Reputation: 355
I configured the spatial plugin for Neo4j with the following REST API Calls:
POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext/SpatialPlugin/graphdb/addSimplePointLayer
"layer" : "geom",
"lat" : "lat",
"lon" : "lon"
POST http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node/
"name" : "geom",
"config" : {
"provider" : "spatial",
"geometry_type" : "point",
"lat" : "lat",
"lon" : "lon"
I add spatial nodes with the following Scala code (embedded in a Play application):
val mergeStatement = Cypher(
MERGE (location: Location {placesID: {id}, name: {name}, lat: {lat}, lon: {lon}})
RETURN id(location)
).on("id" -> id, "name" -> name, "reference" -> reference, "lat" -> latitude, "lon" -> longitude)
val nodeID = mergeStatement().head[Long]("id(location)")
val bodyA = JsObject(Seq(("value",JsString("dummy")),("key",JsString("dummy")),("uri", JsString(Neo4jREST.baseURL + "node/" + nodeID.toString))))
WS.url(Neo4jREST.baseURL + "index/node/geom").withHeaders("Accept" -> "application.json").post(bodyA) map { response =>
val bodyB = JsObject(Seq(("layer",JsString("geom")),("node", JsString(Neo4jREST.baseURL + "node/" + nodeID.toString))))
WS.url(Neo4jREST.baseURL + "ext/SpatialPlugin/graphdb/addNodeToLayer").withHeaders("Accept" -> "application.json").post(bodyB)
Everything looks fine and
POST http://neo4jurl/db/data/ext/SpatialPlugin/graphdb/findGeometriesWithinDistance`
"layer" : "geom",
"pointX" : 8.5,
"pointY" : 47.3,
"distanceInKm" : 10
returns some Location nodes (and some nodes from the spatial index itself - is this normal?) but
POST http://neo4jurl//db/data/cypher
"query" : "start node = node:geom('withinDistance:[8.5,47.3, 10.0]') return node"
only returns
"columns" : [
"data" : []
What is wrong? Is something missing?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 142
Reputation: 1108
You are mixing up Layers with Indexes. The cypher query only works off indexes. So don't even create a layer. Just create a spatial index, and add nodes to the spatial index, then cypher will see them.
See for example.
Upvotes: 1