Reputation: 35
I'm working on a small app similar to instaprint and need some help. I'm using the source code from Globalgram by Andrew Haskin, it searches instagram for a particular hashtag and displays the most recent image posted with that hashtag. The problem is it only does it once, I need it to continuously search for the hashtag and display an image when a new one is added, so a refresh, I've been tinkering with it but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Code Below :
import com.francisli.processing.http.*;
PFont InstagramFont;
PImage backgroundimg;
PImage brand;
PImage userphoto;
PImage profilepicture;
String username;
String tag;
String[] tagStrings;
com.francisli.processing.http.HttpClient client;
void setup() {
size(580, 900);
backgroundimg = loadImage("iso_background.jpg");
brand = loadImage("iso.jpg");
InstagramFont = loadFont("Helvetica-Bold-36.vlw");
client = new com.francisli.processing.http.HttpClient(this, "");
client.useSSL = true;
//// instantiate a new HashMap
HashMap params = new HashMap();
//// put key/value pairs that you want to send in the request
params.put("access_token", "------ACCESS TOKEN HERE------");
params.put("count", "1");
client.GET("/v1/tags/coffee/media/recent.json", params);
void responseReceived(com.francisli.processing.http.HttpRequest request, com.francisli.processing.http.HttpResponse response) {
//// we get the server response as a JSON object
com.francisli.processing.http.JSONObject content = response.getContentAsJSONObject();
//// get the "data" value, which is an array
com.francisli.processing.http.JSONObject data = content.get("data");
//// get the first element in the array
com.francisli.processing.http.JSONObject first = data.get(0);
//// the "user" value is another dictionary, from which we can get the "full_name" string value
//// the "caption" value is another dictionary, from which we can get the "text" string value
//// get profile picture
//// the "images" value is another dictionary, from which we can get different image URL data
com.francisli.processing.http.JSONObject tags = first.get("tags");
tagStrings = new String[tags.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
tagStrings[i] = tags.get(i).stringValue();
username = first.get("user").get("full_name").stringValue();
String profilepicture_url = first.get("user").get("profile_picture").stringValue();
profilepicture = loadImage(profilepicture_url, "png");
String userphoto_url = first.get("images").get("standard_resolution").get("url").stringValue();
userphoto = loadImage(userphoto_url, "png");
void draw() {
image(brand, 100, height/1.05);
if (profilepicture != null) {
image(profilepicture, 60, 70, 90, 90);
if (userphoto != null) {
image(userphoto, width/2, height/2.25, 550, 550);
textFont(InstagramFont, 20);
if (username != null) {
text(username, 110, 115);
textFont(InstagramFont, 15);
if ((tagStrings != null) && (tagStrings.length > 0)) {
String line = tagStrings[0];
for (int i = 1; i < tagStrings.length; i++) {
line += ", " + tagStrings[i];
text(line, 25, 720, 550, 50);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1344
Reputation: 2729
AFAIK it should be the
client.GET("/v1/tags/coffee/media/recent.json", params);
line that actually polls Instagram. Try wrapping that in a function like this:
void getGrams() {
client.GET("/v1/tags/coffee/media/recent.json", params);
then call that once in setup() and then again when you want to ...
I'd start with trying to do it on mousePressed() or keyPressed(), so that it only fires once when you really want it to
Don't try to do it in draw() without a timer (something like if(frameCount % 5000 == 0)
which will fire every five seconds ((which may be too fast still but you get the idea))
Upvotes: 1