Reputation: 140
I'm trying to split up an XML file via simpleDOM and PHP. There are several nodes, and I need to exactly copy each one and all of its children, then export them to a separate XML file. I have been able to extract all the children and the attributes and echo them into PHP, but I can't figure out how to properly make them as XML. I tried using the cloneNode function, but it just returned a big empty space, indicating that it had children inside. I'm able to have it pull the top level values, but not the child nodes or the attributes. What can I do here?
include 'SimpleDOM.php';
$testXML = simpledom_load_file("testBase.xml")
or die("Can't find file, brah");
$outputXML = new DOMDocument("1.0"); //This will be reset after each file export.
function generateXML(){
//sets up the xml for out put
$xmlRoot = $outputXML ->createElement("Item");
$xmlRoot = $outputXML ->createElement("Itemz");
//echo "<xmp>".$outputXML->saveXML()."</xmp>";
$outputXML->save("xmlOutTest.xml") or die("ERROR SAVING XML");
function processXML($node){
$outputXML = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$xmlRoot = $outputXML ->createElement("Item");
foreach($node->children() as $item => $data){
if($item =="Item"){
echo "<h2>NEW ITEM </h2> <br/>";
$outputXML = new DOMDocument("1.0");
//$xmlRoot = $outputXML ->createElement("Item");
//$newElement = $outputXML->createElement("Itemz",$data->cloneNode(true));
foreach($data as $itemName=>$itemInfo){
echo $itemInfo."<br />";
$newElement = $outputXML->createElement($itemName,$itemInfo);
// $newElement = $outputXML->createElement($item,$data);
// $outputXML->appendChild($newElement);
echo $item.": ".$data;
foreach($data->attributes() as $attribName=>$attribData){
$saveName= $attribData;
echo $attribName .'="'.$attribData."<br/>";
echo "<br />";
if($item =="Item"){
echo "<xmp>".$outputXML->saveXML()."</xmp>";
$outputXML->save($saveName.".xml") or die("ERROR SAVING XML");
Here is my output
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Description>ITEM DESCRIPTION</Description>
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