ show res
dfsOuter gr =
let tmp = V.foldr' callInner (gr,[]) gr
in snd tmp
callInner :: Node -> (Graph, Stack) -> (Graph, Stack)
callInner (Node idx _ fwd bwd) (gr,acc) =
let (Node _ explored _ _) = gr V.! idx
in case explored of
True -> (gr, acc)
False ->
initialStack = map (\l -> (idx, l)) bwd
gr' = gr V.// [(idx, Node idx True fwd bwd)]
(gr'', newScc) = dfsInner idx initialStack (length acc) (gr', [])
in (gr'', newScc++acc)
dfsInner :: NodeName -> Stack -> Int -> (Graph, [(Int, Int)]) -> (Graph, [(Int, Int)])
dfsInner start [] finishCounter (gr, acc) = (gr, (start, finishCounter):acc)
dfsInner start stack finishCounter (gr, acc)
| nextStart /= start = -- no more places to go from this node
dfsInner nextStart stack (finishCounter + 1) $ (gr, (start, finishCounter):acc)
| nextExplored =
-- nextExplored || any (\(y,_) -> y == stack0Head) stack || any (\(x,_) -> x == stack0Head) acc =
dfsInner start (tail stack) finishCounter (gr, acc)
| otherwise =
dfsInner nextEnd (add2Stack++stack) finishCounter (gr V.// [(nextEnd, Node idx True nextLHS nextRHS)], acc)
-- dfsInner gr stack0Head (add2Stack++stack) finishCounter acc
(nextStart, nextEnd) = head stack
(Node idx nextExplored nextLHS nextRHS) = gr V.! nextEnd
add2Stack = map (\l -> (nextEnd, l)) nextRHS
Upvotes: 6
Views: 256
Reputation: 21005
Based on @andras gist, I rewrote my code as below. I did not use Arrow functions as I am unfamiliar with them, and my second depth first search is stylistically the same as the first one (instead of @Andras filterM approach). The end result is that it completes in 20% of the time of Andras' code (21s instead of 114s).
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
--import Criterion.Main
--getEdges :: String -> IO [(Int, Int)]
getEdges file = do
lines <- (map BS.words . BS.lines) `fmap` BS.readFile file
pairs = (map . map) (maybe (error "can't read Int") fst . BS.readInt) lines
pairs' = [(a, b) | [a, b] <- pairs] -- adds 9 seconds
maxIndex = fst $ last pairs'
graph = createGraph maxIndex pairs'
return graph
main = do
graph <- getEdges "SCC.txt"
--maxIndex = fst $ V.last edges
fts = bwdLoop graph
leaders = fst $ execState (fwdLoop graph fts) ([], IS.empty)
print $ length leaders
type Connections = [Int]
data Node = Node {fwd, bwd :: Connections} deriving (Show)
type Graph = V.Vector Node
type Visited = IS.IntSet
type FinishTime = Int
type FinishTimes = [FinishTime]
type Leaders = [Int]
createGraph :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Graph
createGraph maxIndex pairs =
graph = V.replicate (maxIndex+1) (Node [] [])
graph' = V.accum (\(Node f b) x -> Node (x:f) b) graph pairs
in V.accum (\(Node f b) x -> Node f (x:b)) graph' $ map (\(a,b) -> (b,a)) pairs
bwdLoop :: Graph -> FinishTimes
bwdLoop g = fst $ execState (mapM_ go $ reverse [0 .. V.length g - 1]) ([], IS.empty) where
go :: Int -> State (FinishTimes, Visited) ()
go i = do
(fTimes, vs) <- get
let visited = IS.member i vs
if not visited then do
put (fTimes, IS.insert i vs)
mapM_ go $ bwd $ g V.! i
-- get state again after changes from mapM_
(fTimes', vs') <- get
put (i : fTimes', vs')
else return ()
fwdLoop :: Graph -> FinishTimes -> State (Leaders, Visited) ()
fwdLoop _ [] = return ()
fwdLoop g (i:fts) = do
(ls, vs) <- get
let visited = IS.member i vs
if not visited then do
put (i:ls, IS.insert i vs)
mapM_ go $ fwd $ g V.! i
else return ()
fwdLoop g fts
go :: Int -> State (Leaders, Visited) ()
go i = do
(ls, vs) <- get
let visited = IS.member i vs
if not visited then do
put (ls, IS.insert i vs)
mapM_ go $ fwd $ g V.! i
else return ()
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 30103
In a nutshell:
Know the time complexities.
There are a lot of fine points to optimization, a large subset of which being not very important in everyday programming, but fail to know the asymptotic complexities and programs will often just not work at all.
Haskell libraries usually document the complexities, especially when it's not obvious or not effective (linear of worse). In particular, all the complexities relevant to this question can be found in Data.List
and Data.Vector
The performance is killed by V.//
here. Vectors are boxed or unboxed immutable contiguous arrays in memory. Hence, modifying them requires copying the entire vector. Since we have O(N) such modifications, the whole algorithm is O(n^2), so we have to copy about 2 terabytes with N = 500000. So, there isn't much use for marking visited nodes inside the vector. Instead, build an IntSet
of indices as needed.
initialStack (length acc)
also looks really bad. It's almost never a good idea to use length
on large lists, because it's also O(n). It's probably not as nearly as bad as //
in your code, since it sits in a relatively rarely occurring branch, but it'd still leave the performance crippled after we've corrected the vector issue.
Also, the search implementation seems rather unclear and overcomplicated to me. Aiming for a literal-minded translation of the pseudocode on the Wiki page should be a good start. Also, it's unnecessary to store the indices in nodes, since they can be determined from vector positions and the adjacency lists.
Upvotes: 2