Reputation: 131
I've been reading the vast majority of topics on this subject in this and other forums, but I still can't find where my problem is. Here's what I have:
drop type RecordCount_tab;
drop type RecordCount_obj;
create type RecordCount_obj is object(Symbol varchar2(6), TimeFrame char(3), TotalCount number, minDate date, maxDate date);
show errors;
create type RecordCount_tab is table of RecordCount_obj;
show errors;
create or replace function RecordCount return RecordCount_tab is
l_RecordCount_tab RecordCount_tab := RecordCount_tab();
tName varchar2(64); vMinDate date; vMaxDate date; vCount number;
n integer :=0;
for r in (select table_name, substr(table_name,1,instr(table_name,'_')-1) as "BaseTable", substr(table_name,instr(table_name,'_')+1,length(table_name)-instr(table_name,'_')) as "TimeFrame" from user_tables) loop
dbms_output.put_line('select min(NewDateTime), max(NewDateTime), count(*) from '||r.table_name);
execute immediate 'select min(NewDateTime), max(NewDateTime), count(*) from '||r.table_name into vMinDate, vMaxDate, vCount;
l_RecordCount_tab(n) := (r.BaseTable, r.TimeFrame, vCount, vMinDate, vMaxDate);
end loop;
return l_RecordCount_tab;
show errors;
I keep getting
PLS-00302: component 'BASETABLE' must be declared
and I don't understand why that is, as the query runs perfectly fine from sqlplus. I also tried to remove the alias, to no avail.
What am I missing?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 176
Reputation: 157098
You should remove the double quotes around the field alias in the for
( select table_name
, substr(table_name,1,instr(table_name,'_')-1) BaseTable
, substr(table_name,instr(table_name,'_')+1,length(table_name)-instr(table_name,'_')) TimeFrame from user_tables
As a simplied example. This works:
for r in (select 'x' d from dual) -- NO quotes
dbms_output.put_line(r.d); -- NO quotes
end loop;
While this doesn't:
for r in (select 'x' "d" from dual) -- double quotes
dbms_output.put_line(r.d); -- NO quotes
end loop;
But this does:
for r in (select 'x' "d" from dual) -- double quotes
dbms_output.put_line(r."d"); -- double quotes
end loop;
Upvotes: 2